. “Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, Receiverships Under DTPA, and Other Stuff”, Texas Advance Paralegal (TAPS) Seminar, State Bar of Texas

Presented:September 22, 2005, Austin

. “Post Judgment Remedies: Tips for Litigators from a Creditors’ Rights Attorney”, The Advocate, State Bar Litigation Section Report

Published:Volume 32, Fall 2005

. “Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, Receiverships Under DTPA, and Other Stuff”, Collecting Debts and Judgments, University of Houston

Presented:August 19, 2005, Houston

August 26, 2005, Dallas

. “Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, Receiverships Under DTPA, and Other Stuff”, Collections and Creditors’ Rights Course 2005, State Bar of Texas

Presented:May 19-20, 2005, San Antonio

. “Anatomy of the Collection Process: An Overview with Efficiency Tips from a Seasoned Collections Lawyer”, Collections and Creditors’ Rights Course 2005, State Bar of Texas

Presented:May 18, 2005, San Antonio

. “Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, Receiverships Under DTPA, and Other Stuff”, Litigation and Trial Tactics, University of Houston

Presented:December 3, 2004, Houston

December 10, 2004, Dallas

. Multiplying Defendants (To Increase Collectability)”, Advanced Collection Law in Texas, Lorman Education Services

Presented:September 23, 2004, Austin

. “Anatomy of the Collection Process: An Overview with Efficiency Tips from A Seasoned Collections Lawyer”, Collecting Debts and Judgments, University of Houston

Presented:August 19, 2004, Dallas

. “Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, Receiverships Under DTPA, and Other Stuff”, Collections and Creditors’ Rights 2004, State Bar of Texas

Presented:May 6, 2004, Dallas

May 20, 2004, Houston

. “Debt Collection: A Guide for the General Practitioner”, General Practice Institute, University of Houston

Presented:September 25, 2003, Houston

October 2, 2003, Dallas

. “Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, Receiverships Under DTPA, and Other Stuff”, Collecting Debts and Judgments, University of Houston

Presented:August 8, 2003, Houston

August 22, 2003, Dallas

.“Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, Receiverships Under DTPA, and Other Stuff”, Collections Practice 2003, State Bar of Texas

Presented:May 15, 2003, Houston

May 29, 2003, Dallas

.“Multiplying Defendants (To Increase Collectability)”, Collections Practice 2003, State Bar of Texas

Presented:May 15, 2003, Houston

May 29, 2003, Dallas

.“Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, Receiverships Under DTPA, and Other Stuff”, County and District Clerks’ Legal Education Conference, University of Texas School of Law

Presented: April 10, 2003, Austin

.“Multiplying Defendants (To Increase Collectability)” and “Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, Receiverships Under DTPA, and Other Stuff”, Collection Law in Texas, Lorman Education Services

Presented:March 28, 2003, Austin

.“What the General Litigator Needs To Know About Collection Law” (speech, no paper), Travis County Bar Association Litigation Luncheon

Presented:February 13, 2003, Austin

.“Turning Your Receivables Into Cash” and “Post-Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, Receiverships Under DTPA, and Other Stuff”, Advanced Collection Law in Texas, Lorman Education Services

Presented:December 6, 2002, Austin

.“Debt Collection, Turning Your Receivables into Cash”, Advising Small Businesses and Start-Ups, University of Houston

Presented:October 4, 2002, Houston

October 11, 2002, Dallas

.“Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, Receiverships Under DTPA, and Other Stuff”, 2nd Annual District Court Workshop, Texas Association of Child Registries (TACSRS)

Presented:August 28, 2002, Austin

.“Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, Receiverships Under DTPA, and Other Stuff”, 2002 Collecting Debts and Judgments, University of Houston

Presented:August 8, 2002, Houston

. “Multiplying Defendants (To Increase Collectability)” and “Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, Receiverships Under DTPA, and Other Stuff”, Collection Law in Texas, Lorman Education Services

Presented:March 12, 2002, Austin

.“Expanding Your Lawsuit-Multiplying Defendants” and “Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, Receiverships Under DTPA and Other Stuff”, 2001 Collections Practice, State Bar of Texas

Presented:November 8 & 9, 2001, Dallas

January 31 & February 1, 2001, Houston

.“Exempt Property in Texas”, Advanced Consumer Bankruptcy 2001, State Bar of Texas

Presented:October 4, 2001, Austin

.“Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, Receiverships Under DTPA, and Other Stuff”, 2001 Collection Debts and Judgments, University of Houston

Presented:August 9, 2001, Houston

August 16, 2001, Dallas

.“Debt Collection: A Guide for the General Practitioner”, 2001 General Practice Institute, University of Houston

