

QUE_2012_03483 (D8-1-2, D8-1-1)


NAME: CRS Delivering Bioatives

ADDRESS: 3340 Pilot Knob Road



Attention to: Leah Barna, Meeting Manager

OBJECT: Letter of recognition

Event: 39th Annual Meeting and Exposition

Dates: July 14 to 18, 2012

Location: Centre des Congrès de Québec

Number of exhibitoirs: 100

Number of participants: 1550

Dear Madam/Sir:

This refers to your letter dated May 7, 2012. We have reviewed the information you have provided about your upcoming meeting to be held in Quebec City, Canada, regarding the temporary importation of brochures and scientific equipment for display also printed program, books, camera and signs for use in the conduct of your international event.

The goods you are planning to bring into Canada as official accessories, conference articles, publicity documentation, souvenirs not exceeding an individual value of 25 Canadian dollars for free distribution to participants qualify for duty-free importation under tariff 9830.00.00 and are relieved of Goods and Services Tax (GST). They qualify under special authority code 84-867 according to customs memorandum D8-1-1, Appendix C.

The goods imported under tariff item 9993.00.00 are subject to the following conditions:

  • Not to be sold, leased or manufactured while in Canada;
  • Be imported in no greater quantity than is reasonable for their intended use;
  • Be exported upon the departure of the importer or within such other period of time as is reasonably related to the purpose of the temporary admission.

Under theses circumstances, we are pleased to inform you that the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) recognizes your event as a foreign organization. As such, CBSA will be waiving the requirement for the subject goods to be documented on the Temporary Admission Permit (Form E29B), as well as the requirement to post security deposit. This waiver is granted on condition that the participants in your event:

  • Identify themselves to CBSA officers at the Canadian border as participants at the meeting by presenting a copy of this letter of Recognition or official correspondence from your organization;
  • Declare all goods being temporarily imported (including equipment and personal effects) and their intended use and be prepared to provide a written list or invoice of the goods;
  • Export all temporarily imported goods following the conclusion of the meeting.

Should you or your participants decide to give away, sell or otherwise dispose of any temporarily imported goods, they must contact the Customs Superintendant at the nearest Customs office, in this case the Quebec office, tel: 418-648-3881 or 418-640-3351 to properly account for those goods. Any good that remain in Canada after the event become liable for the payment of duties and taxes on a Canada Customs Coding Form B3 regardless of whether or not the goods are sold.

Most persons involved in events being held in Canada are not considered as «working in Canada» and therefore do not need work permits. Direct sales to the public at large are prohibited without a validated employment authorization. Event organizers should provide their invited speakers with a Speaker’s Letter of Introduction to present to officials at the border as well as this letter. American citizens do not require a visa to visit Canada. Additional information on visas and work permits is available on the CIC Website at:

Phone number: 1-888-242-2100

Citizens of some countries require a Visa to visit Canada. Foreign exhibitors will require a work permit if they perform direct sales to the general public. For more information contact CIC at:

Visitor’s information can be obtained at:

The tax refund program was recently modified. Information can be obtained at:

Please ensure that a copy of this letter accompanies each shipment of goods to your event and is carried across the border by each participant coming to your meeting.

Prior to re-importation your exhibitors should contact their local Customs office or if applicable their customs broker to determine proper procedures. Please contact your customs broker if you have any importation or transportation inquiries.

We are please to welcome you and your event to Canada and we wish you and all the great success and a pleasant stay in Quebec City.

Yours truly,

Josée Daigle

CBSA Officers

(418) 648-3881

(418) 649-6259

C.C: Mendelssohn Event Logistics