
OPAC Advisory Group Meeting



Is it possible to name the search results screen?

  • No, it isn’t possible because the results screen is the same for all types of searches.

Can we move the search tips below the boxes on the Advanced Search Screen?

  • It is easy to move the TIPS, but the OPAC Working Group would prefer to do user testing to see if the placement of the TIPS is problematic. The original idea was to give users clues to the many options on this screen, all of which do not show without scrolling down.

Can we change the order of the limit boxes (place language and sort first)?

  • It is possible to change the order of these boxes, but the OPAC Working Group would prefer to do user testing to see if the order is problematic. The original idea was to put the “Library” and “Shelving Location” in hierarchical order with “Collection” following, and then “Publication Year”, “Format” and “Language” are in the order we guessed they would be in terms of usage. We have decided to change the font of “Sort By” to distinguish it, since it is not a search limit.

Can the solid bar appearance of the button bar be changed to make the buttons more readily apparent?

  • This design came from the new version of SIRSI's catalog, based on the catalog from Lehigh University, a design they have tested with users and have used for some time. We are testing the buttons with our users. In addition, we have asked our button designer if she has time to try some additional options. She has other assignments and is under short deadlines for all of this work; it may not be able to be done by January.

Can anything be done about the “dreaded 1200 line Sirsi record”? Can we make Sirsi behave more like Notis with regard to serials?

  • The underlying architecture of the SIRSI system is different from that of NOTIS. We have made several customizations and can make more, but we must work within the parameters of the SIRSI system.