Module: / Curriculum Management
Office: / Registrar
Adding a Section Offering to an Existing Course
Use this procedure to add a new class section to an upcoming term, based on an existing course in the Course Catalog.
Perform this procedure when the Colleges receive the WSR201 Class Schedule Report from the previous year’s term. This will indicate that access to the Schedule New Course and Maintain Schedule of Classescomponents are available to College staff.
- Academic Term to have section added must be setup.
- Course must be setup in the course catalog as approved. .
- The following setups have been defined: Facility ID’s, Instructors, Exam Codes.
Menu Path
Use the following menu path(s) to begin this task:
- Curriculum ManagementSchedule of ClassesSchedule New Course
- Curriculum ManagementSchedule of ClassesMaintain Schedule of Classes
Helpful Hints
File name:SECTIONCREATEWI.DOCReference Number:CMSE001 / Version:1.0
Last Modified:7/12/2007 7:31:00 AM / Work Instruction
Page 1 / 32
/ Title: / Adding a Section Offering to an Existing Course
Module: / Curriculum Management
Office: / Registrar
Screen Flow
File name:SECTIONCREATEWI.DOCReference Number:CMSE001 / Version:1.0
Last Modified:7/12/2007 7:31:00 AM / Work Instruction
Page 1 / 32
/ Title: / Adding a Section Offering to an Existing Course
Module: / Curriculum Management
Office: / Registrar
1.Curriculum ManagementSchedule of ClassesSchedule New Course
Alternate Navigation:
Curriculum ManagementSchedule of ClassesMaintain Schedule of Classes
Schedule New Course
2.As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field Name / R/O/C / DescriptionAcademic Institution / R / KansasStateUniversity, indicated as ‘KSUNV’.
Term / R / Semester in which classes are offered. Terms are identified by a four-digit number where the first digit represents the century, the second and thir digits represent the year, and the final digit represents the semester (2 for Spring, 3 for Summer, 5 for Fall). I.e. Spring 2008 = 2082, Fall 2007 = 2075.
Example:2065 (Fall 2006)
Subject Area / O / The department code for the department offering the course.
Example:EECE (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Catalog Nbr / O / The numeric portion of the K-State assigned course catalog number.
Academic Career / O / A Grouping of all academic work undertaken by a student grouped into a single statistical record. KSU will use Undergraduate, Graduate, and Veterinary Medicine careers to designate their students.
Example:(left blank)
3.Click .
4.Perform one of the following:
If / ThenClass Section already exists / Click in the Class Sections region.
No class sections exist / Continue.
Schedule New Course – Basic Data
5.As required, complete/review the following fields:
Class Sections Region
Field Name / R/O/C / DescriptionSession / R / Periods of instruction within a given term.
Possible values are:
- 1 (Regular Session) – Used when the start and end dates of the class coincide with the start and end dates of the academic term.
- NST (Non Standard) – Used when the start and end dates do not coincide with those of the term.
Class Section / R / Code indicating the section offering of the course.
See the Class Checklist for Section naming schemes.
Start/End Date / R / The first and last day a class is to be offered.
iSIS populates these values by default to be the first day of classes and the last day of exams, respectively. If the Session is NST, enter the first and last days of classes.
Example:8/21/2006, 12/15/2006
Component / R / The format of the class. I.E., lecture, lab, recitation, etc.
Class Type / R / Indication of whether the class is considered Enrollment or Non-Enrollment.
Enrollment is used to designate the primary, or graded, component. Non-Enrollment will be used for all non-graded components. Only one Enrollment component can exist for each class.
Associated Class / R / Groups of classes or class components that must be taken simultaneously may be grouped together as "Associated Classes". Each series of grouped classes will share the same Associated Class ID.
If components are independent, assign a value of 9999.
Manhattan associations will begin with 1, 2, 3, etc. Salina and Salina DCE associations will begin with 81, 82, 83, etc. Manhattan DCE associations will begin with 91, 92, 93, etc.
