The Gentle Jesus 454

Intro1)Isaiah 42:1-4 READ

a)Quoted in reference to Jesus in Matthew 12:20

b)Notice the way the suffering servant is described:

“a bruised reed he will not break”

“a dimly burning wick he will not extinguish”

c)What do these descriptions mean?

(1)Ever tried to set a rose w/a broken stem upright in a vase?

(a)If you treat it roughly it will flop over and break off.

(b)You must position it gently - with great care.

(2)Ever tried to carry a candle barely alive across a room?

(a)You must walk slowly and carefully.

(b) You will shield it with your hand.

d)Jesus knew that some people are so broken that one more hurt will destroy them.

And some people are so shaky that one puff of disappointment will snuff them out.

2)Jesus was Gentle as he dealt with people.

a)Jesus ministered among people who were “harassed & help- less, like sheep without a shepherd” Matthew 9:36

b)He did not perform his ministry with a raised voice which could be heard up and down long streets.

He did not engage in pointless quarrels or scream and threaten his listeners.

His ministry was marked by gentle humility.

3)If Jesus was ever “gruff” - it was with self-righteous, hypocritical, Religious Leaders. (Matthew 23:25-28)

When Jesus dealt with sinners, he was gentle, but firm (John 8:3-11)

4)Perhaps no better incident illustrates this point than the story of the healing of Blind Bartimaeus . . . (Mark 10:35-52)

Here we shall find:

I.A Request for “Position”

II.A Lesson About “Mission”

III.A Look at the great “Physician”

I.Mark 10:35-40 A Request for “Position”

A.Notice the prevailing attitude: vs 41



3.Power struggle

B.If Jesus granted their request, it meant lesser roles for the others.

C.This request led to:

II.A Lesson about “Mission” vss 42-45

A.Jesus of Nazareth is the world’s most unusual Leader

1.He did not boast and swagger.

2.He did not shout, boss, or belittle.

3.He was not a manager nor manipulator.

4.He was a servant who led with gentleness.

B.Until we learn His way of life and imitate it in our own,

we will be ineffective in our attempts to build the kingdom.

(painting; light bulb)

C.In the world - you know a person of importance by:

1.The # of heads he/she turns.

2.The # of people he/she intimidates.

3.The # of policies he/she railroads over others.

D.In the kingdom of Christ - a leader is known:

1.By the unassuming service rendered.

2.By the lowly people served.

3.By the lack of desire to be praised or recognized.

E.T.W. Manson wrote, “In the kingdom of God, Service is NOT a stepping stone to nobility; it IS nobility, the only kind of nobility that is recognized.”

F.In the kingdom of Christ - true servants:

Advertise Christ - not self.

Respect other people - they don’t crush and condemn.

Receive reward from God - not from men.

G.Servants can be hurt and humiliated - after all - they are just servants.

(However, because of their own wounds,

they can help to heal the hurts of others)

So . . .

A Request for “Position” led to . . .

A Lesson about “Mission” (vs 45) resulting in:

III.A Look at the great “Physician” (vss 46-52)

A.Note: Jesus was in a big hurry (vs 46)

Great crowds accompanied Him (gallery at International Tourney)

A beggar could be heard hollering in the background.

B.How do you feel about beggars? (Right! -- and everyone else too!)

1.The people tried to quiet him - vs 48.

2.They were ashamed of the local nuisance.

3.Their reaction was to “look away”.

4.Do we not do this sometimes?

a.When the nurse pricks your finger?

b.Watching commercials re: starving kids?

c.When we meet a disfigured person?

d.When a sinful “peer” walks up.

C.Jesus did not AVOID: faces, cries, wounds.

He identified with them.

D.Jesus condescended to men of Low Estate (Romans 12:16)

“Be of the same mind toward one another. Do not be haughty, but condescend to men of low estate. Do not be wise in your own estimation.”

Bottom line: Jesus helped a poor “beggar” that others turned away from.

1.vs 49 - “Jesus stopped” (lit. - “stopped in his tracks”)

What better opportunity could Jesus have ever had to illustrate “kingdom greatness”?

2.vs 48 - The man asked for mercy. (you don’t want justice)

3.Jesus was not intimidated by the crowd.

4.He dealt “gently” with a hurting man.

(television doctor - not gentle - a hypocrite - actor)

5.Jesus called for him - vs 49.

(He calls for us too - Mt 11:28-30 - “Come unto me . . .”)

6.Jesus asked, “What do you want me to do for you?”

(We need to know what we want Him to do for us!)

7.vs 52 - Jesus said, “Go” - But the man “Followed”.

E.He has healed us - what will be our response?


Concl1)As we learn to live in the Spirit of Christ, it becomes increasingly difficult to look away from the:

Lost, Sick, Hungry, Crying

2)We must become more and more like The Gentle Jesus:

Galatians 6:1; Phil 2:3-4; II Tim 2:24-26