Presented:April 12, 2001, Dallas

April 20, 2001, Houston

.“Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, Receiverships Under DTPA, and Other Stuff”, 2001 Advanced Civil Litigation, University of Houston

Presented:March 29, 2001, Dallas

.“Debt Collection: Turning Your Receivables into Cash” and “Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, Receiverships Under DTPA, and Other Stuff”, Collection Law in Texas, Lorman Education Services

Presented:March 21, 2001, Austin

.“Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, Receiverships Under DTPA, and Other Stuff”, 2000 Collecting Debts and Judgments, University of Houston

Presented:June 30, 2000, Dallas

July 7, 2000, Houston

.“Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, Receiverships Under DTPA, and Other Stuff”, 2000 Litigation and Trial Tactics, University of Houston

Presented:May 12, 2000, Houston

.“Debt Collection: Turning Your Receivables into Cash” and “Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, Receiverships Under DTPA, and Other Stuff”, Collection Law in Texas, Lorman Education Services

Presented:March 21, 2000, Austin

.“Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, Receiverships Under DTPA, and Other Stuff”, County and District Clerk’s Legal Education Conference, University of Texas School of Law

Presented:January 13, 2000, Austin

. “Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, Receiverships Under DTPA, and Other Stuff”, Texas Collection Law & Strategies, Heritage Professional Education

Speech:November 3, 1999, Austin

November 4, 1999, Austin

. “Post Judgment Remedies”, The 10th Annual National Ad Media Credit Exchange, N.A.C.M. of Texas

Presented:August 20, 1999, San Antonio

. “Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, Receiverships Under DTPA, and Other Stuff”, 1999 Collecting Debts and Judgments, University of Houston

Presented:August 19, 1999, Dallas

August 27, 1999, Houston

. “Debt Collection: Turning Your Receivables into Cash”, 1999 Advising Small Business Owners, University of Houston

Presented:April 1, 1999, Houston

. “Collecting Money Without Getting Sued”, General Aviation Credit Group, N.A.C.M. of Texas

Speech:February 19, 1999, Austin

.“Debt Collection: Turning Your Receivables into Cash” and “Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, Receiverships Under DTPA, and Other Stuff”, Collection Law in Texas, Lorman Education Services

Presented:October 20, 1998

."Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, Receiverships Under the DTPA, and Other Stuff", 1998 Collecting Debts and Judgments, University of Houston

Presented:August 20, 1998, Houston

August 27, 1998, Dallas

."Basics of Collection", 1998 General Practitioner's Seminar, Travis County Bar Association and Austin Young Lawyers Association Foundation

Presented:May 15, 1998, Austin

."Debt Collection: Turning Your Receivables Into Cash", 1998 Advising Small Business Owners, University of Houston

Presented:April 17, 1998, Houston

April 24, 1998, Dallas

."Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, Receiverships Under the DTPA, and Other Stuff", 1998 Harris County Bar Association

Presented:February 11, 1998, Houston

."Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, Receiverships Under the DTPA, and Other Stuff", 1997 Litigation and Trial Tactics, University of Houston

Presented:December 12, 1997, San Antonio

December 19, 1997, Houston

."Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, Receiverships Under the DTPA, and Other Stuff", 1997 Collecting Debts and Judgments, University of Houston

Presented:August 7, 1997, San Antonio

August 14, 1997, Houston

."Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, Receiverships Under the DTPA, and Other Stuff", 1997 County and District Clerks' Legal Education Conference, The University of Houston

Presented:January 9, 1997, Austin

."Debt Collection: Turning Your Receivables Into Cash", 1996 Travis County Bar Association

Presented:September 20, 1996, Austin

."Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, Receiverships Under the DTPA, and Other Stuff", 1996 Collecting Debts and Judgments, University of Houston

Presented:August 8, 1996, Dallas

August 15, 1996, Houston

."Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, Receiverships Under the DTPA, and Other Stuff", 1996 DTPA and Consumer Law Institute, University of Houston

Presented:June 20, 1996, Dallas

June 27, 1996, Houston

."Debt Collection: Turning Your Receivables Into Cash", 1996 Advising Small Business Owners, University of Houston

Presented:April 19, 1996, Dallas

April 26, 1996, Houston

."Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, Receiverships Under the DTPA, and Other Stuff", 1995 Collecting Debts and Judgments, University of Houston

Presented:August 17, 1995, Dallas

August 24, 1995, Houston

."Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, Receiverships Under the DTPA, and Other Stuff", 1995 DTPA, Consumer and Insurance Law After Tort Reform, University of Houston

Presented:June 29, 1995, Houston

July 6, 1995, Dallas

."How to Take an Effective Post Judgment Deposition", 1995 Advanced Discovery Practice, SouthTexasCollege of Law

