MONTH: September Year 1CLASS: 3/4
SESE / CONTENT/OBJECTIVES:What do I want the children to learn about? / What METHODOLOGIES will I use to help the children learn? / Resources
History Strand/s:Local Studies
Continuity and change over time / Strand Unit/s: My School
- Investigate the development of present buildings and the history of earlier school buildings
- Attempt to reconstruct a school day In the past using a range of simple evidence
- Compare school furniture and equipment
- Examine old roll books.
- Identify items of change and continuity in the line of development
- Identify some of the factors which have caused or prevented change.
- Refer to or use appropriate time lines
TDA, WA, WC,T/D,VD. / Schools centenary booklet
Earthlink 4 unit 41
Living Past 4 42-46
Four Corners 4 Unit 1
GeograpHuman Environment / Strand Unit/s:
- People and communities in the locality-Athleague
- Natural environment and features-people.
- People at work-industry-Kepak-fishing.
TDA, WA, WC,T/D,VD. / Unit `8 Geography all around me.4 Unit 18
Unit 17 Our Place in Space 4
Earthlink 3 N0 5
Science Strand/s:
Living things / Strand Unit/s Plant and Animal Life
- Oak
- Swan
- Catterpillar
TDA, WA, WC,T/D,VD. / Science all around me 3
Unit 5Science Quest 3( units 2 and 20)
Earthlink 3 (3)
Look around 6 (4-!5)
World wise 3 (10)
Geography all around me 4 (4)
Art-design and construction, English-creative writing, music-water music, Gaeilge Mo Scoil.
DIFFERENTIATION of objectives, pace, teaching style, support, resource, task, outcome, grouping and questioning will be evident in classrooms in Scoil Mhuire in order to enable groups of students with diverse learning characteristics to participate in the mainstream programme.
ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES USED: Teacher Observation, Teacher designed tasks and tests, work samples, portfolios and projects, curriculum profiles, diagnostic and standardised tests where relevant.
VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT: Teachers will continuously expose, and use new relevant words/terms in order to broaden and develop the child’s vocabulary. /
MONTH: September Year 2CLASS: 3/4
SESE / CONTENT/OBJECTIVES:What do I want the children to learn about? / What METHODOLOGIES will I use to help the children learn? / Resources
History Strand/s:
Local Studies / Strand Unit/s: My Family
- Explore aspects of personal family history or the family history of a person known to her.
- Examine changes and examples of continuity in the lives of parents and grandparents.
TDA, WA, WC,T/D,VD. / Earthlink 3 unit 38(SPHE)
Footprints 4 No 1
Ages Ago 4 15
Strand:Human Environment / Strand Unit/s: people and communities in the locality.(Roscommon town services and physical features)
- Natural environmental features and people.
- Prominent natural features Loughnan ean and MotePark.
- People at work
- Services available in locality
- Transport and communications
TDA, WA, WC,T/D,VD. / Heritage Project 2005.
Unit 5 Earthlink 3
Worldwise 4 7-8
Eography all Around me 4 (2,3)
Geography Quest 4 (8)
People and Places 1 8
Ages Ago 4 (15)
Science Strand/s:
Living Things / Strand Unit/s Plant and animal life
- Otter
- Pond
- Water plants
- Spider
TDA, WA, WC,T/D,VD. / Earthlink 3 45
Class resource pack
Irish Fisheries Board folde
Switch on Science
4 -58Folens Posters
Gaeilge place names, English,, creative writing, Art. Drawing tree rubbings
SESE / CONTENT/OBJECTIVES:What do I want the children to learn about? / What METHODOLOGIES will I use to help the children learn? / Resources
History Strand/s:Early peoples and ancient society
Stories / Strand Unit/s: African people- Masai
- Origins
- Homelands cultural, artistic achievements.
- faith, beliefs burial customs
- clothes, food cooking
- Links between these people and Ireland, Europe
TDA, WA, WC,T/D,VD. / Trocaire Pack
Strand:HUMAN ENVIRONMENT / Strand Unit/s: Other Lands- Kenya
- Location
- Customs, culture
- Food
- Features of the natural environment
- Interrelationships between these features and lives of the people.
