“Ordinary People” Reflection
Name: ______
Instructions: Please choose four of the following and write a reflection paper (not question by question answer) based on your viewing of the film. Due Wednesday, March 17th.
What was your overall impression of the characters in the movie, “Ordinary People”? Concentrating on the main characters (Calvin, Beth, Conrad), how would you describe their relationships with each other? Give examples from the movie to support your writing.
1. Guilt plays an important part in the characters’ development. Comment on what types of guilt are shown in the movie and how (if at all) the guilt is overcome.
2. Why does Calvin Jarrett visit Dr. Berger? What does he get out of the visit? Refer to specific comments or actions which show your thoughts.
3. Conrad’s conversations with Dr. Berger bring up the topic of emotions. What are some important insights about emotions that Dr. Berger offers? How do you view emotions in your life? What are ways that teenagers deal with their emotions?
4. Choosing one of the minor characters (Jeannine, Karen, Dr. Berger), show their influence in Conrad’s life, either for positive or negative reasons. Give examples showing your writing.
5. What, in your opinion, is/are the obstacle(s) in Beth’s life? Give some examples from the movie to show your point of view.
6. How is grief a part of the development of a person? Dr. Kubler-Ross wrote a book titled, On Death and Dying, outlining the various stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Explain how grief plays a role in the movie. How do you tend to deal with grief in your life? Remember that we grieve not only in death, but also in other situations.
Movie Quote:
Dr. Berger: A little advice about feelings, kiddo; don't expect it always to tickle.
Ordinary People Movie Page 1 3/10/2010