Drylaw Telford Community Council

Annual General Meeting

28.06.17, Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre, 7.00pm


Chair: Derek Hanley

Present: Jackie Brown, Ian Greenhalgh, Eileen Brash, Malcolm Jeffrey, Vicky Nicolson,

Ex-Officio Members: Councillor Max Mitchell, Councillor Iain Whyte, Councillor Osler

Guest:Alan Hainey, Lewis Hainey, Jennifer Porter, Tony Porter

Apologies:James Galloway, Junaid Ahmed, Abdul Mukit, Linda McCourt,

  1. Apologies for Absence

James Galloway and Linda McCourt sent apologies as they are on holiday. Junaid Ahmed and Abdul Mukit sent apologies as they were finishing their celebration of the end of Ramadan, Dave Pickering was attending an awards ceremony at The Village Hotel organised by North Edinburgh Young Peoples Forum with help from Forth and Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnerships

  1. Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

  1. Minutes of Last Meeting

The minutes from the last meeting held on 31.05.17 were approved and agreed as a true and accurate record.

Matters Arising

No representative from the police or Lothian buses attendedthe meeting.

Councillor Whyte and Councillor Osler will ask for their attendance at the next meeting

Action Councillors Whyte/Osler

Vicky and Ian will meet to discuss options for the DTCC website and Vicky will ask other community councils for information on how they manage their websites. Ian reported that a bank card is required to pay the monthly cost of the website. Councillor Whyte said that there are now accounts available to associations which provide a bank card.

Action Ian Greenhalgh and Vicky Nicolson

  1. Chairperson’s Report

The Interim Chairperson, James Galloway, was not present at the meeting due to being on holiday; no report was submitted.

  1. Secretary’s Report

The Interim Secretary reported that he had been contacted via the website regarding missing bins and was following this up.

It was also discussed that DTCC will be exploring further options for the DTCC website, perhaps using a different host.

Action Ian Greenhalgh/Vicky Nicolson

  1. Treasurer’s Report

The treasurer’s annual report was submitted and agreed, there is £1464.27 in the bank account.

Ian Greenhalgh will invoice Jackie for the website costs he has incurred.

Action Ian Greehalgh

  1. Councillor’s Reports

Councillor Osler

Councillor Osler reported that a lot of work had been done by Councillors re #42 bus and that despite the council agreeing to subsidise the bus route from 1 September 2017 until 31 March 2018, Lothian Buses have turned this proposal down due to it not being financially viable, even with the subsidy, and that Lothian Buses feel North Edinburgh is well catered for buses (particularly with the new #200) and that people can change buses when required to reach their destination.

Councillor Osler said that she will approach, Inspector Stevie Sutherland, Police Inspector for North Edinburgh to ask him to attend the next meeting. Councillor Osler explained that many policing decisions are made at MSP level.

Councillor Osler suggested that she and Max take bi-weekly surgeries in Ferryhill School and they will circulate this information to DTCC and community.

Councillor Osler may have a prior engagement on 30 August but will submit a councillor’s report by email if she is unable to attend.

Councillor Iain Whyte

Councillor Whyte recommended that DTCC could lobby the council to put out a tender for an alternative bus company to provide a bus service to #42 and that this must show a public need. Iain shared that, to make a case for this in 2018/19, new money will have to be added to the council budget as the subsidy offered in the short term was money found from other savings in the council.

In addition, Councillor Whyte will provide information regarding the petitions process (Transport Environment Committee, CEC) which DTCC could follow, and recommended that we contact other CC’s to collaborate with them on this matter.

Councillor Whyte also said that he will approach Inspector Stevie Sutherland, Police Inspector for North Edinburgh to ask him or one f his team to attend the next meeting. He said that being in the community is the priority of the police at present and that the police shortage is partially due to many posts not yet being filled after officers had relocated. He will feed back to the police authority the frustration within the DTCC re the lack of police presence at DTCC meetings.

Councillor Max Mitchell

Councillor Mitchellwill also explore bi-weekly surgeries at Ferryhill School.

Councillor Gavin Barrie

Councillor Barrie was invited to the DTCC AGM by email but wasn’t in attendance.

  1. Drylaw/Telford Matters


It was discussed that there have been issues with bin collections in Telford with bin collections.


Policing was discussed at length: also see Councillor’s reports.

DTCC members were concerned about stolen motorbikes in the area and the lack of police available, and police powers to deal with this situation which is increasing.

Alan Hainey reported that his window had been catapulted and has had no response from police.

Derek and Malcolm expressed concern following a briefing they attended where they learned there are going to be further cuts to policing.

