June 5, 2003
Hello, all.
The purpose of this email is to provide information relevant to the Wyoming Statewide Public Safety Mobile Communications (PSMC) planning initiative. The goal of this plan is to improve mobile communications within the State's public safety infrastructure.
Robert Wilson
Project Manger, WY Statewide PSMC Plan
WYDOT Telecommunications Program Manager
1. PSMC Steering Committee.
A. The time for the June 24th meeting has been moved earlier in the day, making it possible for SALECS Commissioners to attend the Steering Committee meeting in the morning, and for Steering Committee members to attend the SALECS meeting in the afternoon. The Steering Committee meeting will be held in Cheyenne at the the Emerson Building, Room 223 (second floor, southeast corner), starting at 8:30 and ending at 12:00 noon. The SALECS meeting will be held at the same location, starting at 2:00 p.m. Both are open meetings.
B. The May Steering Committee meeting minutes have been posted on the State and FE ClientNet websites named below.
C. The June Steering Committee agenda includes status of the Request For Information, discussion regarding alternatives to be addressed in the Planning Phase, and plans for collecting information to support the "Evolved Baseline" (also known as "Do Nothing") alternative of the PSMC Plan.
2. Request For Information. The RFI to industry was posted yesterday on the Federal Engineering and State websites (links described below). Responses from industry are due by June 24, 2003. The RFI requests that vendors intending to respond to the RFI provide their points of contact to the State and Consultant (paragraph 2.2.3.).
3. WyoLink Project Name and Logo. A name and logo have been selected to describe the preferred alternative to be developed Phase 2 of the PSMC Planning effort. The selected PSMC solution will be referred to as "WyoLink", with "Public Safety Mobile Communications" as it's subtitle. WyoLink is not an acronym; instead, this name is intended to emphasize the spirit of our effort to link the full span of Wyoming's Public Safety community. This name and logo will be used in building support in coming months. The WyoLink logo will be posted at the State website.
4. WAM Convention. Project Steering Committee members and volunteers will staff an educational booth at the WAM Convention, June 12-13, at the High School in Rawlins (booth #47 in the vendor area).
5. Summary of future meeting dates.
Tuesday, June 24, 20038:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.Cheyenne
Wed. and Thurs., Aug 13-14, 20038:00 a.m. - until completedSheridan
Thursday, September 11, 20038:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.Cheyenne
Other details regarding the Steering Committee have been posted at the FE Clientnet website (see below).
6. WY PSMC Project Information.
A. The State project website is getting a simpler name, to reflect the name of the conceptual preferred alternative of the PSMC Plan: WyoLink. One site will redirect to the other during the transition period, but you should henceforth reach the State's project website via this hyperlink:
The Request For Information, a list of PSMC project Frequently Asked Questions, status reports, past studies and other background information can be found on the State site.
B. All PSMC Project Phase 1 deliverables and more Steering Committee information is posted at our consultant's (Federal Engineering) website:
client code- wyoming
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