Seven prongs of the NVMI Teacher Evaluation process:

  1. Teacher-developed portfolio aligned to the CSTPs with the following components. Teachers decide on their own what evidence to provide of each CSPT element. Suggestions are made below for possible evidence. Teachers organize the portfolio in hard copy or electronic form BY CSTP element (six major elements).

1a / Connecting to students’ prior knowledge, life experience, and interests / Student work, student reflections, teacher reflections, lesson plans, informal observation checklist (IOC)
1b / Using a variety of instructional strategies to respond to diverse needs / Student work, student reflections, teacher reflections, lesson plans, IOC
1c / Facilitating learning experiences that promote autonomy, interaction and choice / Student evaluations, lesson plans, IOC
1d / Problem solving, critical thinking – making subject matter meaningful / Student work, lesson plans, student evaluations, IOC
1e / Self-directed, reflective learning for students / Student reflections, student evaluations, IOC
2a / Engaging physical environment / Photographs, video
2b / Climate of fairness and respect / Student evaluations, teacher reflection, video, IOC
2c / Social development and group responsibility / Lesson plans, video, student reflections, teacher reflections, student evaluations
2d / Standards for student behavior / Syllabus, photographs, merit and demerit analyses, student evaluations, teacher reflection, IOC
2e / Promoting self-directed, reflective learning / Copies of Routines, video of routines and procedures, IOC
2f / Using instructional time effectively / Transition plans and procedures in lesson plans, lesson plan pacing, video, student evaluations, teacher reflections
3a / Knowledge of subject matter and student development / Student evaluations; teacher reflections; professional development records
3b / Organizing curriculum to support student understanding / Scope and sequence, annual plan, syllabus, lesson plans; student evaluations, IOC
3c / Interrelating ideas within and across subjects / Lesson plans, video, student evaluations, IOC
3d / Instructional strategies that promote student understanding / Lesson plans, student evaluations, video, IOC
3e / Using materials, resources and technologies / Lesson plans, specific technology plans, teacher reflection, student evaluations, IOC
4a / Drawing on and valuing student backgrounds, interests, and needs / Lesson plans, teacher reflections, and student evaluations, IOC
4b / Goals for student learning / Syllabi, short and long term lesson plans, posting of objectives and agendas, IOC
4c / Sequencing instructional activities / Scope and sequence, syllabi, teacher reflections, lesson plans, IOC
4d / Short and long term plans / Syllabi, short and long term lesson plans
4e / Modifying instructional plans to adjust to student needs / Lesson reflections, video, student evaluations, teacher reflections, IOC
5a / Learning goals established and communicated for all students / Posting objectives, lesson plans, grade book grids; family communication logs, IOC
5b / Multiple assessment sources / Grade book grids, syllabi, lesson plans, common finals, benchmark results, student work samples
5c / Student self-assessment / Student work, student reflections
5d / Assessment guiding instruction / Examples of lesson plans shaped by assessment results; assessment item analyses, informal assessment evidence/reflections, IOC
5e / Communicating with other audiences / Family communication logs, teacher reflections on departmental and grade level meetings; feedback sheets from administration looking at student work
6a / Reflecting on teaching practice and planning professional development / Professional Development plan and log; reflections
6b / Pursuing professional development and establishing goals / Professional Development plan and log; reflections; certificates of attendance/transcripts
6c / Working with communities / Certificates, letters, work samples, video, teacher reflection
6d / Working with families / Family contact logs
6e / Working with colleagues / PD participation certificates and logs, teacher reflection on team meetings
  1. Self-evaluation on the CSTP rubric – Teachers complete the CSPT rubric and write self-evaluative commentary for each of the six CSTPs.
  2. Informal observations using the informal observation checklists (IOCs) –Mark, Department Chairs, and peers observe classrooms using the checklist and the data from these checklists is used to establish “patterns” of successful practice as well as “patterns” of areas for growth. Goal is that once per week once of these IOCs is completed by someone (administrator, peer, or Department Chair).
  1. Formal observations using the CSTP rubric and an observation protocol.
  1. Protocol is as follows:
  2. Observer completes a “time on task” log at least five times during the observation.
  3. Observer charts level of Bloom’s taxonomy being used during the lesson.
  4. Observer notes classroom management techniques in evidence and those lacking.
  5. Observer notes the use of rituals and routines or lack thereof.
  6. Observer notes each instructional strategy used.
  7. Observer notes “multiple intelligences” being employed.
  8. Observer records overall observations of successful practice and areas for growth from areas (a)(i-vi) above
  9. Teachers who have been teaching at NVMI more than 3 years get observed ONCE during the year by someone the teacher selects (Mark, or Department Chair, or peer).
  10. Teachers who have been at NVMI three years or less get observed THREE TIMES during the year: First by a peer, second by the Department Chair, and finally by an administrator.
  1. Student work collection and analysis by teacher, peers, and administration – Teachers will be asked to bring work samples to departmental meetings, grade level meetings and whole faculty meetings for discussion and analysis. At least once each quarter, student work will be turned into the administration and teachers will receive written feedback from the administration.
  2. Student evaluations at the end of the first semester – All students will complete teacher evaluations as part of the first semester final exam periods.
  3. SBAC Test Scores – Teachers will be asked to complete a self-analysis of the results of their students’ SBAC Test scores from the previous school year. These will be discussed between teachers and administration.