Number 42 Lothian Bus

See Councillor’s Reports


It was discussed that there are issues with the pavements in Easter Drylaw Loan and in Telford with weeds and trees growing out of pavements.

Councillor Mitchell explained about a new weedkiller the council is using and will find out the schedule for weedkilling in Drylaw and Telford and feed back to DTCC.

Action Councillor Mitchell

Councillor Whyte explained that there is currently pressure on the road maintenance teams as they are currently depleted in numbers.

LED Street Lights/Street Lighting

The strength of LED bulbs in streetlights is currently not an issue as the nights are light. This will be monitored by members as the nights get darker. This is an particular issue in Easter Drylaw Place and Avenue.

It was reported to the Councillors that Easter Drylaw Place has a streetlight out (EDP02 is the number of this lamp post). This has also been reported through the correct channels but there has been no response.

Telford Steps

Concern has been reported about the steps which connect 123 Easter Drylaw Drive and T17 Telford Drive. These steps are unsafe and slippery, even in dry weather.

Ian Greenhalgh will meet Councillors on Friday 30 June to walk round the community and show them the areas of concern raised at the meeting.

Action: Ian Greehalgh/Councillor Mitchell/Councillor Whyte/Councillor Osler

Neighbour issues

Alan and Lewis Haineywere in attendance at the meeting as they wished to bring an issue they have with their neighbour at 50 Wester Drylaw lace to the attendin of DTCC and the Councillors. They currently have a neighbour using land adjacent to their home as a ‘breakers yard’. This has concerned them as it is not safe for local children, it has resulted in their garden wall being knocked down and that it is unpleasant for them to live next to.

They have had input from a CEC representative, Connor McGreary who has since closed their case. Mr Hainey would like this case reopened.

Councillor Whyte recommended that they attend his surgery and took information from them.

Jennifer and Tony Porter of Telford Drive also brought a complaint about neighbours and they will be visited by Councillors Osler and Mitchell regarding this.

Action: Councillor Mitchell/Councillor Osler

Jackie Brown discussed the case of difficult neighbours at 17 Wester Drylaw Place and that rubbish had led to vermin and insects.


Councillor Whyte informed DTCC that 20 MPH signage will be rolled out in July.

  1. Elections of Office Bearers

Interim Office Bearers, James Galloway, Interim Chairperson (not present), Derek Hanley, Interim Vice Chairperson, Jackie Brown, Interim Treasurer and Ian Greenhalgh, Interim Secretary were thanked by Drylaw Telford Community Council for their contribution and stood down.


Jackie Brown was proposed as Treasurer by Derek Hanley and seconded by Malcolm Jeffrey. Jackie was appointed by a unanimous vote.

Jackie explained that she will carry on the duties of Treasurer but cannot be present at all meetings.


Derek Hanley was proposed as Chairperson by Malcolm Jeffrey and Seconded by Ian Greenhalgh. Derek was appointed by a unanimous vote.

Vice Chairperson

Malcolm Jeffrey was proposed as Vice Chairperson by Derek Hanley and seconded by Ian Greenhalgh. Malcolm was appointed by a unanimous vote


Vicky Nicolson was proposed as Secretary by Derek Hanley and seconded by Ian Greenhalgh. Vicky was appointed by a unanimous vote

Although Ian has chosen to stand down as secretary, he will still attend DTCC meetings.

  1. Welcome to New Office Bearers

DTCC welcomed the new office bearers.

Jackie Brown explained that the bank account will need to be changed so that the 3 signatories for cheques can now be changed and that she, Derek Hanley and Malcolm Jeffrey will be the new signatories.

  1. Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting of DTCC will be an ordinary meeting of Drylaw Telford Community Council and will take place on 30 August, 7pm, DrylawNeighbourhood Centre.

Action Points / Responsible
Contact Inspector Stevie Sutherland and invite police to next meeting / Cllr Osler
Cllr Whyte
Explore options for DTCC Website / Ian Greehalgh
Vicky Nicolson
Invoice Treasurer for website costs / Ian Greenhalgh
Circulate information re surgeries at Ferryhill School / Cllr Osler
Cllr Mitchell
Find out the schedule for weedkilling in Drylaw and Telford and feed back to DTCC. / Cllr Mitchell
Ian Greenhalgh will meet Councillors on Friday 30 June to walk round the community and show them the areas of concern raised at the meeting. / Ian Greehalgh
Cllr Mitchell
Cllr Whyte
Cllr Osler
Visit to Jennifer and Tony Porter, Telford Drive / Cllr Mitchell
Cllr Osler