1 / Company Contact Details:
1.1 / Company Name:
1.2 / Physical Address:
1.3 / Telephone numbers ( land line):
1.4 / Cell Numbers:
1.5 / E-mail address:
2 / Capacity to drill in hard rock formations:
2.1 / Number of DTH rigs that are in good working conditions and owned by the company (List Make and Model)
2.2 / Number compressors in good working condition owned by company (List Make, model and Capacity in CFT).
2.3 / Have capacity to drill in hard rock formations, install temporary casing to drill / ream boreholes to 8 inches to Install 6 inches casing. (Yes/No), List the type and number of drill bits you have in stock. Also, include here the temporary steel casings you have, diameter and numbers)
2.4 / Have stabilizers on drill string to drill large diameter borehole that is vertical. (Yes/No)
2.5 / Have experience and appropriate equipment to undertake foam drilling (Yes/No); Mention number of boreholes drilled with foam in last two years.
3 / Capacity to do Pump test and install Type “B” Bush pumps.
3.1 / Type of equipment and discharge capacity to undertake pumping test and recovery test (Maximum liters/sec and minimum yield Liters/ sec).
3.2 / Have qualified person to undertake pumping test and interpret its results (If yes mention his name, qualification; years of field experience and attach his CV for details)
3.3 / Have a separate team with trained people to install Hand pump and construct apron (List Names of team members)
4 / Support Vehicle Capacity
4.1 / Number of trucks in good working condition (mention capacity, registration and Engine Number)
4.2 / Have a separate pick up or truck mounted with pump testing equipment (registration number & Engine number)
4.3 / Number of other support vehicle (mention capacity, registration number, and Engine number)
5 / Technical Capacity ( Under this mention for each person Name, highest degree and years of experience)
5.1 / Have qualified/trained person to undertake geophysical Surveys for site location. Provide name, qualifications, years of experience and attach CVs.
5.2 / Have a hydro geologist/ geologist or trained person to prepare and interpret Litho logical logs, drill time logs and recommend well assembly and proper well development techniques. Provide name, highest degree & years of experience.
5.3 / Have experienced trained drillers to operate drilling rigs. Provide numbers, names, qualifications, experience and attach CVs.
5.4 / Have qualified/trained Mechanic to repair rigs, compressor etc. Provide names, years of experience and attach CVs.
6 / Work Experience and financial status
6.1 / Has drilled boreholes or rehabilitated hand pump facilities for UNICEF in the last three years. Mention year, work done (i.e., number of boreholes drilled or rehabilitated) and total value of contract.
6.2 / How many drilling rigs, compressors, pump testing equipment you will employ for this work? On a separate page, list equipment & names of team members who will operate and number. On a time line show the number of boreholes each rig will do.
6.3 / Company has audited accounts for last two years (if yes, please attach)
6.4 / Has the company any pending law suits? If no, please attach a declaration of no pending law suits.
7 / Capacity and availability to start work immediately.
7.1 / Contractor has capacity to mobilize and start work within two weeks from the date of signing contract.(mention which are ongoing works, which equipment’s is in use)
7.2 / Indicate the stocks of class 10 casings and screen and bottom cap. Indicate what amount you will reserve for this project.
8 / Mode of Payment and other conditions of contractor.
8.1 / Agree to payment schedule as detailed in terms and conditions of contract (Yes/No) If no, please state your proposal.
8.2 / Percentage of discount offered for payment made in time by UNICEF (select one of the choices on Proposal Form)