Geometry 2010-201Student Name:

Ms. Smith

FoothillHigh SchoolPeriod:


Dear Students (and Parents),

Welcome back. Please read below and sign at the bottom indicating that you and your parent are aware of my expectations of you for this class. Note URL above for classroom website where you can find homework, project, and test information.

Materials needed for class:

Scientific calculator / Spiral Notebook / Binder paper
Pencil / Blue Pen / Compass
Protractor / Ruler / ¼ inch graph paper
3-prong portfolio folder (not binder)


All electronic equipment (phones, mp3 players, laptops, etc.)are to remain OFF (not on “silent”) during class time.

Please respect the property of others by not touching what does not belong to you.

Please speak respectfully to you classmates and teacher.

Plain water is permitted in class, otherwise, no eating, drinking allowed.


Students will be permitted to turn in late assignments if their absence is excused. Absent work will be turned in 1 day after the return date. Unexcused absentees will not be permitted to make up assignments. Students are permitted 3 tardies ( < 30min.) per semester. On the 4th tardy that student will be given a school detention. A school detention will be given for each time past the 4th tardy until the end of that semester.


Grades are available to Zangle. They will be posted and updated approximately every two weeks.

Category / Percent
Tests / 45 / No “Retakes” on low scores.
Quizzes / 15 / No “Retakes” on low scores.
Homework / 20 / HW is assigned daily and corrected daily. You must correct solutions and answers before submitting packet of assignments from the previous week. Assignments are turned in by packets every Monday.
Porfolio/Notes / 5 / Taking notes is MANDATORY. Spiral notebooks will be checked on each on Test days. All graded assignments will be stored in a portfolio that is to be kept in class. Students will calculate their own grade in their portfolio approx. every 3 weeks.
Final Exam / 15

Student Signature:Date:

Parent Signature:Date: