Minutes of Conservation Commission

Regular Monthly Meeting

7:00 PM, September 2, 2015

Members: Rick Holloway, Sandy Prisloe, Margot Burns, Pat Woomer

Meeting called to order at 7:07 PM

Minutes of the June meeting were approved.

Audience of citizens: none present

Correspondence: Copies of The Habitat were distributed. Notice of the annual CACIWC meeting in Wallingford on November 14th. A MOTION was made and approved to pay the combined CACIWC dues for the CCC and the Inland Wetlands Agency.

Old Business

1.. E- Team Report

a. Desirable to promote the light bulb exchange and energy fair which is scheduled for Oct 10.

b. We will use the opportunity to solicit additional members for the Conservation Commission.

c. Margot will ask Janice E if whe can provide an information display to promote the trash recycling program.

2. Greenway Signage.

a. Pat will make a frame for the sign and install it this weekend. A “ribbon cutting” will be set up at a future date.

b. Sandy will talk to Rita Christopher to write an Article for the Valley Courier.

3.  Envirotips.

a. Peggy has been taking care of sending these to Lynne. They are very well received.

New Business

1.  Cedar Lake

a.  Discussion of natural controls (e.g. milfoil-eating perch). The following action items continue:

b.  Tom Brelsford, Cedar Lake Rd, was on the Cedar Lake Advisory Committee. It has not met for several years.

c.  East Haddam is doing a test plot (25 acres?) for weed control in one of their lakes.

d.  Rick is to find out who is the professor at Springfield College. Assessments of the lake have been conducted for many years as part of an ongoing project.

e.  Rick is to see if Ed Meehan knows the location of all the files on Cedar Lake which were given to George Foulds when he was the chairman of the CL Advisory Committee. Does the Chester Library have a copy of the IEP Report?

f.  Sandy will talk to Geoff Jacobson to obtain a sewer drainage map of Cedar Lake Terrace.

2. A Neighborhood Forest meeting will be held on September 13th near Messerschmitt Pond. Sandy will write something for Chester Events -- deadline Sept 10).

3. Conservation Commission Plan. Everyone is urged to review goals. To be discussed at next meeting.

Adjournment at 8:10 PM.

Next meeting October 7, 2015.

Respectfully Submitted, R. Holloway