Campus / R / "KSU". The Campus in iSIS is used to designate entities that use a single transcript, course catalog, and other academic differences. The Salina and Continuing Education classes are designated as Locations in iSIS.
Location / R / Term used to designate whether a class is offered at the Manhattan campus (MAN), the Salina campus (SAL), or through the Division of Continuing Education at either Manhattan (MCE) or Salina (SCE).
Academic Organization / R / The Academic Organization code assigned to the Subject Area.
This value defaults to the value assigned at the Course level.
Holiday Schedule / R / Holiday schedule to be used for creating online schedules, calendars, fee deadlines, and other functions within iSIS.
Instruction Mode / R / The method by which the course is delivered. I.e., In Person, CD-ROM, Web-based, etc.
Schedule Print / O / Determines whether or not this class section will be viewable in the online schedule of classes.
Student Specific Permissions / O / Class permission that must be granted to each individual student before that student can enroll in the class.
Generate Class Mtg Attendance / O / When checked, this enables the class rosters for this course to be generated from the appropriate Faculty Self Service area.
Example:(left blank)
Class Topic Region
Field Name / R/O/C / DescriptionCourse Topic ID / O / Topic title to be given to class section when the topic may vary be Class section.
Leave this value blank if the topic will not vary by section.
Example:(left blank)
Equivalent Course Group Region
Field Name / R/O/C / DescriptionCourse Equivalent Course Group / O / Used to assign course equivalencies for requisite checking.
Equivalent Course Groups must be established prior to assigning them to a course or class.
Example:(left blank)
Override Equivalent Course / O / Used to assign equivalent course functionality at the section level. Leaving the box unchecked will allow the default values established elsewhere to take effect.
Example:(left blank)
Class Attributes Region
Field Name / R/O/C / DescriptionClass Attribute / O / Used to indicate on the Schedule of Classes special attributes associated with the class.
Sample Class Attributes may include: Majors Only, Seniors Only, Honors, etc.
Example:(left blank)
Class Attribute Value / O / Used to designate specific values of the above Class Attributes.
Example:(left blank)
If a Class has topics that vary by Section, set the Class Attribute to VARY and the Class Attribute Value to BY SECTION. If a class has topics that vary by student, set the Class Attribute to VARY and the Class Attribute Value to BY STUDENT.
6.Click .
7.Perform one of the following:
If / Go ToAdditional Class Sections of the Primary Component to add / Step 8
Class Sections of a Secondary Component to add / Step 12
No additional sections of any component to add / Step 18
NOTE: If the Auto Create field is checked for the course in the Course Catalog, then you can create all primary sections first and auto-create any secondary sections.
8.Click in the Class Sections Region.
9.As required, complete/review the following fields:
Class Sections Region
Field Name / R/O/C / DescriptionSession / R / Periods of instruction within a given term.
Possible values are:
- 1 (Regular Session) – Used when the start and end dates of the class coincide with the start and end dates of the academic term.
- NST (Non Standard) – Used when the start and end dates do not coincide with those of the term.
Class Section / R / Code indicating the section offering of the course.
See the Class Checklist for Section naming schemes.
Associated Class / R / Groups of classes or class components that must be taken simultaneously may be grouped together as "Associated Classes". Each series of grouped classes will share the same Associated Class ID.
If components are independent, assign a value of 99.
Campus / R / "KSU". The Campus in iSIS is used to designate entities that use a single transcript, course catalog, and other academic differences. The Salina and Continuing Education classes are designated as Locations in iSIS.
Student Specific Permissions / O / Class permission that must be granted to each individual student before that student can enroll in the class.
10.Click .
11.Perform one of the following:
If / Go ToAdditional Class Sections of the Primary Component to add / Step 8
Class Sections of a Secondary Component to add / Step 12
No additional sections of any component to add / Step 18
12.Click .
