February 11, 2016

Special Plymouth City Council Meeting Proceedings

Mayor Jon Vrieze called the special city council meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 11, 2016. Council members present: Amy Berding, Gary Clark, Wade Eastman, Jeff Robak. Late: Eric Abundis.

The purpose of this meeting was to review purchasing the Computer software Payroll module from the Data Technologies Inc. that is already currently being used. The 504 Broad Street nuisance property, and doing a CPA audit.

Mayor Vrieze started the meeting recapping the discussion of adding the payroll software to save time and money. The Summit software will be $1250.00 with a small town discount of -$750.00 for a total of $500.00. There will also be an Implantation of Payroll being done remotely at $95.00 an hour with an approximately 4 hours for $380.00. Data Tech will set up Payroll parameters including deductions and pay types at no charge. Total Investment will be est. $880.00 depending on how the previous financials are entered in the system. This company has already been helping a great deal with processes already in the switch over of the city clerk position. There is currently a yearly support system that includes upgrades that will need to be paid to maintain the technology for our city billing system.

Council briefly discussed all the positives and long term ease of payroll, reports, taxes, etc. Mayor Vrieze asked for a motion to go ahead with this system. Berding made a motion, Clark 2nd the motion. All ayes. Motion carried unanimously.

Mayor Vrieze stated that in-regards to the 504 Broad Street property.We will table this for future discussion.

Mayor Vrieze stated he contacted the State Auditor’s office after Sonja spoke with them. There are different options that can be chosen in-regards to a city audit. He stated that we can contact some local CPA’s and fill out a form with the State Auditor’s office. With tax season coming, it might be after that. The council will come up with some CPA’s to get the forms to, and see the possibilities of scheduling something after tax season is completed.

Having no further business, Berding made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Clark 2nd, carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 7p.m.

Jon VriezeSonja Dasch-Lawson

Mayor City Clerk