TDA, WA, WC,T/D,VD.IT / Trocaire pack
Approaching Geography 3 (16)
World wise 4 (21)
Geography all around me 3(18)
World of Geography 6 No 53
Science Strand/s:
Living things / Strand Unit/s human Life Processes- Breathing
- Need of oxygen
- Windpipe lungs
- Dangers of smoking
- Skeleton-
- Investigate how people move
- Action of muscles and bones and joints
TDA, WA, WC,T/D,VD.IT / Look Around 6 –52
Earthlink 4 -20,24.
Switch on Science 4 – 37
Look around 4 – 4,6,35
Science All around me 3 (1)
Primary Science 3/ 4
Earthlink 3 (6)
SUBJECT INTEGRATION/ CENTRAL THEME: intercultural guidelines. SPHE smoking- drugs Art appreciation and African art- clay.
MONTH: October year 2CLASS: 3/4
SESE / CONTENT/OBJECTIVES:What do I want the children to learn about? / What METHODOLOGIES will I use to help the children learn? / Resources
History Strand/s:
Early Peoples and Ancient societies / Strand Unit/s:
Australasian Peoples
- Become familiar with aspects of the lives of these people- Maoris and Aborigines.
- Examine and become familiar with evidence we have which tells us about these people.
- Australasian mythology –aborinianl and Maori (Curr p. 47)
TDA, WA, WC,T/D,VD.IT / Library Books
Worldwise 4 -26
Ages Ago4 - 12
Time Traveller 4 -73
Strand:HUMAN ENVIRONMENT / Strand Unit/s: People and other Lands
- Location
- Features of natural environment
- Myths and stories
- Interrelationships of the lives of the people
- Similarities and contrasts.
TDA, WA, WC,T/D,VD. / As above
World of Geography 6 -58
Approaching Geog. 3-18
Science Strand/s:
Energy and forces / Strand Unit/s Forces-
- Explore how objects may be moved.
- Explore how some moving objects may be slowed down
- Explore the effect of friction on movement.
- Investigate falling objects
- Explore how levers may be used
- Investigate force of water -design a boat
TDA, WA, WC,T/D,VD. / Discover Science Pack
Primary Science 3/4.
Science all around me 3 -11,14.
Science Quest 4 -4,13,19.
Earthlink 3 -37
EL 4 -43
Art- construction, Music Aboriginal and Maori P.E. Dance haka Art appreciation- aboriginal amd Maori
MONTH: November Year 1CLASS: 3/4
SESE / CONTENT/OBJECTIVES:What do I want the children to learn about? / What METHODOLOGIES will I use to help the children learn? / Resources
History Strand/s:
Early People and ancient Society / Strand Unit/s: Early Christian Ireland.
- Houses of people- origins
- Faith and beliefs
- Clothes
- Food and cooking
- Work/technologies/weapons
- Burial practices
TDA, WA, WC,T/D,VD. / Earthlink 4
Clonmacnoise brochures
Art pictures.
Natural environment / Strand Unit/s HUMAN ENVIRONMENT
- County, Regional and National Centres- Focus on counties of Ulster and Munster.
- Land rivers of my county
- Features-bog lakeislamds
- Built environment- railways, roads, towns near rivers.
TDA, WA, WC,T/D,VD. / Robbie O leary’s cd’s
App. Geog 2 1-6
Earthlink 3 2,19,24,36.
World of Geog. A
Geog quest 4 6,7.
Geog. All around me- 4,5,20.
Science Strand/s:
Living things
Energy and Forces / Strand Unit/s Plant and animal life
Heat –Learn that heat can be transferred
Recognise that temperature is a measurement of how hot something is.
Measure changes in temp. using a thermometer.
Measure and compare temp.
Understand importance of the sun
Identify ways in which homes are heated. / A, Al, E, GDis, GW, LB, P,OP, P/P,TX
TDA, WA, WC,T/D,VD. / Class resource pack
SUBJECT INTEGRATION/ CENTRAL THEME: Art- cross rubbings, ogham writing, maths( measurement).
MONTH: November year 2CLASS: 3/4
Early People and Ancient Societies
Story / Strand Unit/s: Egyptians
- Become familiar with aspects of the lives of these people
- Evidence
- Timeline
TDA, WA, WC,T/D,VD. / Earthlink 6 14
Ages Ago 4 3
Ages ago 3 3-4.
