Sturgeon Pembina Hockey League

2006/2007 General Meeting

January 7, 2007

Meeting Minutes

1.  Call to order - Meeting called to order by president Myles Homme at 10:02 a.m.
Attendance: Myles Homme – president, Bruce McLean – vice-president , Barb Spink – Treasurer, Tina Biro - secretary, Andy Risbridger – director co-ordinator, Amy Corrigan – Pee Wee B director, Murray Summers – Hockey Alberta Zone 3, Terry Ledingham – Hockey Alberta, Richard Iwaniuk – Referees’ Association, Greg Van Tighem - Jasper, Bruce Loughridge – Sangudo, Myles Arnfinson – Boyle, Trevor Marks – Athabasca, Dawn Gremm – Edson, Alan Deane – Whitecourt, Jason Murrell – Swan Hills, Patty Stephan – Slave Lake, Kim Prokepa – Slave Lake, Lisa Ladouceur – Slave Lake, Louis Forcade – Legal, Peter Andrews – Hinton, Glen Grenke – Mayerthorpe, Kim Edwarty – Morinville, Pat – Morinville, Dan Blackburn – Morinville

2.  Adoption of agenda – Motion to adopt agenda - Athabasca. Seconded – Edson.

3.  Adoption of Sept. 24, 2006 minutes - Motion to adopt minutes of Sept. 24, 2006 meeting – Whitecourt. Seconded – Sangudo.

4.  President’s report – Myles Homme indicated that due to work demands this will be his last year as president of the SPHL.

5.  Vice-president’s report – The SPHL has sent a $50 donation to the Children’s Stollery Hospital in memory of SPHL player Jesse James who passed away in a traffic accident earlier this year.

6.  Director co-ordinator report – Andy Risbridger issued a reminder that the league schedule comes first before tournaments. All league games must be completed by season’s end.

7.  Financial

a.  Treasurer’s report – Barb Spink presented treasurer’s report. Motion by Athabasca to pay bills as listed in the report with the addition of:
- Legion - $80
- Ramp - $842.70
- Ramp - $842.70
- Doppler - $574.18
- Doppler - $2,219.62
Barb indicated that she will be stepping down as treasurer at the end of this year.

b.  Payment of accounts – There are a number of associations with registration fees outstanding and several with fines. Myles Homme indicated that the SPHL will consider pulling bonds if the fees are not paid. Fees are due for the website. Directors will go through rosters to determine exact numbers for each community. Associations will then get invoiced at $2 per player. No associations have paid this year’s website fees to date.

8.  Old business

a.  Ramp – This season has gone much better…if the website continues to run as it is there may not be a need anyone in that position next year.

b.  All star game – Takes place Feb. 3 preparations coming along well. Reminder that suspended players cannot play.

c.  FOIP – Only four communities have given Myles the proper documentation. Every player must fill out a FOIP form, and then communities send in a blanket form covering the entire association. Communities that have players that opt not to consent for their information or pictures to be displayed should still submit a blanket FOIP form but indicate the players that are the exceptions. Team managers are now inputting team information on the website and can leave off the information for the applicable players. Murray Summers indicated that FOIP is also important at the community level when dealing with newspapers, etcetera.

9.  New business

a.  Banners – Banners have been ordered for the division champions. They will be distributed to league reps at the February meeting. Directors are responsible for handing out trophies and medallions (Pee Wee and below) or for ensuring that the awards are available and someone is designated to distribute them. Directors must be aware of playoff format and be prepared to hand out the awards at the first game of the final round. There are medallions available for Bantam and Midget upon request.

b.  Overage questions or concerns – Whitecourt expressed a concern regarding overage goalies. Presently SPHL follows rule and guidelines established by Hockey Alberta. However Hockey Alberta does not permit overage players to take part in Provincials. A suggestion was made that the SPHL should consider adopting the same rule for play offs. Additionally, a suggestion came forward that overage criteria be established specifically for goalies. Some discussion suggested that these policy changes could handicap small associations. Criteria for overage goaltenders will be looked at again at the annual general meeting.