13.As required, complete/review the following fields:
Class Sections Region
Field Name / R/O/C / DescriptionClass Section: / R / Code indicating the section offering of the course.
Generate Class Mtg Attendance / O / When checked, this enables the class rosters for this course to be generated from the appropriate Faculty Self Service area.
14.Perform one of the following:
If / Go ToAdditional Secondary Component created / Step 15
No additional sections of any component to add / Step 18
15.Click .
16.As required, complete/review the following fields:
Class Sections Region
Field Name / R/O/C / DescriptionClass Section: / R / Code indicating the section offering of the course.
Generate Class Mtg Attendance / O / When checked, this enables the class rosters for this course to be generated from the appropriate Faculty Self Service area.
Schedule New Class
17.Click .
18.Click .
Schedule New Class
19.Click .
Be careful about which section you are scheduling. The sections will appear in alpha-numeric order based on the Class Section indicated on the Basic Data page, not in order of creation. In our example, Section 01L will appear first.
20.As required, complete/review the following fields:
Meeting Pattern Region
Field Name / R/O/C / DescriptionFacility ID / R / Abbreviation of the building and room number in which a class is to be given.
Example:EH 125
Pat / R / The weekly meeting pattern of a given class. For example, a typical pattern might be MWF (Monday, Wednesday, Friday).
If the class meets during a non-standard meeting pattern, select the appropriate days individually.
Mtg Start / R / Class Section meeting start time.
Example:2:30 PM
Mtg End / R / Class Section meeting end time.
Example:3:20 PM
Start/End Date / R / The first and last day a class is to be offered.
These values default from the Basic Data tab. If the class is a Full Semester class (Regular Session). Then set the End Date to one week prior to the default date.
Instructor for Meeting Pattern Region
Field Name / R/O/C / DescriptionID / R / iSIS unique system identifier.
Select the instructor, graduate assistant, teaching assistant, etc.
Access / R / Level of grading security access each instructor is granted.
Approve – assigned to the primary instructor, gives access to approve final grades for submission into a student’s academic history.
Grade – assigned to any instructor or assistant who can enter grades into iSIS.
21.Click .
22.Perform one of the following:
If / Go ToAdditional Components to schedule / Step 23
No additional sections of any component to schedule / Step 27
23.Click .
24.As required, complete/review the following fields:
Meeting Pattern Region
Field Name / R/O/C / DescriptionFacility ID / R / Abbreviation of the building and room number in which a class is to be given.
Example:EH 125
Pat / R / The weekly meeting pattern of a given class. For example, a typical pattern might be MWF (Monday, Wednesday, Friday).
If the class meets during a non-standard meeting pattern, select the appropriate days individually.
Mtg Start / R / Class Section meeting start time.
Example:2:30 PM
Mtg End / R / Class Section meeting end time.
Example:3:20 PM
Start/End Date / R / The first and last day a class is to be offered.
These values default from the Basic Data tab. If the class is a Full Semester class (Regular Session). Then set the End Date to one week prior to the default date.
Instructor for Meeting Pattern Region
Field Name / R/O/C / DescriptionID / R / iSIS unique system identifier.
Select the instructor, graduate assistant, teaching assistant, etc.
Access / R / Level of grading security access each instructor is granted.
Approve – assigned to the primary instructor, gives access to approve final grades for submission into a student’s academic history.
Grade – assigned to any instructor or assistant who can enter grades into iSIS.
25.Click .
26.Perform one of the following:
If / Go ToAdditional Components to schedule / Step 23
No additional sections of any component to schedule / Step 27
27.Click .
Maintain Schedule of Classes
28.Click .
Be careful about which section you are scheduling. The sections will appear in alpha-numeric order based on the Class Section indicated on the Basic Data page, not in order of creation. In our example, Section 01L will appear first.
