Flagstaff Unified School District

Flagstaff High School

Tony Cullen, Principal · Sharon Falor, Assistant Principal

Kevin Davis, Assistant Principal · Jeannine Brandel, Athletic Director / Activities Coordinator

400 W. Elm · Flagstaff, AZ 86001 · 928.773.81

May 2013

Dear AP 12 Students:

Welcome! I’m looking forward to working with you next year in AP English 12. I know you want to get started on all that fun and super uplifting summer reading, so I’m sending you the list of books. You should read them BEFORE class starts in August. Write your observations as you read. I will collect your written (not typed) on the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL. If you do not have them with you on the first day, you will not receive points for them. Your notes should be approximately 10 pages in length.

We will learn to write a good style analysis in AP English 12. As you read your books, you should look for examples of the author’s use of these six elements of style:

1.  Tone and author’s attitude

2.  Diction (word choice)

3.  Detail (literal or factual descriptions; imagery)

4.  Point of view (perspective from which the author chooses to present the story)

5.  Organization/Narrative Structure (beginning, middle, end; broad pattern of organization; structure of the writing)

6.  Syntax/Sentence Structure/Phrasing (phrasing; length, number and type of sentences; parallel structure; type of punctuation; repetition)

7.  Theme (Author’s message/philosophical observations/the reason the author wrote this book and not another book)

Include some discussion of these 7 elements of style in your notes for each book. Be sure to include page numbers and direct quotes from your book in your observations. These direct references will help you when we discuss and write about these books during the semester. Do NOT come with printed out “notes” from the Internet and expect to get credit. Also, do not expect to get credit for highlighting the book itself. You must have original notes and observations to receive credit.

In addition, on the first 2 days of school there will be 2 short assessments on these books. Be prepared for these; if all of this seems like too much, AP 12 may not be the class for you.

You are required to read two major works that we will study in class: Crime and Punishment (Dostoyevsky) and Invisible Man (Ralph Ellison). Be sure to take notes on them as I have described above. Bring these notes to class on the first day. You should buy your own copy of the books so you can make notes to yourself as you read.

I am copying the list of books that have appeared on the AP exam on the back of this page. If you want to do some extra summer reading, you might want to choose some you haven’t read before.

Enjoy your summer. See you soon,

Chris Coyne

English Teacher/Dept. Chair

Flagstaff High School

Major Works Appearing on AP English Lit Exams 1978-2012 (Titles in bold have appeared the most frequently)

Absalom, Absalom

Adam Bede

The Adventures of Huck Finn

The Age of Innocence

Alias Grace

The American

The American Dream

Another Country

All My Sons

All the King’s Men

All the Pretty Horses

An American Tragedy

Anna Karenina


Antony and Cleopatra

As I Lay Dying

As You Like It


Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man

The Awakening

The Bear


Benito Cereno

Billy Budd

The Birthday Party

Black Boy

Bleak House

Bless Me, Ultima

The Blind Assassin

The Bluest Eye

The Bonesetter’s Daughter

Brave New World

Brideshead Revisited

Brighton Rock

The Brothers Karamazov



The Caretaker

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof


Catcher in the Rye

The Cat’s Eye

The Centaur


The Cherry Orchard

Cold MountaIn

The Color Purple

Crime and Punishment

The Crossing

The Crucible

Cry, the Beloved Country

Daisy Miller

David Copperfield

Death of a Salesman

The Death of Ivan Illych

Desire Under the Elms

Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant

The Diviners

Doctor Faustus

A Doll House

Don Quixote

East of Eden

An Enemy of the People



Ethan Frome

The Fall

A Farewell to Arms

Fathers and Sons



Fifth Business

The Fixer

For Whom the Bell Tolls


A Gathering of Old Men

A Gesture Life

The Glass Menagerie

Go Tell it on the Mountain

The God of Small Things

The Golden Bowl

The Grapes of Wrath

Great Expectations

The Great Gatsby

Gulliver’s Travels

The Hairy Ape


The Handmaid’s Tale

Hard Times

Heart of Darkness

Hedda Gabler

Henry IV

Henry V

The House of Mirth

House of the Seven Gables

House Made of Dawn

The Illiad

In the Lake of the Woods

The Invisible Man



Jane Eyre

Joe Turner’s Come and Gone

The Joy Luck Club

Jude the Obscure

Julius Caesar

The Jungle

King Lear

The Kite Runner

Lady Windemere’s Fan

A Light in August

A Lesson Before Dying

The Little Foxes

Long Day’s Journey into Night

Lord Jim

Lord of the Flies

The Loved One


Love Medicine


Madame Bovary

Mansfield Park

M. Butterfly

Main Street

Maggie-Girl of the Streets

Major Barbara

The Mayor of Casterbridge

Man and Superman

Mansfield Park


A Member of the Wedding

Memory Keeper’s Daughter

The Merchant of Venice

The Metamorphosis

A Midsummer Night’s Dream


The Misanthrope

Miss Lonelyhearts

Moby Dick

Moll Flanders

The Moor’s Last Sigh

Mother Courage

Mrs. Warren’s Profession

Mrs. Dalloway

Much Ado About Nothing

Murder in the Cathedral

The Namesake

Native Son

Native Speaker

Nineteen Eighty-Four

No Country for Old Men

No Exit


Oedipus Rex

O Pioneers!

One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

One Hundred Years of Solitude



The Other

Oryx and Crake

Our Town

Out of Africa

Paradise Lost

A Passage to India



The Piano Lesson

The Picture of Dorian Gray

The Plague

Poisonwood Bible

The Portrait of a Lady

Portrait of the Artist

Power and the Glory

A Prayer for Owen Meany

Pride and Prejudice

The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie



A Raisin in the Sun

The Remains of the Day

Reservation Blues

Richard III

The Road

Romeo and Juliet

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead

Saint Joan

The Scarlet Letter

A Separate Peace

Sent for You Yesterday

Set This House on Fire

The Shipping News

Silas Marner

Sister Carrie

Sister of My Heart

Slaughterhouse Five


Snow Falling on Cedars

Song of Solomon

Sons and Lovers

The Sound and the Fury

The Story of Edgar Sawtelle

The Stranger

A Streetcar Named Desire


The Sun Also Rises


A Tale of Two Cities


The Tempest

Tess of the d’Urbervilles

Their Eyes Were Watching God

The Things They Carried

Things Fall Apart

A Thousand Acres

A Thousand Splendid Suns

Tom Jones

The Trial


The Turn of the Screw

The Vicar of Wakefield

The Way We Live Now

The Winter’s Tale

Twelfth Night

Typical American

Uncle Tom’s Cabin


Waiting for Godot

Watch on the Rhine

The Watch That Ends the Night

When The Emperor Was Divine

Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

The Wide Sargasso Sea

The Wild Duck

A Winter’s Tale

Wise Blood

Winter in the Blood

The Woman Warrior

The Women of Brewster Place

Wuthering Heights

Zoo Story

Zoot Suit

Note: AP reading selections are based on College Board recommendations and individual teacher unit design, and as such are subject to change.