BYLAWS version as of Jan. 1, 2016


Section 1 - Being that Mortar Board is the premier national senior honor society, and that membership in Mortar Board reflects a member's outstanding scholarship, leadership and service, new members shall be selected each Spring semester from those University students who demonstrate a commitment to the Mortar Board ideals and who qualify according to the following requirements:

A). Candidates for membership shall be considered from all qualified applicants and nominees. Mortar Board is a selective, but not exclusive, society.

B). Candidates may be nominated by current collegiate members, alumni members, honorary members, or members of University faculty.

C). Candidates may also nominate themselves by submitting a completed application.

D). Candidates for membership shall demonstrate a GPA in the upper 35% of the current junior class, or a 3.0 average, whichever is higher in any given year.

E). Candidates for membership must expect to attain at least 90 credit hours, or their equivalent in programmatic requirements, in the Fall semester following selection.

1). Once selected, members may continue to participate in Chapter activities as collegiate members until their graduation.

2). If a member graduates at the conclusion of the Fall semester, but continues to attend classes as a graduate student, that member may continue to participate in Chapter activities as a collegiate member until the conclusion of the academic year.

3). If a member graduates at the conclusion of the Fall semester, and no longer attends classes at the University, that member may continue to participate as an alumni member at the Chapter's discretion, but shall no longer be eligible to vote as a collegiate member.

4). A new collegiate member may defer service with the Chapter but must still pay the membership fee at the time of initiation and must commence active service within two years. A request for deferral may be made with the President, Vice-President, Secretary or Faculty Advisor.

Section 2 - Selection of new members from the pool of applicants and nominees shall be conducted by the Membership Chair in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Mortar Board, Incorporated operational handbook.

A). Following selection, new members shall be publicly tapped in classrooms whenever feasible.

B). Tapping shall take place no later one week after the end of spring break.

C). Following tapping and prior to initiation, the President, Vice-President and Faculty Advisor shall hold an orientation meeting for newly-selected members. At this meeting, new members shall be informed of Mortar Board's high ideals, expectations, and the benefits of membership.

D). Initiation shall take place no later than two weeks after spring break.

1). All newly-selected members shall pay the required Membership Fee prior to initiation. No member shall be initiated prior to payment of the Membership Fee.

2). The Membership Fee shall be the duly required fee levied by the National Council, plus US$15.00.

E). Following initiationand before spring semester exams begin, the President shall schedule at least 1 meeting which involves current collegiate members and the newly selected membership group. At this time, the new membership shall elect officers in accordance with Article III of these Bylaws, and new officers shall be paired with current officers in order to transition duties from the outgoing membership to the incoming membership.

Section 3 - In order to remain in good standing, members must abide by the following participation policy:

A). Members shall attend at least 1/2 of regularly scheduled meetings.

1). Members may be excused from meetings by reason of documented illness, requirement to participate in a University-sanctioned academic or athletic event, or similar reason which would be accepted by a University professor as a valid excuse to miss a class. Members may also be excused at the discretion of the presiding officer.

2). Whenever practical, a request to be excused from a regularly scheduled meeting should be made prior to the meeting. This request may be made to the President, Vice-President, or Secretary.

3). An excused absence shall be counted as a presence for purposes of the participation policy, but a member may not vote in absentia.

4). In any event, an unexcused absence shall not be transformed into an excused absence more than 2 weeks following the scheduled meeting.

B). Members shallparticipate in at least 2 service events each semester.

1). If it occurs that a member is unable to attend a sufficient number of scheduled service events, that member may arrange with one of the Chapter's adopted service organizations to provide volunteer assistance at other times than those scheduled by the Chapter. At least 3 hours of independently-arranged volunteer service shall count as 1 service event for the purposes of the participation policy.

2). Independently-arranged volunteer service must be documented by the assisted organization.

3). Members who participate in only 1 service event in any semester shall be counted as though absent without excuse from 1 scheduled meeting. Members who do not participate in any service events in a given semester shall be counted as though absent without excuse from 2 scheduled meetings.

C). In the event that a member's participation level falls to an unacceptable level, action shall be taken as follows:

1). After the member's second unexcused absence from a scheduled meeting (including, if applicable, failure to meet the Chapter's service requirement), that member shall no longer be considered "in good standing" with the Chapter and shall lose the right to vote in Chapter decisions until and unless good standing has been restored.

