Christmas Angel Ministry Overview

Co-Chairs: Sandy & Marv Peterson, (281) 370-8817 or(281) 814-0436

Co-Chairs, Elect.: Bob & Ethel Maples .

What is the Christmas Angel Ministry?

The St. Ignatius Christmas Angel Ministry anonymously matches “angels” to provide food and gifts with local families who find themselves in a tough situation at Christmastime. As a Community for Others, we open our hearts and hands to those in need.The program is dedicated to our Blessed Mother as a Christmas gift to the Infant Jesus. We ask Her to send us all who need help…and “angels” to provide that help.

Who is an Angel?

“Angels” are individuals, groups, or families who would like to share in the blessings they themselves have received over the yearsfrom friends, family, and even strangers. Angels provide food and/or gifts to a local family. If you would like to commit to being an Angel, please complete the Sign Up sheet onback and submit to the Church office.

This Year Delivery Day is Saturday, December 10th!

Angels deliver their gifts and/or food in the morning from 8:00 to11:00 a.m. to the Christus Center, and are gone before receiving families arrive for pick-up.

Are there other ways I can be a Christmas Angel?

Absolutely! We also need a lot of prayers and helping hands to make this ministry a success. Christmas Angels can also…

▪Volunteer: Indicate on the Christmas Angel SignUp Sheet that you would like to volunteer, providing your contact information. We can find the perfect way for you to extend a helping hand this year. We need help with set up on Friday, December 9th, and delivery/pick-up on Saturday, December 10th. And there are still a few core committee positions that we need to fill. Call Sandy or Marv if you would like to take a more active roll.

▪Bake Cookies: We give each receiving family a bag of Christmas cookies along with their other gifts. Some of our sweetest Angels are our cookie baker volunteers.

•Purchase gift cards: Purchase and drop off gift cards to the office (in any amount) for local merchants such as: Wal-Mart, Target, HEB, Kroger, etc.

•Donate: Donate to this special ministry by writing checks or purchasing gift cards (any amount) and place in a sealed envelope marked Christmas Angels Ministry and drop them in the collection basketor at the church office. Please make checks out to St. Ignatius Loyola – Christmas Angels Ministry. Be sure to include your parish number on the check so you can be properly credited for the donation.

How are family assignments provided?

Matches are made mid-November after we receive your preference information and complete interviews of our families. It is always our hope to have this to you before the Thanksgiving sales. We will communicate by e-mail, unless it is not available and then we will send information through the mail or contact you by phone. Please check your email, including spam folder, in the latter part of November for your assignment information.

We will provide the following:

  • Your Family Assignment #
  • First names only, ages, and gender of all childrenunder 18 in household
  • Pant and shirt sizes plus shoe sizes for all children age 12 and younger
  • Favorite color (if you have an option, it’s nice to know which they prefer)
  • At least one - threegift ideas for each child – not required to purchase/just an idea of what they like
  • Any special requests or needs the individual or family might have.

What steps are taken to protect the privacy of both those who give and those who receive?

Angels are addressed on a first-name only basis within the ministry and most communications are through e-mail. When providing gifts/food Angels are not to include their names (first or last) and should ensure that there are no identifying details on receipts, cards, or boxes given to the family.

Can my organization help or can I partner with other families?

If you have a limited budget but would still like to be an Angel, we encourage you to partner with other parishioners or neighbors or family members to sponsor a family. In past years we’ve had various clubs, scout troops, and other organization sponsor a family as a group.