Natural Environment. / Strand Unit/s -Weather- climate and Atmosphere.
- Use simple equipment to observe, record.
- Record and display simple weather observations.
- Weather predictions
- Temperature comparisons
- Weather variation and information on plants, animals and humans
- Develop awareness of weather and climate patterns
TDA, WA, WC,T/D,VD. / Earthlink 3 7,12.
Our P in Space 4.3.
Our P in Space 3 11.
World wise 1 (12)
WW 2(5) WW3(8,9)
Geography Q. 4 (4)
Geog AAM 3 (3,!7)
G.A.A.M. 4 (7,9,10,11.))
Primary Science 3/4
Science Strand/s:
Living things
Materials / Strand Unit/s -Plant and animal life
- Pheasant Rowan
- Materials and change
- Heating and cooling
- Mixing and other changes
TDA, WA, WC,T/D,VD. / Primary Science ¾
Science all around me 3 16,19,21.
Science Q. 3 10,16,19.
Science Q. 4 3,5,8,17.
Class resource pack
Maths- data. Art construction(papier Maché) Hieroglyphics Gaeilge- an aimsir English-vocabulary, creative writing.
MONTH: December Year 1CLASS: 3/4
SESE / CONTENT/OBJECTIVES:What do I want the children to learn about? / What METHODOLOGIES will I use to help the children learn? / Resources
History Strand/s:
Life, society, work, culture in the past. / Strand Unit/s:-Life in the 18th Century
- Become familiar with aspects of the lives of the people.
- Homes
- Clothes
- Technologies which people developed and used.
- Leisure and pastimes
TDA, WA, WC,T/D,VD. / Discover the Past 4.4-17
Strand:Natural Environment / Strand Unit/s- Local Natural Environment
- Investigate and become familiar with some natural features in the locality- Loughnanéan
- Establish distance and cardinal location.
- Observe and explore ways in which these features have effected the lives of plants and animals and humans
TDA, WA, WC,T/D,VD. / Maura Hannon’s Resource Pack.
Science Strand/s:
Living things / Strand Unit/s Plant and animal life
The Squirrel- hibernation, habits, food etc. / A, Al, E, GDis, GW, LB, P,OP, P/P,TX
TDA, WA, WC,T/D,VD. / Resource Pack
Maths- shape and space.
MONTH: December Year 2CLASS: 3/4
SESE / CONTENT/OBJECTIVES:What do I want the children to learn about? / What METHODOLOGIES will I use to help the children learn? / Resources
History Strand/s:
Continuity and change over time / Strand Unit/s: Shops and fairs.
- Study aspects of social, artistic, technological and scientific development over long periods.
- Identify items of change and continuity in the line of development.
- Identify some of the factors which have caused or prevented change.
- Timelines.
TDA, WA, WC,T/D,VD. / Heritage Project.
4 Corners 3 (8)
Earthlink 4 (34)
Strand:Environmental awareness and care. / Strand Unit/s-Caring for the environment
- Examine a number of ways in which local and other environments could be improved and enhanced.
- Identify and discuss a local, national or global environmental issue
- Realise that here is a personal and community responsibility for taking care of and conserving the environment.
TDA, WA, WC,T/D,VD. / Science Quest 3 (9)
Science Strand/s:
Living things / Strand Unit/s- Plant and animal life
Deer- habits, appearance, food and young / A, Al, E, GDis, GW, LB, P,OP, P/P,TX
TDA, WA, WC,T/D,VD. / Resource pack
S.P.H.E. Gaeilge -An siopa. Art- sign writing for shop fronts.
MONTH: Januaryl Year 1CLASS: 3/4
SESE / CONTENT/OBJECTIVES:What do I want the children to learn about? / What METHODOLOGIES will I use to help the children learn? / Resources
History Strand/s:
Local Studies
Story / Strand Unit/s: Games ,pastimes in the past
- Have some knowledge of games and pastimes enjoyed by children in ancient society
- Explain and discuss games and pastimes enjoyed by parents and grandparents in the past
- Become familiar with some games and pastimes enjoyed in the locality
TDA, WA, WC,T/D,VD. / Heritage Project ‘05
Earthlink 3 (1)
World wise1 (11)
Geog all around me 3 (21)
World wise 4 (30)
Ages ago 3 (16)
Library Books.