2). The member shall be contacted by the President, Vice-President, Secretary or Faculty Advisor by email to encourage better compliance with the Chapter participation policy.

3). After the member's third unexcused absence from a scheduled meeting (including, if applicable, failure to meet the Chapter's service requirement), the member shall be contacted by the President, Vice-President, Secretary or Faculty Advisor by phone to encourage better compliance with the Chapter participation policy.

4). After the member's fourth unexcused absence from a scheduled meeting (including, if applicable, failure to meet the Chapter's service requirement), the member shall be contacted by the President, Vice-President, Secretary or Faculty Advisor via letter to encourage better compliance with the Chapter participation policy, and to notify the member of the penalties for continued non-participation.

5). After the member's fifth unexcused absence (including, if applicable, failure to meet the Chapter's service requirement), the President shall begin proceedings to dismiss the member from the Chapter and to have the member's name stricken from the roster of Mortar Board membership.

6). Good standing may be restored if the member has missed no more than 3 scheduled meetings by attending the next 3 meetings and all scheduled service events without fail. In the event that less than 3 scheduled meetings remain in the academic year, the member may submit a written petition to the President and Faculty Advisor. Acceptance of the petition shall not be guaranteed.

7). Good standing may be restored if the member has missed 4 meetings by submitting a written petition to the President and Faculty Advisor. Acceptance of the petition shall not be guaranteed.

8). In addition to the above policies, the president and advisor shall write to any member who is not active by the last day of classes in the fall semester, to state what is necessary to keep active status for spring semester and graduation with mortar board honors.

9). In addition to the above policies, any member who participates in one or fewer meetings or activities per semester shall not graduate with Mortar Board honors.

Section 4 - A member's dismissal from membership shall be carried out in accordance with the Mortar Board, Incorporated bylaws.

A). A member shall be subject to dismissal for failure to abide by the Chapter participation policy, violation of the University Code of Student Conduct, violation of public laws, or conduct which reflects poorly upon the Chapter or upon Mortar Board, Incorporated.

Section 5 - A member whose involvement in Chapter activities far exceeds requirements may be nominated for recognition by the President, Vice-President or Faculty Advisor.

A). There shall be no limit to the number of highly-involved members who may receive such recognition.


Section 1 - The responsibilities of the President shall be as follows:

A). To schedule and preside at all meetings;at least one meeting must be held each four weeks, with one week’s notice to members of the meeting time/date/place.

B). To vote upon the election of new members;

C). To vote upon all other matters in case of a tie;

D). To vote upon request;

E). To appoint all committees, subject to approval of the membership;

F). To serve as the representative of this organization to University Administration, the Student Government Association, and other organizations;

G). To have signature authority on all checks issued by this organization;

H). To send required chapter reports to the designated member of the National Council and the section coordinator; and

I). To be the delegate to the National Conference in the event that no other member is selected.

J). The president can can typically take up to four weeks of leave for academic, health or any other reasons, with the vice president assuming presidential duties for that time.

K). The President shall hold no other chapter office.

Section 2 – The responsibilities of the Vice-President shall be as follows:

A). To assist the President in his/her duties;

B). To schedule and preside at meetings in the absence of the President; in particular, to schedule a meeting if three weeks in a semester have passed and the President has not called a meeting, and,

C). To assume the office of President in his/her absence, leave, vacancy, resignation, or dismissal.


Section 3 – The responsibilities of the Secretary shall be as follows:

A). To record minutes of meetings;

B). To prepare agendas of meetings as requested by the President or Vice President;

C). To track member attendance at meetings and Chapter events;

D). To notify all members and advisors of upcoming meetings and events;

E). To ensure that all organization files are up to date;

F). To collect member names and contact information and disseminate them to the membership, by the end of exams for spring semester,

G). To collect member schedules at least four weeks in advance of each semester, to aid in planning meetings, and,

H). To assume the office of Vice-President in his/her absence, vacancy, resignation, or dismissal.

