Examples of Recent Publications/Presentations

by Unit/School Faculty and Candidates

Examples of recent publications on PDS related topics

Conaway, B. J., Browning, L. J., & Purdum-Cassidy, B. (2007). The influence of an early field-experience in urban schools on student learning and teacher candidates’ perceptions of teaching: Results of a four-year study. 29(1) 20-32. Action in Teacher Education.

Johnsen, S., VanTassel-Baska, J., & Robinson, A. (2008) Using the National Gifted Education Standards University Teacher Preparation Programs.Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Paul, C., Johnsen, S., Goree, K. (2008) Teachers with High and Low Efficacy: Differences in Their Mentoring Experiences. 21(3) 265-299. Teacher Education & Practice.

Examples of recent Presentations related to PDS work

Baker, B.R., Sharp, P.T., & Wilkerson, T. (2009) Best Practices: Improving Instruction in Mathematics Through an Investigation of Geometric Thinking of Young Children. Association for Childhood Education International Conference. Chicago.

Barrett, E., Conaway, B. J., Meyer, R. L, et al. (2009). Collaborative, Field-Based Secondary Teacher Education. Association of Teacher Education. Dallas.

Conaway, B. J., Browning, L. J., Purdum-Cassidy, B. & Jackson, Dionne. (2009). Efficacy Beliefs as Dispositions: The Impact of Extended Field- Experiences in Urban Schools. Association of Teacher Education. Dallas.

Conaway, B. J., Browning, L. J. & Purdum-Cassidy, B. (2007). Perceptions of Urban Schools and Teacher Candidates. National Conference of American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education. New York City.

Conaway, B. J., Browning, L. J. & Purdum-Cassidy, B. (2007). Teacher Candidates Changing Perceptions of Urban Schools. National Conference of Association of Teacher Education. San Diego.

Conaway, B. J., Browning, L. J., Purdum-Cassidy, B. (2007). Teacher Candidate’s and UrbanSchools. Holmes Partnership Annual Conference. San Antonio.

Conaway, B. J. & Patterson, T. L. (2006). A Comparison of Student Achievement: Does PDS Make a Difference? National Association for Professional Development Schools. Orlando.

Conaway, B. J., Browning, L. J., & Purdum-Cassidy, Barbara. (2006). Preparing Teachers for Urban Schools: Results of a Four-Year Qualitative Study. National Association for Professional Development Schools. Orlando.

Conaway, B. J., Browning, L. J., & Purdum-Cassidy, B. (2006). Teacher Candidate’s Perceptions of Teaching in Urban Schools. Association for Teacher Education. Atlanta.

Conaway, B. J. (2007). Teacher Candidate’s Impact on Student Achievement. Holmes Partnership Annual Conference. San Antonio.

Cooper, S. (2009). An Analysis of Preservice Teachers Level of Understanding of Mathematical Thinking. Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Orlando.

Cooper, S., Fisher, C., Merritt, M., Rainey, S., & Sandefur, J. (2009). Elementary Preservice Teachers Explore Possibilities for Math Learning in Informal Learning Environments. Association of Teacher Educators Conference. Dallas.

Gloer, S.R. & Charlton, B. (2009). Daily Focus, Strong Collaboration-Moving Us Forward. National Association for Professional Development Schools Conference, Daytona Beach.

Goree, K. & Hassell, K. (2009). Continuing the Journey with a Focus on Excellence. Holmes Partnership Conference. Jacksonville.

Johnsen, S.K. (2008). Issues Affecting Identification of Gifted and Talented Students. Multicultural Summit on Gifted Education sponsored by the Ohio Department of Education. Columbus.

Meyer, R. L., Conaway, B. J. & Wilkerson, T. (2007). Using Lesson Study with Interns. National Conference of Association of Teacher Education. San Diego.

Meyer, R. L & Conaway, B. J. (2007). Teacher Quality: Partnerships Engaged in a Lesson Study Model. Holmes Partnership Annual Conference. San Antonio.

Meyer, R. (2009). Taking Action: From Classroom Research to Collaborative Reflection. Holmes Partnership Conference. Jacksonville.

Meyer, R. (2008). Professional Development: The Success of Lesson Study. PDK International Summit. San Antonio.

Meyer, R., Marlin, P., Brown, V., & Scott, S. (2009). Taking Action: From Classroom Research to Collaborative Reflection. Association of Teacher Educators Conference. Dallas.

Meyer, R. & Wilkerson, T. (2008). Pre-service Teachers Engage in Best Practices Through Lesson Study. National Conference of Association of Teacher Education. New Orleans, LA.

Purdum-Cassidy, B., Shepard, W., Morgan, P., Keathley, B. (2009). Closing the Achievement Gap: The Effects of Small Group Instruction on the Literacy and Mathematics Achievements of Urban PDS Students. National Association for Professional Development Schools Conference, Daytona Beach.

Purdum-Cassidy, B. (2009). Action Research: The Effects of Small Group Instruction on the Literacy and Mathematics Development of Urban PDS Students. Holmes Partnership Conference. Jacksonville.

Purdum-Cassidy, B., Conaway, B. J., & Browning, L. (2008). Teacher Efficacy as Disposition: The Efficacy Beliefs of Teacher Candidates in Urban Schools. Association of Teacher Educators. New Orleans.

Rogers, D. & Purdum-Cassidy, B. (2009). Using MP3 Devices for Teacher Candidate Feedback. Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference. Charleston.

Sharp, P., Baker, B.R., Cooper, S., & Cooper-Twamley, S. (2009). The Impact of Research on Learning from all Levels of Educational Degree Work. Association of Teacher Educators Conference. Dallas.

Wilkerson, T., Cooper-Twamley, S., Baker, B.R., & Sharp, P. T. (2009). A Study of Fractional Understanding in Early Grades: A Partnership in Teacher Education. Association for Childhood Education International Conference. Chicago.

Wilkerson, T, Meyer, R., & Barber, R. (2009). Expanding Educational Horizons through Community Partnerships that Support Teacher Preparation. Association of Teacher Educators Conference. Dallas.

Wilkerson, T., Cooper-Twamley, S., Sharp, P., Baker, B.R., Montgomery, M. (2009). Effects of Participation in Research on Pre-Service Teachers Mathematical and Pedagogical Content Knowledge. Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Conference. Orlando.

Wilkerson, T., Baker, B.R., Sharp, P., Cooper, S., Meyer, R., & Twamley, S. (2008). Engaging Teacher Candidates in Collaborative Research: An Empowering Approach to Best Practice and Life-Long Learning. National Conference of Association of Teacher Education. New Orleans, LA.

Witte, M., Stevens, L., Johnston, T., Randazzo, L., & Robinson, M. (2009). PDS Learning Communities: Questioning Everything, Engaging All. National Association for Professional Development Schools Conference, Daytona Beach.

Wood, R.M. & Goree, K. (2009). Providing a Strong Foundation for Middle Level Education in a PDS. National Association for Professional Development Schools Conference, Daytona Beach.