Name: ______Date: ______


Assessing 21st Century Skills

The following rubric highlights the key 21st-century skills to evaluate as students complete an activity. It is not essential to evaluate all the skills at once. Rather, at certain points during an activity, you may choose to evaluate one or more of the skills. You may evaluate a small sampling of students for one activity and other groupings of students for subsequent activities.

21st Century Skills Activity Rubric[1]

Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4
Collaboration / - rarely provides suggestions and ideas to the group
- rarely listens to and values the suggestions or ideas of others
- rarely assumes shared responsibility for the completion of the activity / - sometimes provides suggestions and ideas to the group
- sometimes listens to and values the suggestions or ideas of others
- sometimes assumes shared responsibility for the completion of the activity / - usually provides suggestions and ideas to the group
- usually listens to and values the suggestions or ideas of others
- usually assumes shared responsibility for the completion of the activity / - always provides suggestions and ideas to the group
- always listens to and values the suggestions or ideas of others
- always assumes shared responsibility for the completion of the activity
Critical Thinking / - demonstrates limited ability to reflect, analyze, and evaluate during completion of the activity / - demonstrates some ability to reflect, analyze, and evaluate during completion of the activity / - demonstrates good ability to reflect, analyze, and evaluate during completion of the activity / - demonstrates advanced ability to reflect, analyze, and evaluate during completion of the activity
Communication / - demonstrates limited ability in expressing thinking and understanding using various means: verbal, written, pictorially / - demonstrates some ability in expressing thinking and understanding using various means: verbal, written, pictorially / - demonstrates good ability in expressing thinking and understanding using various means: verbal, written, pictorially / - demonstrates advanced ability in expressing thinking and understanding using various means: verbal, written, pictorially
Creativity / - demonstrates limited self-direction and exploratory learning using the materials and physical environment provided
- final product is not very innovative, useful, or satisfying to others / - demonstrates some self-direction and exploratory learning using the materials and physical environment provided
- final product is somewhat innovative, useful, or satisfying to others / - demonstrates good self-direction and exploratory learning using the materials and physical environment provided
- final product is rather innovative, useful, or satisfying to others / - demonstrates advanced self-direction and exploratory learning using the materials and physical environment provided
- final product is very innovative, useful, or satisfying to others


Scientific Investigation Skills

After completing an activity, read the following statements. For each statement, if applicable, write the rating that best represents your contribution.

Rating Scale
1. Rarely 2. Sometimes 3. Usually 4. Often

Initiating and Planning

___I formulated questions and hypotheses and then planned experiments to help answer them.

___I made predictions. I tested predictions by determining relationships between variables in my activity.

Performing and Recording

___I made observations.

___I gathered, organized, and recorded information from my activity.

Analyzing and Interpreting

___I analyzed the data or information from the activity.

___I identified patterns and relationships to draw conclusions.


___I was able to communicate with others my ideas, procedures, results, and conclusions.

___I communicated verbally, in writing, and with labelled diagrams.


Scientific Knowledge and Skills

After completing an activity, read the following statements. For each statement, if applicable, write the rating that best represents your contribution.

Rating Scale
1. Limited 2. Some 3. Considerable 4. High Degree/Thorough

Knowledge and Understanding

___I gained knowledge of information and definitions of new terms from the activity. I understand the concepts and the process of science learned in the activity.

Thinking and Investigation

___I identified the problem being investigated and asked questions to help study the problem.

___I gathered, recorded, and analyzed data and was able to draw conclusions from the data.


___I expressed myself verbally, in writing, and with labelled diagrams.

___While communicating, I used scientific information and definitions learned from completing the activity.


___I applied my knowledge and understanding to familiar problems presented in the activity.

___I transferred knowledge to unfamiliar situations presented in the activity.

Permission to reproduce this page is granted for student use.1

[1].Adapted in part from Partnership for 21st Century Learning: Resources for Educators;