Second GradeDay Three-Anansi Goes Fishing

RLA 120 minute blockDate:

Activating Strategy: Morning Warm-Up-How do you fix your problems? T.E. 395a
Phonics: (includes Spelling)
LEQ: When combining two words, how does the meaning of the word change?
Ashlock method- model and practice blending compound words
Waltke's Web-Powerpoint -Compound Words by Kathy Isom
Review the long o sound-T.E. 395c
Practice 128
Phonics rhyme-Mistake in the Lake
Summarizing:Play the Compound Concentration game from the Florida Center CD.
Vocabulary: Amazing Words-snicker-oral discussion
Sing With Me Big Book Page 13-Track 7
Graphic Organizer –review vocabulary from the Word Meaning –Inside Information organizer
Practice workbook- 129
Words Out Loud test
Comprehension: (Whole group)
LEQ:How can you determine what caused the events to happen in the story?
Listening Comprehension- Read Aloud Big Book- Farmer Smart's Fat Cat-read orally-
AP-What caused Farmer Bluster to snicker in the story?
Summarizing-Think-Pair-Share- What caused Farmer Smart to share his kittens with the other two farmers?
Partner reading-Anansi Goes Fishing –Partners will be assigned a page from the story to practice chorally. Partners will perform their page for the class.
AP-What caused Anansi to go to the Justice Tree?
Summarizing- Cause and Effect Match from the Florida Center CD-Use the cards to determine cause and effect. Complete with partners.
Summarizing: Journal Writing-Describe Anansi and Turtle. Make sure to use one pair of antonyms.
Fluency: Sing With Me Big Book-Clever Little Fishies- T. E.372m
Partner reading-Anansi Goes Fishing
Phonics rhyme-Mistake in the Lake-Chart page 13
Differentiated Small Group Instruction:
Leveled Reader: Casting Nets
Poem: Same as Monday
R.T.: Same as Monday / Strategic:
Leveled Reader: Insect or Arachnid / Benchmark:
Leveled Reader:Animal Helpers
Grammar: T.E.397b-Apply to Writing
Write past, present, and future in columns on the board. Supply the missing tenses for the words listed. Use sample words from the T.E.
Practice 50
Summarizing: Think-Pair-Share-Have students choose a word and tell their partner the 3 tenses of the verb.
Process Writing (30-45 minutes):
First draft and editing: The teacher will begin editing with students who have completed the first draft. Conferencing to provide formative feedback and students will begin final draft.
Handwriting-Model and assign