6th Grade Health

CentralDauphinMiddle School

Mrs. Grant

Course Description

While no class is any more important than the next, Health is the only subject that is specifically about and for you! The choices that you make concerning your health (physical, mental, emotional, and social) will to a large degree determine what and how much you will be able to accomplish now and later in life. You will receive information and learn skills that will help you in making positive choices concerning your health. Several methods of instruction will be used to cover these units.


  • Life Skills/Goal Setting/Decision Making
  • Body Systems
  • Safety and Emergencies
  • Nutrition
  • Personal Health
  • Drugs
  • Body Changes/Puberty


  • Writing – Expect writing assignments throughout the year. Students will have approximately 1 week to complete each of the assignments. Point values will range from 15-40 points per assignment.
  • Quizzes/Tests “celebrations of knowledge” – Frequent quizzes/unit tests will be administered throughout the year. Students will have at least a 1 week notice of when tests will be administered.
  • In class work – This includes, but is not limited to book work, unit packets, journals, class participation, videos, or similar small assignments.
  • Unit packets are due the day of the test. Students will have approximately 1 month to complete the packets. Sufficient time is allotted in class to work on packets and to ask questions if necessary. Students are always welcome to sign books out and take their notes home to complete packets.
  • Please note that an assignment is due the day it is due. If a student does not turn it in when it is due, they have 3 class periods to turn in the assignment for credit, and will lose 10% each day that it is late. After that, it is a “0”, per the district student handbook. Being absent does NOT mean your work is late. Please review the student handbook for more information.
  • Homework/Projects – Various homework assignments and projects (individual and/or group) will be assigned throughout the year. Students will be given time in class to begin their homework.

*All students will receive 1 copy of all materials. If you lose it, it is your responsibility to find a classmate and copy or hand write the information onto a separate piece of paper. Many times worksheets will be linked to the CDMS/HPE website for students to print out on their own time.

*Vocabulary flashcards are integral formastering the vocabulary terms as well as studying for the exams and understanding certain concepts. Therefore, flashcards are required for each unit. Students will be instructed in class on how to successfully complete the cards.

*Please check the website ( frequently for information regarding upcoming tests, projects, and other pertinent information.


In health, 60% of the grade is based on unit assessment (tests, quizzes, written papers, and projects) and 40% is everything else (homework, class work, and journals). The grade YOU receive in this class will be the direct result of the effort and attitude YOU put forth.

Class Expectations

  • Know when to have fun and when to be focused.
  • Come to class prepared with a pen/pencil, journal/notebook, and any homework or projects that are due.
  • If a student should miss a class on the day an assignment is due, they will be responsible for it on the next day they are in class in order to receive full credit. They are also responsible for any notes, handouts, and/or assignments for which they missed. Contact classmates and/or Mrs. Grant’s webpage for missed work.
  • RESPECT!! This is the most important expectation in the classroom. I expect EVERYONE to respect themselves, others, and property at all times.

Class Procedures

  • When students walk into the class room and the bell rings they should have their folder, journal, homework, and a pencil/pen ready.
  • “DO NOW” will be on the board and should be completed upon entering the room. This should be done without talking to their neighbor.
  • All items not pertaining to health class must be under their chair.
  • Raise your hand and wait to be called upon when you have something to say.
  • Sharpen your pencil at the beginning of class. Do not interrupt class to sharpen your pencil or ask for one. It is the student’s responsibility to be prepared.
  • Use the restroom between classes. Do not interrupt class to ask to use the restroom. 6th period is coming from lunch, so use the restroom at that time. This also applies to getting a drink at the water fountain.
  • Students will only pack up when told to do so by the teacher and may not leave until dismissed by the teacher!
  • Make sure your area is clean when leaving and push in your chair.

Class Consequences

  • Inappropriate behaviors will be handled according to the policies and procedures of the CDMS handbook and the CDMS warning card system.


  • Plagiarism means to steal and pass off the ideas or words of another as your own. Copying words or ideas from a source so that it makes up the majority of your work, whether you give credit or not, is still considered plagiarism. This is a serious offense and will not be tolerated. See ( for more information and guidelines.

Name ______PD ______EVEN/ODD

Please sign and return this sheet. The other syllabus sheet is yours to keep for reference.

By signing below, I acknowledge that I read, understand, and accept the course outline along with the policies on Grading, Expectations, Procedures, Consequences, and Plagiarism.


Students Signature Parent/Guardian Signature