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Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held at the Arthur Herdman Pavilion, Village Street, Ewhurst Green on
Thursday 12 November 2015
PRESENT Councillors Dor Catt, Bill Hooper, Jacqui Hyett (Vice-Chairman), Anne Reed, Ian Stephenson, Dave Young (Chairman)
IN ATTENDANCE Richard Farhall – Parish Clerk; District Councillor Tony Ganly [part]; County Cllr Angharad Davies [part]; PCSO Demetrius Georghiou [part]; 5 members of the public [part]
The meeting commenced at 7.30pm.
Apologies for absence – and the reason as lodged with the Clerk – were accepted from Cllr Maggie Whitaker.
Cllr Hyett non-pecuniary 15.95 EPAA Committee Member
The Chairman adjourned the meeting for the PCSO Report, the County Council and District Council Reports - and Public Question Time. (See Appendix.)
The Chairman reconvened the meeting.
RESOLVED To adopt the Minutes of the meeting held on 8 October 2015 as a correct record of the proceedings.
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14.137 Forge Lane & Forge Close (seeking guidance from Highways on ownership and SSALC on potential liability) Outstanding. Given that there had not been any further representations from residents for some time it was agreed to delete this action item Clerk
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15.67 Staplecross MCP (seeking markings renewal cost from Highways) Contact had now been made with the relevant officer. Guidance on the procedure had been requested – the Clerk to chase, copying in Cllr Davies and the Head of Highways. Clerk
Cllr Davies arrived.
15.69 Noticeboards (asking Greenbarnes to fit the replacement parts) See item 15.94.
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15.77 Electoral Review (Chairman reviewing the documentation) See item 15.87.
15.81 Hope Farm (APA presentation invitation) Pending.
15.81 Hope Farm (monitoring the project’s progress) The Chairman had put Mr Doran in touch with the School and Lunch Club.
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15.82 Verge Opposite Solomon’s Gardens (Arranging a site meeting between Mr Hoare, Cllr Stephenson and the Clerk) See item 15.93.
15.83 Local Action Plan (2010-15) (Arranging a meeting of the Steering Group) See item 15.92.
The Chairman adjourned the meeting to allow Cllr Davies to give her report (see Appendix).
Cllrs Ganly and Davies had both left the meeting prior to the Chairman reconvening it.
a) Current applications
RR/2015/2568/P Kooline, Cripps Corner Road, Staplecross
Proposed alterations, extension including conservatory and loft conversion.
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Les Dunmore, Kooline. Cripps Corner Road, Staplecross
RR/2015/2635/T 18 Weald View, Old Cup, Staplecross
Crown reduction to all 5 trees.
Applicant: John Simmons, 18 Weald View, Old Cup, Staplecross
RR/2015/2636/T 20 Weald View, Foxmead, Staplecross
Crown reduction of one hornbeam and 3 oak trees.
Applicant: Barbara Fox, 20 Weald View, Staplecross
RR/2015/2693/P Brook House, Junction Road, Staplecross
Construction of new 3-bay oak framed garage with room over and log store.
Applicant: Mr & Mrs C Barwick, Brook House, Junction Road, Staplecross
b) Delegated authority
RESOLVED To note the responses following - submitted to the Planning Authority under the Clerk’s delegated authority:
RR/2015/2448/P Adams Lane – land off
Provision of manege on existing grazing paddock, together with erection of machinery and equipment store, including welfare facilities. All for private use.
Applicant: Kay Rainbow, 41 Combermere Road, St Leonards
SUPPORT APPROVAL Subject to the approval of the Planning Authority
RR/2015/2504/A The Green, Village Street, Ewhurst Green
Replace existing village sign.
Applicant: EGRA, c/o Walter Close, Stubbles, Village Street, Ewhurst Green
RR/2015/2552/L The Millhouse, Bodiam Road, Staplecross
Internal alterations to create a cloak/wet room and kitchen/dining room on the ground floor, including removal of an existing partition wall and lowering of the floor.
