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If you have any comments on this script please E-mail me at thanks.

The Plague



Michael C. Song

Michael C. Song Cary Quadrangle, mail box# 879
West Lafayette, IN 47906-4243
Phone #: 765-495-2514 E-mail: or

Registered on 05/25/2001


Roll credits

A blazing meteor hurtles past Pluto, then Uranus, then Saturn.

It charges into a thick mist of space dust.


The meteor zips past asteroids. It collides with several asteroids shattering them into hundreds of burning fragments.

The meteor soars out of the mist approaching Mars.


It tumbles past Mars heading straight for Earth.

As the torrid meteor plunges past the moon, pieces of debris from the meteor's tail crash onto the moon's surface.

The dust settles, revealing newly created craters.

Burning fragments shred from the meteor plunging into the Earth’s atmosphere.


A private yacht floats calmly in the still water.


Two shirtless drunken teenagers wearing khakis leans against the rail at the rear of the boat.


Look at all the little fishies swimming there. Hey, wanna see if they like beer?

Teenager One pours beer over the side of the boat.


I always wanted to see what they look like when they're getting a buzz.

Teenager Two takes a swig of his beer, pours the rest overboard, then crushes the can against his forehead.



Teenager Two tosses the crushed can overboard. He reaches down and pulls out a cold beer from the cooler.


Dude! This beer kicks ass, where'd you get this?


My old man, what kind of shit does your old man have?

Teenager One finishes dumping the beer overboard. He tosses the can into the water, then pulls out two cans of beer.


Yo, betcha fifty bucks I can chug these two suckers down in one swing.

Teenager two

You’re on…you better fucking have the money to back it up this time.

As Teenager One pops both cans open, the light from the burning meteor ignites the night sky.

Both teenagers squint their eyes, gazing at the meteor.


Damn! What the hell is that?

The meteor heads straight for the yacht. Teenager One points at it.


Whatever the fuck it is, it’s heading straight for us…

Both teenagers jump overboard.

The meteor disintegrates the yacht.


The two teenagers surface. They stare at the burning wreck, mouth ajar.


A curious crowd gathers along the harbor watching the salvage crew at work.

A mustached man wearing a "F.B.I." jacket leans over the railing. Behind him is a greasy worker in flannels holding the crane's control in his hand with a lit cigarette between his lips.

A diver pops out of the water; he tears his goggles off, spits his mouthpiece out, and brushes his damp hair back.


Is everything secured?

Diver gives a thumb up.


Yea, everything is all secured, you can lift her up whenever you're ready.

The FBI Man gives a thumb up back to the diver.



The diver grabs onto the side of the boat and tosses his goggles on the boat’s deck. He looks up at the FBI Man and extends his hand out.

FBI Man helps the diver climb back in the boat.



The diver un-holsters his air tank from his wetsuit, dropping it onto the deck, then walks off.

The FBI Man waves to the crane operator.


Ok, bring her up.

The crane operator presses a button on the control. The crane lifts a green meteor sealed in a clear hard plastic shield out of the water.


Ok, bring her in, slowly...she's worth more then you and me will ever make.

The crane lifts the meteor above the boat's deck, and then slowly lowers it.


Careful now, careful...set it down gently.

THUMP, the meteor hits the deck hard. The FBI Man’s face flushes red.


God damn it, I said be gentle with that thing!

crane operator

Sorry boss.

The crane operator removes the butt of his cigarette from his mouth, tosses it to the floor, and grinds it under his shoe.


The curtains in the room are pulled shut. Five suited men sit around a rectangular conference table facing a large television set building into the wall listening tentatively to a mid-aged doctor in white medical lab coat at the head of the table beside the projection screen.

The doctor remotely starts up a video footage of a doctor in a biohazard suit carrying a frail monkey out of its cage to a surgical bench where he straps the monkey down.


...We cultivated the foreign virus extracted from the meteor and injected a group of monkeys infected with Ebola-Zaire using the samples from the culture kept at the center for disease control. I imagine all of you are aware of the lethality of Ebola...

The doctor forwards the footage to one showing the monkeys actively bouncing up and down in a small confined room.


This is an hour after initial introduction of the viral strain...

Once again the doctor forwards the footage to that of a blood sample under powerful microscope.


We weren't sure why the monkeys suddenly became healthy, so we tested blood samples from each of the monkeys...and there was no trace of the Ebola virus found in the blood samples...Nine additional tests were conducted with duplicate results.

