November 10, 2015

This meeting of the Board of Directors was called to order at 1:05 P.M.


Pat Morrison Roger Nagel Chris Wilson

Tony Hjelmstad was present for the ARC.

Randy Watt was present for the Managing Agent, WSPS, Inc. Chris Dunn was present for Perennial Landscape.

Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the Board meeting held on October 13, 2015, were approved.

Homeowners Forum and Guests

There were none.

Architectural Review Committee (ARC)

See attached report submitted by Tony Hjelmstad, Chairperson.

  1. ARC Request Form- Completed and is on website.
  2. Rules Changes- The Board will approve at the next meeting.
  3. 9022/9016 (Tree Removal)- Area cleaned up by Perennial.
  4. Bush/Tree Committee- Ms. Morrison noted revisions for the next meeting.
  5. Paint Committee- Progressing on scope and estimates for next paint cycle (2020).
  6. 8925 Watering Compliance- To be monitored in the Spring/Summer.
  7. Community Inspection- Summary to be provided for the next meeting.

Maintenance Report

  1. Perennial Updates- Mr. Dunn reviewed his monthly report.
  2. Approved bushes/trees- Mr. Dunn provided a no plantlist to the Board and suggested the Village use the same guidelines as HRCAas to plantings. ARC will review and make recommendations in December.
  3. Gutter Cleaning- Mr. Dunn will begin when all the leaves have dropped.
  4. Fire Blight- Mr. Dunn will submit recommendations for handling infected trees.
  5. Bush Pruning- It was confirmed that Perennial only does the front bushes according to policy.

Management Report and Financials

  1. Financials and disbursements were reviewed.

Old Business

  1. Utility box (8902/8908)- Repaired.
  2. 2016 Budget- Approved indicating an increase in the amount of $10/home/month to meet the spending requirements for 2016 and to adequately fund for future Reserve expenses.
  3. Trash/Recycling- HRCA finalrequirements will not be issued until 2016 andshould not affect Subassociations. Members will be updated when a decision by HRCA has been rendered.
  4. Mailbox Ownership- Ms. Morrison confirmed ownership by the Postal Service.
  5. Bulletin Boxes- Board could not identify the needat this time.
  6. 55+ Community Requirements- Counsel provided wording to be used by the Association in gathering the necessary signatures confirming the status of residentsthat will take place at the annual meeting.

New Business

  1. Recent Scams- Best handled within the community using “Blast Communication”rather than through the police.


Therebeing no other business to come before this meeting, upon motion duly made, the meeting was adjourned at 3:00P.M.

Submitted by the Managing Agent