29.As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field Name / R/O/C / DescriptionClass Status / R / Indicates the status of the Class in terms of ready for enrollment, or other functionality. Possible values are: Active, Canceled, Stop Further Enrollment, Tentative.
Consent / R / Indicates whether and what type of Consent is required before a student can enroll in a Class. Possible values are: Dept Cnsnt (Departmental Consent – Dean), Inst Cnsnt (Instructor Consent), No Consent (no consent is required for enrollment)
Example:Dept Cnsnt
1st Auto Enroll Section / O / If a class contains multiple components that share a 1-to-1 relationship, you can have additional components enrolled automatically with the inclusion of the current component. Insert the Class Section number to be auto-enrolled here.
Example:(left blank)
2nd Auto Enroll Section / If a class contains multiple components that share a 1-to-1 relationship, you can have additional components enrolled automatically with the inclusion of the current component. Insert the Class Section number to be auto-enrolled here.
Example:(left blank)
Resection to Section / This field is not being used by K-State at this time.
Requested Room Capacity / Can be used to indicate expected enrollments for use with the Scheduling software.
There is no real functionality behind this value at this time.
Enrollment Capacity / R / The maximum number of students that can be enrolled for a particular class section.
Wait List Capacity / The maximum number of students that can be waitlisted for a particular class section.
Minimum Enrollment Nbr / Minimum number of students expected to be enrolled in order for the class to continue to be offered.
There is no real functionality behind this value. It can be used for reporting purposes in future updates.
Example:(left blank)
Auto Enroll from Waitlist / Includes this class section in the Waitlist process that automatically moves folks from the waitlist into a class, if there is extra capacity when the process is run.
Cancel If Student Enrolled / Permits the section to be canceled even if there are students currently enrolled.
K-State will be leaving this field unchecked for all sections. The procedure for canceling classes will be discussed at a later time.
Example:(left blank)
30.Click .
31.Perform one of the following:
If / Go ToAdditional Components to schedule / Step 32
No additional sections of any component to schedule / Step 35
32.Click .
Field Name / R/O/C / DescriptionClass Status / R / Indicates the status of the Class in terms of ready for enrollment, or other functionality. Possible values are: Active, Canceled, Stop Further Enrollment, Tentative.
Consent / R / Indicates whether and what type of Consent is required before a student can enroll in a Class. Possible values are: Dept Cnsnt (Departmental Consent – Dean), Inst Cnsnt (Instructor Consent), No Consent (no consent is required for enrollment)
Example:Dept Cnsnt
1st Auto Enroll Section / O / If a class contains multiple components that share a 1-to-1 relationship, you can have additional components enrolled automatically with the inclusion of the current component. Insert the Class Section number to be auto-enrolled here.
Example:(left blank)
2nd Auto Enroll Section / O / If a class contains multiple components that share a 1-to-1 relationship, you can have additional components enrolled automatically with the inclusion of the current component. Insert the Class Section number to be auto-enrolled here.
Example:(left blank)
Resection to Section / O / This field is not being used by K-State at this time.
Requested Room Capacity / O / Can be used to indicate expected enrollments for use with the Scheduling software.
There is no real functionality behind this value at this time.
Enrollment Capacity / R / The maximum number of students that can be enrolled for a particular class section.
Wait List Capacity / O / The maximum number of students that can be waitlisted for a particular class section.
Minimum Enrollment Nbr / O / Minimum number of students expected to be enrolled in order for the class to continue to be offered.
There is no real functionality behind this value. It can be used for reporting purposes in future updates.
Example:(left blank)
Auto Enroll from Waitlist / O / Includes this class section in the Waitlist process that automatically moves folks from the waitlist into a class, if there is extra capacity when the process is run.
Cancel If Student Enrolled / O / Permits the section to be canceled even if there are students currently enrolled.
K-State will be leaving this field unchecked for all sections. The procedure for canceling classes will be discussed at a later time.
Example:(left blank)
33.Click .