The doctor forwards the footage again, showing the wild monkeys locked in cages.


We kept the group in isolation and under constant surveillance for a little more then a month, twice the required time for Ebola to inhabit and kill its you can see, the monkeys are quite healthy...and very active.

The doctor skips the digital video to one showing a man in his early thirties sitting on the edge of the bed holding tightly onto his stomach. The room is dimly lit. He stares straight ahead with bloodshot eyes as a medical person in a biohazard suit injects him with a clear solution.


Then, we moved on to testing the viral culture on a human subject...the subject's name is William DeBaun, A captain in the US Army Special Forces. He was operating in Zaire when he contracted Ebola...probably from ingesting wild animals, namely rodents.

On the TV screen, the nurse leaves DeBaun, who is still in his combat uniform, sitting on the edge of his bed staring straight ahead.


Mr. DeBaun's case is complicated with the discovery that he not only carries Ebola, but also the AIDS virus. We never tested the sample on AIDS carrying subjects, but due to the short life expectancy for the subject, which is approximately anywhere been twenty-eight and forty hours at the most. We went ahead and injected him with a sample extracted from the culture.

The doctor skips the footage to DeBaun doing sit-ups on the floor.


This is taken a day after treatment. We tested his blood for both AIDS and Ebola. The result came back negative for filamentous particles in his blood.

The doctor turns the TV off as he walks to the light switch by the door and turns it on.


Gentlemen, what you have just witnessed is a miracle unprecedented in nature. This unknown virus holds the key to the cure for many of the deadliest infections known to mankind.


The only side effect that we have noticed in Mr. DeBaun is his spontaneous increase in strength.


A nurse wearing biohazard suit carries a tray of food through the static free tunnel toward the sliding door.

The nurse inserts the tray into a slot in the wall, where the tray is scanned as it slides through the wall. The nurse enters her password on the digital keypad on the metallic doorframe.

BEEP, the door slides open letting the nurse into the static free room, then BEEP, CLICK, the door reseals itself behind the nurse.


The nurse turns around to the slot on the wall removing the tray from the slot.


She turns around carrying the tray toward DeBaun who sits on the edge of his bed in white T-shirt and pajamas watching the film “Devil's Brigade“ on TV.

She sets the tray down on top of the nightstand beside the bed.


Hello William, its time for dinner. How are you feeling today?


Like shit! I want out of this inferno now!


When you’re better, you're almost recovered, be patient.

DeBaun stands up furious.


No. Do you know how long it’s been since I saw my wife, my kids, my dog Rocky?

(Breaks down in tears)

I miss them...It's more than a fucking year now. You people lied to me. You told me I'd be out in a few weeks, then a few months. God, I’m human too, I have every right to see my family.


I know you want to go home, but you can't leave. You are not well enough.

Nurse sets the tray down on the nightstand, takes several steps back.


Just wait here and I'll go see what I can do?


That's what you said yesterday, and the day before that. God damn it, I'm not a fool. I know you'll not going to help me. They’ll never let me go, I’m their guinea pig now.


What are you talking about? I want to help you. I really do. Be patient, we’ll get you out eventually.


No, everyday it’s test after test after test. It's driving me insane, I want out of this shit hole. I don’t want to wait years after they’re done doing tests on me before I get out. I want out NOW!



No, you can' signed a contract!


Screw the contract, I'm leaving.

The Nurse stands up and steps in front of DeBaun.


I can't let you do that.

DeBaun grabs the nurse's throat


Look Miss...

He reads the name printed on the biohazard suit.


Bernicky, you have been very good taking care of me. I don't want to hurt you, so please, stay out of my way, ok?

The nurse nods.


Ok, ok.


What’s the pin number?




The password to the door.



Five nine two five three.

DeBaun nods, steps around the nurse heading for the door.

The nurse pushes herself back up to her feet. She rubs the back of her head for a second, then picks up the tray and sneaks up behind DeBaun.

WHAMP, she swings the tray with all her might against the back of the DeBaun's head, knocking him forward onto the floor.

As DeBaun does a martial arts back flip onto his feet, he reaches out and tears a large portion of the nurse's biohazard suit exposing her naked neck.

As he backs the nurse to the metallic wall, he examines the nurse's neck. The nurse gasps as her back touches the wall.


What are you going to do to me?