Section 4 – The responsibilities of the Treasurer shall be as follows:

A). To keep accurate records of the financial status and all transactions of the Chapter;

B). To receive and disburse all funds of this organization;

C). To have signature authority on all checks issued by this organization;

D). To hold personal responsibility for all organization funds in his/her possession;

E). To represent this organization when requesting funds from the Student Government Association;

F). to give monthly written financial statements to the chapter and to the advisor, and,

F). To assume the office of Secretary in his/her absence, vacancy, resignation, or dismissal.

Section 5 - The responsibilities of the Membership Chair shall be as follows:

A). To orient and discuss, organize and leadmembership selection procedures with the chapter and advisors;

B). In conjunction with the President and other officers, to plan and conduct tapping and initiation;

C). To conduct orientation for the new membership prior to the chapter initiation ceremony; and,

D). To assume the office of Treasurer in his/her absence, vacancy, resignation, or dismissal.

E). All selection and tapping procedures shall be compatible with the Mortar Board, Incorporated Bylaws.

Section 6 - The responsibilities of the Historian shall be as follows:

A). To compile chapter history as it is made throughout the year, by collecting photographs, newspaper clippings, videos and other correspondence;

B). To maintain chapter archives; and,

C). To read the chapter's history at initiation.

Section 7 - The responsibilities of the Director of Communications shall be as follows:

A). To provide good internal communication within the chapter; and,

B). To maintain good relations with campus and community media and submit newsworthy items about chapter activities to those outlets.

Section 8 - The responsibilities of the Alumni Relations Chair shall be as follows:

A). To act as a liaison with area and chapter alumni.

Section 9 - The responsibilities of the Fundraising Chair shall be as follows:

A). In conjunction with the President, Treasurer, and other officers, to plan, organize and execute fundraising events.

Section 10 - The responsibilities of the Social Chair shall be as follows:

A). To plan, organize and execute social events. There shall be at least one social event per semester.

Section 11 - The responsibilities of the Service/Philanthropy Chair shall be as follows:

A). To plan, organize and execute service and philanthropy events. There shall be at least two service events per semester.

Section 12 - The responsibilities of the Web/Technology Chair shall be as follows:

A). To organize and maintain any Internet presence as requested by the chapter membership; and,

B). To provide and/or coordinate any information technology services required or requested by the chapter.

Section 13 - The responsibilities of the Flower Sales Chair shall be as follows:

a). To organizeflower sales at each graduation exercise, as long as mortar board is named by the university as an official flower vendor.

Section 14 - A vacancy in the office of President, Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer shall be filled as per the guidelines provided in the previous Sections. A vacancy in any other office shall be filled by appointment by the President, subject to the approval of the voting membership.

Section 15 – Any officer may be removed by a three-fourths vote of the membership.

A). In case of a tie, the Faculty Advisor shall cast the deciding vote.


Section 1 – Candidates for any office shall be initiated collegiate members in good standing who will be collegiate members in the following academic year.

Section 2 – Candidates for any office may be nominated or may nominate themselves.

Section 3 – Election of officers shall take place at a meeting called for that purpose to occur during the Spring semester following initiation, with term of office lasting one year.

Section 4 – Election of officers shall be by a majority vote.

Section 5 – In case of a tie, the Faculty Advisor shall cast the deciding vote.

Section 6 – If there is only one candidate applying for an office, that candidate shall take office by acclimation.

Section 8 – Officers may be re-elected without limitation provided that they maintain collegiate status.

Section 9 - In officer elections, the incoming President may vote.


Section 1 - General meetings shall be scheduled generally every 3 weeks. Consideration shall be made for public and University holidays.

Section 2 - Officer meetings shall be scheduled at the discretion of the President.

Section 3 - Service events shall be scheduled at the discretion of the President, Vice-President, or Service/Philanthropy Chair, but not less frequently than once per month.

A). The Chapter recognizes the following organizations as service partners:

1). The Douglass Community Center.

2). The Center for Women and Families.


Section 1 - The Chapter shall maintain a minimum of 1 Faculty Advisor.

A). The Chapter recognizes the following Faculty Advisors:

1). Dr. Gerard Williger.

2). Asst. Advisor Mr. Eddie Bobbitt

Section 2 – The chapter shall nominate at least 1 assistant faculty advisor each year, beginning at the end of spring semester or the beginning of fall semester.

Section 3 – All Mortar Board checks shall have one student signature and one advisor or asst. advisor signature.