Applicant: Mr N Clark & Mrs J Mckenna, The Millhouse, Bodiam Road, Staplecross
(a) Report
To note the receipts and payments following:
Receipts (September 2015)
Precept – second payment £30,500.00
Interest (Co-op) £0.00 Interest (UTB) £13.78
Interest (JHB) £5.96 £30,519.38
Payments (September 2015)
R Farhall – pay (Aug 2015) £718.15
Post Office Ltd [HMRC] – PAYE (Aug 2015) £244.28
East Sussex Pension Fund (Aug 2015) £244.73
Active Risk Management Service – play area inspections (2014) £112.00
Rother District Council – elections May 2015 £1,534.53
R Farhall – expenses (Aug 2015) £83.85
Steve Hunt – VH noticeboard installation £325.00
Getmapping plc – Parish Online renewal (incl VAT £5.60) £33.60
Kemp & Catt Ltd – grasscutting (incl VAT £403.20) £2,419.20 £5,715.34
RESOLVED 2 To receive and adopt the bank reconciliation as at 30 September 2015.
RESOLVED 3 To receive and adopt the Budget Monitor as at 30 September 2015.
RESOLVED 4 To receive and adopt the Earmarked Reserves as at 30 September 2015.
RESOLVED 5 To receive and adopt the Cash Flow Statement as at 30 September 2015.
RESOLVED 6 To note the reconciled account balances, to 30 September 2015, as follows:
Unity Trust current account £50,602.95
Co-op current account £2,846.38
Julian Hodge Bank Fixed Rate bond £31,123.63
RESOLVED 7 To ratify/approve the payments following:
R Farhall – pay (Oct 2015) £717.97
Post Office Ltd [HMRC] – PAYE (Oct 2015) £244.24
East Sussex Pension Fund (Oct 2015) £244.73
Active Risk Management Service – play area inspections (2015) £112.00
R Farhall – expenses (Oct 2015) £70.74
R Farhall – wet pour repair kit (incl VAT £17) £118.00
(b) Grant application
Members were invited to consider an application from Victim Support (Sussex) for a contribution towards the recruitment, training and supervision of volunteers (previous grants: £50).
The Chairman advised that, nationally, the charity has income and expenditure of £36m.
RESOLVED To award a grant of £50. Clerk
(c) Commonwealth Day (14 March 2016)
RESOLVED To purchase a flag (£38 + VAT). Clerk
RESOLVED To support Rother District Council’s proposed submission to the Local Government Boundaries Commission for England consultation in respect of the Parish of Ewhurst (a 2-Member ward comprising, Ewhurst, Bodiam, Northiam and Beckley). (Deadline: 30 November.) Clerk
It was noted that the proposals contained within the Draft East Sussex, South Downs and Brighton & Hove Waste and Minerals Sites Plan (Regulation 19) Consultation would not impact on the parish.
RESOLVED Not to respond.
Members considered whether to review – and respond to – East Sussex County Council’s Adult Social Care Savings Proposals Consultation documentation (deadline: 18 December).
Cllr Hyett considered that, rather than just accepting the continuing Central Government funding cuts – and their impact on services such as adult social care – Cllr Davies and ESCC should be resisting them.
RESOLVED To leave Members to comment on the review in a private capacity, if they so wished.
The Clerk observed that it was not always possible to comfortably deal with the business of the Council’s two charities in the 30 mins provided prior to the EPC meeting.
RESOLVED To continue to start Council charity meetings at 7pm and, in the event of there being insufficient time, to adjourn the relevant meeting/s until the EPC meeting following had concluded.
ESALC AGM This had taken place in Battle this afternoon and had been attended by the Chairman and the Clerk. It has been emphasised that, in order to help them comply with the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities, councils with a turnover under £25,000 could apply, via SSALC, for Government funding to establish a web site.
Off-road horse riding Cllr Catt – together with Patricia Brigden - had met recently with the Bruderhof Community to discuss accessing their land as part of a proposed circular off-road route. They were supportive; however, it remains the case that a way needs to be found to make the Junction Road bridleway crossing safer.
Community Responses to a Changing Landscape (health and wellbeing) The Chairman had attended the event held on 9 October at Robertsbridge. He had not learned anything new. Cllr Reed would be attending the same event at Peasmarsh on 17 November.
15.92 LOCAL ACTION PLAN (2010-15)
The Clerk reported that one member of the public only had expressed interest in joining the ‘refresh’ Steering Group – Larry Hyett.
Members expressed disappoint that there had been little community interest; however, Cllr Hyett recalled that a similar situation had arisen previously.
RESOLVED 1 To accept Mr Hyett’s offer to join the Steering Group. Clerk
RESOLVED 2 To arrange an exploratory meeting of the Group (membership: Cllrs Hyett, Reed and Young; Clerk; Larry Hyett). Clerk
Cllr Stephenson reported that he and the Clerk and had met with consultant Highways Engineer, James Hoare on 6 November. He had suggested that the most cost-effective solution would be excavation of soil, sub-base, hoggin and new kerbing (estimated cost: £7,500-£10,000). Mr Hoare had ruled out a grasscrete-type approach because of the cost and the concerns that the Highways Authority would have.