With a growl, he grabs the nurse's lower jaw, forcing her head to tilt to one side. He opens his mouth and extends out his tongue, SHINK, a pointy rod shoots out from the parted tip of his tongue piercing deep into the nurse's neck, and then it retracts, leaving her screaming in pain. She covers the gashing wound with her hand.

DeBaun affixes on the blood streaming through her fingers with fascination. He pulls the nurse's neck to his lips. DeBaun wraps his lips tightly around the wound as he drinks the weakening nurse’s blood with deep satisfaction.


Two military police officers walk past a large thick metal double door, BOOM, DeBaun bursts through the door headfirst.

The military police turn pointing their assault rifles at DeBaun yelling simultaneously.

military police ONE

Stop right there! Put your hands up!


Hold it! Hands up where we can see them!

DeBaun calmly stands in front of the military police with his hands above his head. His eyes wander from one officer to the other.

The first officer draws his walkie-talkie from its holster strapped to his waist belt.


Base, this is security sweep Bravo, we have the subject quarantined. Our current position is in the main hallway on D block, adjacent to the genetics lab. Over.

A moment of silence.



Ahem, roger that Bravo. Tango, Alpha, and Zulu are on their way.


DeBaun’s pupils shrink as the white of his eyes turn yellow. He blinks, and his eyes turn into cat eyes. He leaps forward, charging at the two military police like a lion.

The two officers open fire, knocking DeBaun backward onto the floor. Blood oozes out from underneath him as the two officers give each other a nod and advance cautiously toward DeBaun with their rifle ready.

Blood stops oozing out underneath DeBaun.

The two officers stand on both sides of DeBaun. The second officer nudges DeBaun's side with the tip of his shoe while the other stands aside with rifle pointed at DeBaun.

DeBaun gives no response. The two officers give each other a nervous glance.

military police ONE

Is he dead?

Military Police One looks down at DeBaun then back at his partner.

military police TWO

He gotta be.

DeBaun's right arm slides slowly toward the lead piping running along the base of the wall.

military police ONE

You sure? I mean, did you check his pulse?

DeBaun tears off a section of the pipe, swinging it around striking the back of officer one's head. Gas leaks out from the piping.

The officer falls to the floor with the back of his head stained in blood as the other officer opens fire on DeBaun.

DeBaun drops the pipe as he scales up the wall then crawls on the ceiling, landing behind the enraged military officer.

The officer spins around surprised to find DeBaun in his face.

DeBaun grabs his throat, tearing a piece of his esophagus out, then runs off leaving his victim on the floor gasping for air.


Loud sirens fill the air as DeBaun dashes toward the cement wall with barbed wires erected on top of it. At the front gate soldiers are waiting behind jeeps and hummers in defensive positions as black helicopters fly above the compound searching for DeBaun with the searchlight mounted under the helicopter.


DeBaun hits the ground, lying flat as a helicopter swoops past him. The helicopter's searchlight barely misses him.

He takes a deep breath, and then pushes himself back onto his feet just as a second helicopter flies by. The second helicopter's searchlight shines on DeBaun fleeing toward the cement wall.


Halt! Stop right where you are!

DeBaun continues running toward the cement wall.


This is your last warning, if you do not comply immediately we will commence firing.

The machinegun on the helicopter flashes as dirt behind DeBaun kicks up.

He runs up the cement wall, then does a one handed cartwheel over the barbed wires.


The searchlight from the pursuing helicopter, HELICOPTER ONE, keeping track of DeBaun as he runs for his life from the blazing machine gun.

WOOOOOSH, an approaching helicopter, HELICOPTER TWO, launches a heat-seeking missile at DeBaun.

BOOM, the missile explodes beside DeBaun, knocking him onto his side.

Helicopter Two swoops by the charred ground as Helicopter One suspends in mid-air shinning its searchlight on the ground where DeBaun's charred body lies motionless.

Moments later, DeBaun rolls over and gets back onto his feet, fleeing in torn clothing as his burned skin heals at an incredible rate.

Helicopter One opens fire on DeBaun as Helicopter Two makes a hard turn, coming back around with machine guns blazing.

The distant whistles of an approaching train get louder and louder.

As DeBaun approaches the railroad track, a cargo train cuts in front of him. DeBaun looks behind him and sees the two helicopters approaching with blazing machineguns.

He dives to the ground as the helicopters swoops pass above him and over the freight train.