16-4 Responsibilities:

A) and B) remain the same.

C)  EDP/HDP Committee - The EDP/HDP committee shall be comprised of an equal number of Employer and Association representatives. At least three members must be present to constitute a quorum to conduct business with at least one member from each side (Employer and Association). Voting power for the conduct of business shall always be equal on each side. For example, if there are 3 Association members and 2 Employer members present each Association member shall have 1 vote and each Employer member shall have 1 1/2 votes for the conduct of business. The committee shall determine the chairperson. The chairperson shall be considered for rotation annually.

D)  EDP/HDP Committee Chairperson - The EDP/HDP Committee Chairperson is responsible for the coordination of the HDP and EDP program and the conduct of committee meetings. The Employer shall review and disseminate all appropriate issuance from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and the National Guard Bureau (NGB) as it relates to this article. The Adjutant General shall appoint one of the Employer’s committee members as a designated responsible point of contact for the EDP/HDP program.

E) EDP/HDP Committee Members - The EDP/HDP Committee Members sole responsibility is to review and recommend approval or disapproval of situations to TAG, regarding the application of EDP/HDP coverage in accordance with applicable government regulations.

1. The Employer and Labor Organization, through the EDP/HDP committee, shall conduct annual evaluations of the program and the approved situations to insure that they are current and valid. The committee may receive technical assistance as necessary to make a determination.

2. The committee shall meet quarterly, if necessary, for the purpose of recommending approval or disapproval of new situations that arise during the review period that will be handled on a case by case basis.

3. The Members shall conduct their reviews and make their decisions based solely on the guidance provided in the appropriate and current CFR regulations applying to this program as identified in this article and shall not be effected by any other considerations.

New Situations - Submissions must include information about the hazard, physical hardship or working condition, showing:

1)  The nature of the exposure, so as to show clearly that the hazard, physical hardship or working condition results from exposure of an unusually severe nature.

2)  The degree to which the employee is exposed to the hazard, physical hardship or working condition of an unusually severe nature.

3)  The period of time during which the exposure will continue to exist.

4)  The degree to which control may be exercised over the physical hardship, hazard or working condition of an unusually severe nature. The request shall also include the rate of environmental differential recommended to be established.

5)  Recommendations to establish new situations or to change existing situations must address the conditions indicated above and must be submitted in the format indicated in Appendix B of this contract.

Addendum to Article 16 HAZARDOUS DUTY PAY AND ENVIRONMENTAL DIFFERENTIAL PAY of LMA dated 30 December 2005. 16-4 C), D), E) are changed as above. No other changes to this article.
