Practice Test: Cellular Structure & Functions (Ch 7) Id-B

Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1 2.

3. 4.

____ 1. Which of the above is not present in the prokaryotic cell?

a. / 1 / c. / 4
b. / 3 / d. / 2

____ 2. Which of the above structures produces energy for the cell?

a. / 1 / c. / 3
b. / 2 / d. / 4

____ 3. Which of the above can be called “chemical factory” of the cell?

a. / 2 / c. / 1
b. / 3 / d. / 4

____ 4. Which of the above is the control center of the cell?

a. / 3 / c. / 1
b. / 2 / d. / 4

____ 5. Which of the above structures utilizes the sun’s energy to make carbohydrates?

a. / 1 / c. / 4
b. / 2 / d. / 3

____ 6.

In an animal cell, in which cell part does cellular respiration occur?

a. / Part 3 / c. / Part 4
b. / Part 1 / d. / Part 2

____ 7. Which of the following is characteristic of prokaryotes?

a. / The organelles in their cytoplasm are surrounded by membranes.
b. / Their evolution preceded that of eukaryotes.
c. / They have a nucleus.
d. / None of the above

____ 8. A scientist at the polar ice cap was studying an ice sample from hundred of meters below the surface. While examining the ice, the scientist found some cells from many years ago. Using an electron microscope, the scientist identified these cell structures: a cytoskeleton, mitochondrion, nucleus, cell wall, and ribosomes. What kind of organism did the scientist find?

a. / He did not have enough information. / c. / bacteria
b. / animal / d. / plant

____ 9. A plant cell is placed in a hypotonic solution. What will happen to the plant cell?

a. / It will shrink. / c. / It will stay the same.
b. / It will swell. / d. / It will wilt.

____ 10. Which is a maiin idea of the cell theory?

a. / All cells are microscopic / c. / All cells are made of atoms.
b. / All cells have a plasma membrane / d. / All cells come from preexisting cells

____ 11. Which is present only in eukaryotic cells?

a. / nucleus / c. / DNA
b. / cell membrane / d. / chromosomes

____ 12. Unlike passive transport, active transport

a. / requires energy.
b. / moves substances down their concentration gradient.
c. / does not involve carrier proteins.
d. / All of the above

____ 13. Which statement is a fundamental principle of the cell theory?

a. / All cells have a plasma membrane.
b. / Eukaryotic cells are larger than prokaryotic cells.
c. / The genetic material in cells is DNA.
d. / Living organisms are composed of cells.

____ 14. Which statement is true about bacterial cells?

a. / The cells have no nucleus. / c. / They are eukaryotes.
b. / The cells are very large. / d. / They have organelles.

____ 15. Only eukaryotic cells have

a. / cytoplasm. / c. / DNA.
b. / ribosomes. / d. / membrane-bound organelles.

____ 16. Cilia and flagella are used to move cells through watery environments. What role do these cell parts play on stationary cells?

a. / They transmit waste materials away from the cell.
b. / They hold neighboring cells in a fixed position.
c. / They move substances along the surface of the cell.
d. / They protect the cell by whipping at harmful cells.

____ 17. Which of the following does not require energy?

a. / diffusion / c. / sodium-potassium pump
b. / endocytosis / d. / active transport

____ 18. Ribosomes

a. / are surrounded by a membrane / c. / do not have a cell wall
b. / all / d. / do not contain cytoplasm

____ 19. Animal cells have ll of the following except

a. / vacuole / c. / mitochondria
b. / cell wall / d. / nucleus

____ 20. A cell will swell when it is placed in a(n)

a. / hypertonic solution. / c. / hypotonic solution.
b. / isotonic solution. / d. / None of the above

____ 21. Which of the following is an example of a prokaryotic cell?

a. / amoeba / c. / virus
b. / bacterium / d. / liver cell

____ 22. The smallest units of life are

a. / mitochondria. / c. / cells.
b. / chloroplasts. / d. / None of the above

____ 23. Refer to the illustration above. The process shown is called

a. / active transport. / c. / osmosis.
b. / facilitated diffusion. / d. / diffusion.

____ 24. One difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes is that

a. / mitochondria are found in larger quantities in eukaryotes.
b. / nucleic acids are found only in prokaryotes.
c. / Golgi vesicles are found only in prokaryotes.
d. / prokaryotes do not have a nucleus.

The diagram below shows the parts of a cell. Next 4 questions are based on this diagram.