c.  Playoff format – 1st rounds to be done by Feb. 18, 2nd rounds by March 4, and 3rd rounds by March 25. Top team gets venue. Two games total points unless agreed upon by the teams in final round to play best of three.
Midget AA – One tier. 1 plays 8, 2 plays 7, 3 plays 6, 4 plays 5.
Midget A – Top four teams get a bye. 5 plays 12, 6 plays 11, 7 plays 10, 8 plays 9.
Bantam AA – Some discussion to move Jasper from Bantam B, Tier 1 to Bantam AA for play offs. Based on recent close games against Jasper in league play Bantam B director Dawn Gremm recommended Jasper remain where they are for playoffs. One tier. Top two teams get a bye. 3 plays 6, 4 plays 5.
Bantam B Tier 1 – Request received by Athabasca to be moved down a tier for play offs. Discussion ensued. Myles Homme suggested that based on the league play this year there may be a need to make the tiering period longer for better team placement. There was also some concern that moving Athabasca may set a precedent. Bantam B director Dawn Gremm suggested that Athabasca made a request to their director to be moved down for play offs. Other teams could do the same and it could be reviewed on a case by case basis with the directors providing their recommendation. No other teams have submitted a request for movement during play offs for this year. Athabasca’s request was accepted with the condition that they play the top team first round in Bantam B Tier 2. Alan Deane suggested a process by formalized for team movement in play offs. Myles Homme asked Alan Deane to bring forward a notice of motion to the next meeting. One tier. Top team gets a bye. 2 plays 7, 3 plays 6, 4 plays 5.
Bantam B Tier 2 – One tier. 1 plays Athabasca, 2 plays 7, 3 plays 6, 4 plays 5.
Pee Wee A – Two bottom teams play for fourth. 1 plays 4, 2 plays 3.
Pee Wee B Tier 1 – Two tiers. Top five play off with 4 and 5 playing for fourth place. Bottom four play off.
Pee Wee B Tier 2 – Two tiers. Top four. Bottom four.
Atom A – First place team gets a bye. 2 plays 7, 3 plays 6, 4 plays 5.
Atom B – Two tiers. Top two teams East and West cross over. 1 plays 2, 2 plays 1. Bottom six play off. Top two teams (based on points) in bottom tier get a bye.
Atom B Tier 2 – One tier. 1 plays 8, 2 plays 7, 3 plays 6, 4 plays 5.
Novice West - Two tiers. Top four. Bottom three.
Novice East – Bottom team plays bottom team from Novice Central. Remaining Novice East teams play off.
Novice Central – Bottom team plays bottom team from Novice East. Remaining Novice Central teams play off. Top team gets a bye. 2 plays 7, 3 plays 6, 4 plays 5.

d.  Constitution changes must be forwarded at the next meeting – Constitution changes must be forwarded by the next SPHL meeting. Some changes being considered include increased fines and fines for not entering games sheets on the website within 48 hours.

e.  Return of bond Grande Cache – Grande Cache has requested their bond back. Barb Spink will find out how much their bond is and bring it back to the next meeting.

10.  Other items/issues

a.  Gifts for directors – Gift choices for directors this year include a satchel, fleece jacket or golf shirt.

b.  Referees – Some concerns were expressed regarding the referee shortage. The rule emphasis was seen as a possible discouraging factor for referees. Associations were told that having no referees for a game is not a reason to cancel. One player from each team can be assigned to referee the game in a crisis. Richard Iwaniuk from the Referees’ Association explained that the number of referees is down 18 per cent. Myles Homme reminded associations that if they cannot get the three-man system for applicable play off games they will be fined. For league play, if the three man system is not possible, the home team is responsible for getting the other team to sign off on the two-man system prior to the game. Fines are $100 for the first offence and $150 for the second.

c.  Scheduling – SPHL needs a scheduler. Need someone in place before the August meeting. It is a paid position.

d.  Trophy returns – Make sure trophies are back in for February meeting.

11.  Next meeting – February 18 at the Onoway Legion.

12.  Adjournment – Motion to adjourn meeting by Morinville. Seconded by Athabasca.

13.  Hockey Alberta meeting followed.