The Clerk observed that the Highways Authority had advised EPC previously that a ‘full-spec’ lay-by would cost £30,000-£40,000.
RESOLVED To ask James Hoare to submit a proposal. Clerk
Cllr Stephenson left the meeting.
It was noted that it remains the case that Greenbarnes has neither provided replacement parts, nor responded to the Council’s suggestion that the company should arrange to fit them.
RESOLVED To instruct EPC’s solicitor. Clerk
Cllr Hyett reported that, despite approaching 4 firms, none had expressed interest in quoting to install the ground protection mesh [part funded by RDC’s Community Grants Scheme]. It may be necessary to approach suppliers directly and ask them if they had an approved installer in the area.
There has been a problem with deer eating leaves from the fruit trees in the orchard.
The recent work day had been successful.
Michael Hart had delivered the signs and oak posts to Colas. The Clerk would be meeting Colas to agree the precise position of the Cripps Corner and Staplecross signs on 13 November. Colas had indicated that the work could be done next week.
The meeting ended at 9.04pm.
Date ……………………………… Chairman ………………………………………
(a) PCSO Report
PCSO Georghiou advised that since the last meeting there had (recently) been one shed break. 5-6 youths had been seen in the vicinity and it was not yet known if anything had been taken. He asked members of the public to be vigilant – especially in view of the darker evenings – and asked them to report anything suspicious as soon as possible by ringing 101.
[The District and County Councillors were not present at this stage.]
(d) Public Question Time
Wally Close advised that the EGRA had to pay a fee of £365 when it applied for advertising consent in respect of the new EG village sign. Given that the sign is not much bigger than the one it replaced, he could not see how the charge could be justified.
The Clerk advised that the fees are set nationally and that village signs are not exempt from the advertising consent regime. The purpose of the fee is to cover the Local Planning Authority’s administration costs.
Cllr Ganly arrived.
Mr Close suggested that the need to pay a fee in situations such as this should be challenged. It was agreed to discuss this at a future EPC meeting. Clerk
The Clerk added that advertising consent has to be renewed after 5 years.
(c) District Council Report
Cllr Ganly reported that:
Ward Boundary Review In relation to Ewhurst, RDC will be recommending to the LGBCE that a 2-Member ward is created comprising Ewhurst, Northiam, Bodiam and Beckley.
Bexhill development An application by Bovis entailing the construction of 1,050 dwellings (30% affordable), up to 7,000sqm of commercial floor space, a primary school, children’s nursery, sports pavilion and other infrastructure had been approved that morning. The application was the direct result of the Link Road and had taken up a considerable amount of officer ‘pre-application time’. This application would bring the total number of new homes in Bexhill up to c3,000 – relieving the pressure on the rest of the District to accept new housing.
Revised Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) There had been around 100 responses to the consultation. As a consequence a discussion has commenced on whether public speaking should be permitted at Planning Committee meetings.
Cllr Stephenson was aware that Ward Members could speak on behalf of an objector but, on balance, took the view that members of the public should be permitted to address the Committee – albeit for a time-limited period.
Cllr Ganly advised that planning applications have to be determined by the Local Planning Authority in accordance with planning law and not emotion. Everyone has the right to submit comments, right up to the morning of the meeting. He observed that there would be no opportunity for a new comment made at the meeting to be verified (although he acknowledged that if it was considered to be materially significant the application could be deferred).
The Clerk observed that not having the opportunity to address the Planning Committee members at their meeting was a source of frustration for communities presented with a contentious planning application.
It was noted that Ward Members are not obliged to represent the views of others.
The Chairman suggested that the Planning Authority was best placed to determine applications – and considered that the public currently have sufficient ways by which to comment on applications.
Cllr Ganly left the meeting.
(d) County Council Report
Cllr Davies reported that:
Finance ESCC needed to save c£30m from the Adult Social Care budget - £10m pa 2016-19. Members of the public are being encouraged to comment and submit their ideas:
Mental Health ESCC is supporting a national ‘pledge campaign’ to tackle the stigma around mental health:
Flu jabs There has been a lower than usual take-up this year – possibly because of the mild weather. They are recommended for the over 65s, those with chronic and auto immune conditions, pregnant women, social and health care workers.
Cllr Davies left the meeting.
Ewhurst PC Minutes 12 November 2015