____ 25. The structure labeled B represents the

a. / lysosome / c. / Golgi apparatus
b. / nucleus / d. / vacuole

____ 26. The structure labeled E represents

a. / endoplasmic reticulum / c. / Plasma membrane
b. / Golgi Apparatus / d. / nucleolus

____ 27. The structure labeled C represents

a. / endoplasmic reticulum / c. / Plasma membrane
b. / nuclear membrane / d. / nucleolus

____ 28. The type of cell shown is a ______cell.

a. / animal / c. / fungal
b. / prokaryotic / d. / plant

____ 29. Molecules that are too large to be moved through the membrane can be transported into the cell by

a. / endocytosis. / c. / exocytosis.
b. / diffusion. / d. / osmosis.

Concentration of Water and Solutes in Four Adjacent Cells

____ 30. Refer to the illustration above. In this system, water molecules are most likely to diffuse in which direction?

a. / from B to D / c. / from A to B
b. / from C to A / d. / from D to C

____ 31. Refer to the illustration above. In this system, dissolved particles in cell B are most likely to

a. / remain in cell B. / c. / diffuse into cell D.
b. / adhere to cell B’s membrane. / d. / diffuse into cell A.

____ 32. Refer to the illustration above. Which cell is most likely to lose both water molecules and dissolved particles as the system approaches equilibrium?

a. / cell B / c. / cell A
b. / cell D / d. / cell C

____ 33. The Golgi apparatus is an organelle that

a. / packages molecules made in the endoplasmic reticulum.
b. / is involved in the distribution of proteins.
c. / receives proteins and lipids from the endoplasmic reticulum.
d. / All of the above

____ 34. Molecules that are too large to be moved across a cell membrane can be removed from the cell by

a. / endocytosis. / c. / osmosis.
b. / diffusion. / d. / exocytosis.

____ 35. The packaging and distribution center of the cell is the

a. / central vacuole. / c. / nucleus.
b. / nuclear envelope. / d. / Golgi apparatus.

____ 36. The double membrane surrounding the nucleus is called the

a. / nuclear wall. / c. / ribosome.
b. / nucleolus. / d. / nuclear envelope.

____ 37. Short hair like structures that protrude from the surface of a cell and are packed in tight rows are called

a. / cilia. / c. / microtubules.
b. / flagella. / d. / microfilaments.

____ 38. A bacterium is classified as a prokaryote because it

a. / has no membrane bound nucleus / c. / has cilia
b. / is a single cell / d. / has no DNA

____ 39. The diffusion of water into or out of a cell is called

a. / selective transport. / c. / osmosis.
b. / endocytosis. / d. / solubility.

____ 40. In a cell, proteins are made on the

a. / cell membrane. / c. / ribosomes.
b. / mitochondria. / d. / nucleus.

____ 41. What type of cell would you examine to find a chloroplast?

a. / plant / c. / Prokaryote
b. / animal / d. / fungus

____ 42. Which of the following is an example of passive transport?

a. / exocytosis / c. / endocytosis
b. / facilitated diffusion / d. / Na+/K+ ATPase pump

____ 43. At what point in the process of diffusion is dynamic equilibrium reached?

a. / when the molecules are mixed and stop moving
b. / when the rate of change in the solution slows by one half
c. / when there is continuous movement but no change
d. / when the movement of the molecules stops being random

____ 44. Which type of molecule forms a lipid bilayer within a cell membrane?

a. / nucleic acid / c. / protein
b. / phospholipid / d. / carbohydrate

____ 45. What is a major difference between facilitated diffusion and active transport?

a. / Facilitated diffusion moves molecules through the plasma membrane.
b. / Active transport uses proteins in the process.
c. / Facilitated diffusion requires large amounts of energy.
d. / Active transport moves substances against the concentration gradient and require energy.

____ 46. Which of the following is an example of a prokaryotic cell?

a. / A fungal cell / c. / A bacterial cell
b. / An animal cell / d. / A plant cell

____ 47. The structure that regulates what enters and leaves the cell is the

a. / nucleus. / c. / cell membrane.
b. / cell wall. / d. / nuclear membrane.

____ 48. Osmosis is a type of

a. / passive transport. / c. / active transport.
b. / endocytosis. / d. / facilitated diffusion.

____ 49. Which organelle converts sugars into energy?

a. / lysosome / c. / ribosome
b. / mitochondrion / d. / nucleus

____ 50. What types of materials are expelled from cells during exocytosis?

a. / small molecules such as carbon dioxide
b. / positive and negative ions
c. / large molecules that are not needed by the cell
d. / water and glycerol


Cellular Structure & Functions (Ch 7) Id-B MMXI

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Cellular Structure & Functions (Ch 7) Id-B MMXI