Present:Cllrs Mrs D Wain (Chairman), Mrs S Bingham, Mrs S Carter, S Brader, S Cannon, L Pogson and the Clerk.

Mrs S Cullen was present for items 09/88 to 09/91 inclusive.

09/88Apologies for absence–Cllr R Bates (unwell). Apology accepted. County Councillor S Kinch also sent his apologies.

09/89To receive Declarations of Interest – Cllr S Cannon declared a personal interest in item 09/96(a) as a friend of the applicant.

09/90To approve the notes of the Parish Council meetingheld on 8th September2009as the Minutes. RESOLVED to approve the notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 8th September2009 (as circulated) as the Minutes. These were signed by the Chairman.

09/91To receive Reports from Outside Bodies

a)Mrs Cullen reported that the sale of Howson Care Centre was still going through but had not been completed. Concern was expressed to her about a resident taking a chair and sitting within the playing field or near the entrance, which could be considered intimidating for mothers and children. Mrs Cullen will report this back to the Care Centre.

09/92To receive Clerk’sReport

a)The Clerk has sent a letter to the PCC advising them that the Handyman will attend to the bushes etc, but that the unsafe memorial is their responsibility.

b)When reporting complaints to the Environment Agency about smells from Park Farm it needs to be stated that this is a Midlands matter and not Anglian (the boundary runs through the farm).

c)Nigel Pricehas now moved on from the Community Council of Lincolnshire. The Clerk is waiting for contact from the new Rural Housing Enabler.

d)Nothing further has been heard about the site of the old school building.

09/93To receive new correspondence not already included above, to be circulated at themeeting.

Correspondence duly received and circulated.

09/94To take any points from members, identify items for the next agenda and note urgent items of interest.

a)Concern was expressed that some waste bins are being left for collection on the footpath outside people’s properties rather than just inside the boundary. This is known to have caused problems for people with visual impairment. A request is to be made in the next Newsletter for more consideration.

b)Mrs Martin has reported that the new owl nest box in the parish field has been occupied.

c)The prize for the Best Kept Garden was not collected by the winners at the Horticultural Show. Clerk to check that it has been delivered.

d)The bus shelters need cleaning. Clerk to speak to Handyman.


a)To present half-year report of expenditure and income against budget. The Clerk provided figures showing expenditure and income against budget. RESOLVED that these be accepted as showing a reasonable and accurate picture of the figures to date and that they are in line with the budget.

b)To begin consideration of budget for 2010/11. The only major item of new expenditure considered so far is work on the path through the cemetery. A quotation has yet to be sought for this work. Consideration will also be given to work on the railings at the front of the cemetery. As a result of the withdrawal by West Lindsey DC of subsidy for cemetery work, this will place an extra cost on the Community Charge for residents. Other expenses are likely to be similar to the current year. The Clerk offered to reduce her paid hours from 5.5 to 4 per week from the next financial year in view of increasing costs placed on the council.

c)To receive summary of parish council accounts. Balance prior to meeting£9,225.57, split between StepSaver A/C: £8,555.46 and Community A/C: £670.11(£40 cemetery fees received, £600.00 transferred in from StepSaver a/c). RESOLVED that the accounts be accepted.

d)To approve payments to be made (total £640.33):

i)Mrs E Mann (salary 4 weeks to 30.10.09) 228.67

ii)Mr L Pogson (expenses – Best Kept Garden prize) 15.00

iii)LALC (training session fee) 6.00

iv)Clement Keys (audit fee) 155.25

v)DWG Groundcare (grass cutting September) 178.25

RESOLVED that the payments be approved, leaving balance of £8,585.24.


a)To considerApp. No. 124936 – Mr D Mann, ‘Purt ny Shee’, Marton Road – PA to erect single storey extension to form dining area to kitchen and sun lounge. Cllr S Cannon declared a personal interest as a friend of the applicant. No objections.

b)To consider App. No. 124387 – Mr NCalvert, Fox & Hounds, Gainsborough Road – PA to construct a conservatory and front porch and retrospective PA for change of use of land from grassed garden area to permeable hardstanding for car usage. No objections.

Date of next meeting: Tues 10thNovember 2009 following 10-minute Public Forum at 8.00 p.m.

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