PM Program Management

What duties/expectations are to be completed before staff’s arrive?
Who is typically expected to complete these tasks?
What time does staff arrive?
What are the expectations/duties of staff when they arrive to work?
Is there a duty schedule for staff?
If so, is this schedule weekly, monthly, etc., and how does it rotate?
For each area of set up, please identify the expectations involved?
For example:
Bins - Wheel the bin cart from the ext. day storage room to the cafeteria.
Set out bins against the front of the stage and down the right wall.
Put the bin cart back in the extended day storage room.




How is the program to be set up?
What equipment is set up and where? (Phone, bins, table games, rugs, carts, cabinets, etc)
Where does parent sign-out sheets/information get set up?
Are some afternoons set up differently?
Are there certain times each year that you do not have some of your space? Please list these out including the dates you lose the space, what space you lose, to what activity or event you lose it to, and what adjustments you make in respect to program operations.
Where is snack prepared?
Who prepares snack?
Who is your certified food handler?
Where and how is snack set up?
When students arrive, what responsibilities do they have?
How is attendance done and by whom?
How are absences reported and to whom?
Who is responsible for locating missing students and how is this done? (For example, check the sign out book in the school office, notify the adult on bus duty to hold the buses, etc.)
How do you manage after school activities/enrichment programs?
What responsibilities have been outlined to each person in charge of these activities and
How do the children manage snack?
What do students do once they complete snack?
When do you have homework and where?
What activities and spaces are available to students?
How do students transition to/from these activities?
What are the expectations for staff monitoring transitions of children without an adult? (For example, when two students go to the bathroom – staff must walkie-talkie to the staff person inside that they are coming inside, staff person must see the students all the way down the hall until the next staff person sees them and communicates by walkie-talkie that they see them, etc.)
Do you have students with special needs?
How are these students supervised in the afternoon program?
Do you have any students that require medication to be administered in the PM?
If so, who usually administers this, when, and how?
At what time does staff begin cleaning up?
What equipment gets cleaned up first?
What choices do the students have when this equipment is removed?
What are the staff roles as fewer children remain?
List of students with medical concerns, allergies, and medications.
Where are cabinets and supplies located?
Where are back-up keys located?
Where are the application books (2 copies) located?
Where are the emergency supplies located (flashlights, emergency radio, etc.)?
Where is your school Emergency Management Plan?
Where is the Ext. Day Emergency Management Plan?
? Front of application books – have master enrollment list for AM and PM with teacher name and medical needs.

H:\Program Management\Site Mngmt outline - PM.doc