Strand:Human environment / Strand Unit/s: People living and working in a contrasting part of Ireland(Donegal)
- People and communities
- Natural environmental features and people
- Settlements, homes and other buildings
- People and work
- Transport and communications.
TDA, WA, WC,T/D,VD. / Irish Tourism board Brochures
Science Strand/s:
Energy and forces / Strand Unit/s Light
- Learn that light is a form of energy
- Recognise that light comes from natural and artificial sources
- Investigate that light can be broken up into many different colours-prism, spinning top
- Investigate the relationship between light and materials
- Investigate how mirrors are good reflectors of light
- Recognise that sun gives us heat- needed to survive
- Dangers of the sun.
TDA, WA, WC,T/D,VD. / Discover Science Programme
Earthlink 3 (28)
Science all around me 3 (13)
Science Quest 4(16)
Primary Science 3/4
SUBJECT INTEGRATION/ CENTRAL THEME: SPHE- Art- design a light shade- sunglasses parasol construction- make,construct a game PE games
MONTH: Januaryl Year 2CLASS: 3/4
SESE / CONTENT/OBJECTIVES:What do I want the children to learn about? / What METHODOLOGIES will I use to help the children learn? / Resources
History Strand/s:
Life,Society, work and culture in the past. / Strand Unit/s: Life in Norman Ireland
- Become familiar with aspects of the lives of these people
- Examine and become familiar with evidence from the periods studied esp. local evidence
- Record on timeline
TDA, WA, WC,T/D,VD. / Heritage Project ‘05
Working through History 2 (1-3)
Strand:Human environment / Strand Unit/s: people and other lands—Poland
- Study some aspects of the environment and lives of these people
- Develop an awareness of the interdependence of these people and people in Ireland
- Begin to develop a sense of belonging
TDA, WA, WC,T/D,VD. / Intercultural guidelines
Library Book ‘Poland’
Polish students.
Robbie O leary’s cd’s
App. Geog 2 1-6
Earthlink 3 2,19,24,36.
World of Geog. A
Geog quest 4 6,7.
Geog. All around me- 4,5,20.
Science Strand/s:
Energy and forces / Strand Unit/s Electricity
- Observe the effects of static electricity on everyday things in the environment
- Learn about electrical energy
- Investigate current electricity by constructing simple circuits
- Examine and group materials as conductors or insulators
- Become aware of the dangers of electricity
TDA, WA, WC,T/D,VD. / Discover Science Programme
Video library
SUBJECT INTEGRATION/ CENTRAL THEME: SPHE- Art- design a light shade- sunglasses parasol construction- make,construct a game PE games
SPHE Creative Writing
MONTH: February Year 1CLASS: 3/4
SESE / CONTENT/OBJECTIVES:What do I want the children to learn about? / What METHODOLOGIES will I use to help the children learn? / Resources
History Strand/s:
.Life and society, work and culture in the past / Strand Unit/s Life in the 19th century-
- Become familiar with aspects of the lives of these people
- Examine and become familiar with evidence from the period studied
- Timeline
TDA, WA, WC,T/D,VD. / Earthlink 6 (32)
Environmental awareness and care. / Strand Unit/s: Environmental awareness
- identify, discuss and record aspects of local natural and human environment which are considered attractive or unattractive
- develop some awareness of the types of environment which exist in Ireland and other parts of the world.
- Become aware of the Earth’s renewable and non renewable resourses
- Recognise hoe people’s actions may have an impact on the environment.
TDA, WA, WC,T/D,VD. / Dúchas pack
Science Quest 4 (11)
Primary Science 3/4
Science Strand/s:
Energy and forces / Strand Unit/s Sound.
- Learn that sound is a form of energy
- Recognise and identify a variety of sounds in the environment
- Understand and explore how different sounds may be made by making a variety of materials vibrate.
