The Miracle Worker: Research Topics


  1. What qualities did Helen Keller possess that led her to become a successful adult? Research this amazing woman and tell the class about her achievements and triumphs that haven’t been mentioned. What was her role as a Socialist and a suffragist? What did she do with the American Foundation for the Blind? (Biography)
  2. Further research into Annie Sullivan’s background. Include her education and accomplishments. (Biography)
  3. Who was Alexander Graham Bell, and what did he have to do with deaf education? (Biography)
  4. Draw up a short biography of Laura Bridgman. How did she come to be at Perkins? Where did she come from? How far did she go? What were her accomplishments and difficulties? (Biography)
  5. William Gibson: this play and other writings. Why did he write this play? Where did he get his information and inspiration? What else is he known for? (Biography)


  1. Braille created a method by which blind people can read. Research theBraille method. How does it work? Obtain a book or magazine written in Brailleand see if you can read it through touch. (Technology)
  2. Research technology for individuals with hearing impairments such as TTY or TDD machine. Do deaf people use alarm clocks? How do they know if there’s a fire or storm drill? (Technology)
  3. Research available technology for individuals with sight impairments (not Braille). Pick a few items and show us what they look like and explain how they help the blind. (Technology)

Social Studies

  1. What and where is the Perkins Institute? Is it still active today? Research this institution. (Social Science)
  2. Service animals: what are they and how do they help? Who can have one and how does one obtain one? Who trains them? (Social Sciences)
  3. Parenting: How important is discipline? How important is parental discipline and guidance to children? Support your opinions with examples from the play as well as from your own experiences. (Social Studies)
  4. How do children learn language? What words are spoken first? What malapropisms are common? (Social Science)


  1. Research American Sign Language (not the alphabet, though). Describe how ASL impacts 21st century life. How long does it take to learn? How many people know it? How do people from different cultures (American and French, for instance) talk? Why might someone want to learn it? How many words are there? Teach us some words (not spelled). Etc.! (Technology)

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  1. Research Southern manners in the 1800’s and present examples to your classmates. Teach us some manners! (Culture)
  2. Research deaf culture: Can deaf people drive? What can or can’t they do? What is hardest for them? Easiest? What is the incidence of deafness? (Culture)
  3. Research the culture of sight impaired people: What can or can’t they do? What is hardest for them? Easiest? What is the incidence of blindness? (Culture)
  4. Research the original Broadway production of The Miracle Worker and the actresses Anne Bancroft and Patty Duke. What impact, if any, did the play have on the actresses?


  1. Research the Anne Sullivan Macy Act of 2013 that is currently before Congress. What are its main components? Why is it needed? How might it help the community? (Government)
  2. Research asylums of the 1800’s (start with Tewksbury Almshouse). (History)
  3. James and Keller debate the Battle of Vicksburg. What was so important about this battle? What happened there? How long did it last?(History)
  4. The play takes place in a southern state, Mississippi, 14 years after the end of the Civil War. Research the Civil War and its effects on the South. (History)


  1. Annie suffered from trachoma. Research this affliction. What causes it? How canit be treated? (Medicine)
  2. Research the cause of Helen Keller's blindness and deafness. Could herdisabilities have been prevented using modern treatments and drugs? (Medicine)
  3. Trachoma; Meningitis & scarlet fever, TB & DT’s. (Medicine)
  4. Many researchers are concerned that listening to loud music too often might cause hearing loss or eventual deafness. Research this question and present your findings orally to your class or group. (Science)