- Design simple instruments
- Explore how sound travels through materials
TDA, WA, WC,T/D,VD. / Discover Science Programme
Video library
Science All around me 3 (9)
Science quest 3 (4)
Science Quest 4 (14,15)
Switch on Science 4 (14)
Earthlink 4 (36)
Primary Science ¾
Look Around 4 (66)
SUBJECT INTEGRATION/ CENTRAL THEME: SPHE- Art- design an instrument Music Creative writing Drama
MONTH: February Year 2CLASS: 3/4
SESE / CONTENT/OBJECTIVES:What do I want the children to learn about? / What METHODOLOGIES will I use to help the children learn? / Resources
History Strand/s:
Local Studies / Strand Unit/s: Homes
- Explore changes which have taken place in the home and other homes in the area
- Discuss with older people items which have changed and which are different
- Collect and examine old artefacts
- timeline
TDA, WA, WC,T/D,VD. / Earthlink 3 (22)
World wise 1 (5)
Geog. Allaround me 4 (15)
Approaching Geog 1 (8)
Geog. All around me 3 (11)
Strand:natural Environment / Strand Unit/s: Planet Earth in Space
- observe describe and record the position of the sun when rising and setting and the changing lengths of day and night during the seasons
- investigate shadows, directions and sunlight.
TDA, WA, WC,T/D,VD. / Approaching Geog 3(1)
Earthlink 3 (44,56)
Earthlink 4 (9,42)
Look around 4(11)
Geog. All around me 4 (12,22)
Our Place in space 4(1)
Geog Quest 4 (16)
Geog. All around me 3 (9)
Try this 3 (6)
World wise 3 (1,3)
World wise 4 (2,5)
Science Strand/s:
Living things / Strand Unit/s Human Life
- Variety and characteristics of humans
- Become aware of the names and structure of some of the bodie’s major external and internal organs (The Heart)
Earthworm / A, Al, E, GDis, GW, LB, P,OP, P/P,TX
TDA, WA, WC,T/D,VD. / Video library
Earthlink 4
Earthlink3 (10)
Science quest 3 (12)
Switch on Science 4 (1)
Resource Pack
SUBJECT INTEGRATION/ CENTRAL THEME: SPHE- Art Maths-space and shape- area. English- interview
MONTH: March (Year 1) CLASS: 3/4
SESE / CONTENT/OBJECTIVES:What do I want the children to learn about? / What METHODOLOGIES will I use to help the children learn? / Resources
History Strand/s:
Early People and Ancient Societies / Strand Unit/s: Celts
- Become familiar with aspects of the lives of these people.
- Examine and become familiar with evidence we have which tells us about these people, especially local evidence.
TDA, WA, WC,T/D,VD. / Ages Ago 4 (Chapter 6)
Internet, Library, Pictures.
Ages Ago 3 (6)
Past Times.
Strand:Human Environments / Strand Unit/s: People and other lands France
- Study some aspects of environment and lives in France
- Develop an awareness of the interdependence of these people.
- Begin to develop a sense of belonging to local, county national, Eurpean and Global communities.
TDA, WA, WC,T/D,VD.I.T.IA,GS / Work cards, Intercultural guidelines.
App. Geog. 3 (6)
World of Geog. B (35)
4Corners 3 (18,19)
Our Place in Space 4(23)
Science Strand/s:
materials / Strand Unit/s
Properties and characteristics of materials
- Identify and investigate a range of common materials in the immediate environment.
- Recognise that materials can be solid, liquid or gaseus.
- Describe and compare materials, noting the differences in colour, shape and texture.
- Distinguish between raw and manufactured materials.
- Group according to to their properties.
- Investigate how materials may be used in construction.
TDA, WA, WC,T/D,VD.I.T.IA,V,PW. / Science Q 3 Ch 1 , 7 and 8
Earthlink 3 Unit41 and 47
Earthlink 4 Unit 39
Science Quest 4 ( 1.,7,10)
Discover Science Pack
Look around 4 (25)
Switch on Science 4 (9)
Science all around me 3 (3,6)
Primary Science 3/4
SUBJECT INTEGRATION/ CENTRAL THEME:Intercultural guidelines. Art. Construction(K’nex) Art Appreciation.maths.(capacity) Music-appreciation and composer.
MONTH: March Year 2CLASS: 3/4