Presented:May 19, 1995, Houston

."Post Judgment Remedies With Emphasis on Turnover Proceedings", 1995 Baylor CLE General Practice Institute, BaylorUniversitySchool of Law

Presented:April 7, 1995, Waco

."Turnover Proceedings", 1994 Advanced Creditor's Rights Course, State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program

Presented:October 27, 1994, Houston

."Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, and Receiverships Under the DTPA", 1994 Collecting Debts and Judgments, University of Houston

Presented:September 9, 1994, Houston

."How to Take an Effective Post Judgment Deposition" and "Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, Receiverships Under the DTPA and Other Stuff", 1994 Collecting and Enforcing Judgments, State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program

Presented:April 22, 1994, Dallas

May 6, 1994, Houston

."Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, and Receiverships Under the DTPA", 1994 Advanced Civil Litigation, University of Houston

Presented:March 31, 1994, Houston

April 7, 1994, Dallas

."Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, and Receiverships Under the DTPA", 1993 Collecting Debts and Judgments, University of Houston

Presented:August 13, 1993, Houston

."Abstracts, Executions, Garnishments, Turnover Orders and Other Remedies", 1993 Collection Seminar, Travis County Bar Association

Presented:July 30, 1993, Austin

."Post Judgment Discovery-Locating the Debtor's Assets Through Depositions", 1993 Advanced Civil Discovery, University of Houston

Presented:June 11, 1993, Dallas

June 18, 1993, Houston

."Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, and Receiverships Under the DTPA", 1993 Collections: Drafting Documents for a Collections Practice, University of Houston

Presented:May 13, 1993, Dallas

."Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, and Receiverships Under the DTPA", 1992 Winter General Practice Institute, University of Houston

Presented:December 4, 1992, Houston

."Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, and Receiverships Under the DTPA", 1992 Civil Trial Mini Course, Cameron County Local Bar Program

Presented:October 9, 1992, South Padre Island

."Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, and Receiverships Under the DTPA", 1992 Collecting Debts and Judgments, University of Houston

Presented:August 7, 1992, Houston

August 14, 1992, Dallas

."Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, and Receiverships Under the DTPA", 1992 DTPA and Consumer Law Institute, University of Houston

Presented:July 10, 1992, San Antonio

July 17, 1992, Houston

."Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, and Receiverships Under the DTPA", 1992 Collections: Drafting Documents for A Collections Practice, University of Houston

Presented:May 29, 1992, Houston

."How to Take an Effective Post Judgment Deposition", 1992 Collections Strategies, Strategies, SouthTexasCollege of Law

Presented:May 1, 1992, Houston

."Debt Collection", 1992 Williamson County Bar Association

Presented:April 21, 1992, Georgetown

."Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, and Receiverships Under the DTPA", 1992 Baylor General Practice Institute, BaylorUniversitySchool of Law

Presented:April 10, 1992, Waco

."Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, and Receiverships Under the DTPA", 1992 Advanced Creditors' Rights Course, State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program

Presented:March 27, 1992, League City

."Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, and Receiverships Under the DTPA", 1991 General Practice Institute -Winter, University of Houston and General Practice section of the State Bar of Texas

Presented:December 6, 1991, Dallas

."Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, and Receiverships Under the DTPA", 1991 Collections: Drafting Documents For A Collections Practice, University of Houston

Presented:October 18, 1991

."Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, and Receiverships Under the DTPA", 1991 Collecting Debts and Judgments, University of Houston

Presented:August 9, 1991, San Antonio

August 15, 1991, Houston

."Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, and Receiverships Under the DTPA", 1991 DTPA and Consumer Law Institute, University of Houston

Presented:July 12, 1991, Dallas

July 19, 1991, Houston

."Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings", 1991 Collections Strategies for Lawyers, SouthTexasCollege of Law

Presented:February 21, 1991, Houston

."Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, and Post Judgment Relief Under the DTPA", 1990 General Practice Institute, University of Houston

Presented:December 13, 1990

."Collecting Judgments: Turning Charge Offs Into CASH", 1990 American Institute of Banking

Presented:October 17, 1990, Austin

."Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, and Execution", 1990 Debt Collection Institute, State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program

Presented:September 13, 1990, Austin

September 14, 1990, Houston

September 28, 1990, San Antonio

."Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, Execution, Turnover Proceedings, and Post Judgment Relief Under the DTPA", DTPA and Consumer Law Institute, University of Houston

Presented:August 17, 1990, San Antonio

August 24, 1990, Houston

."Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, and Execution", 1990 Collecting Debts and Judgments, University of Houston

Presented:August 2, 1990, Dallas

August 9, 1990, Houston

."Post Judgment Remedies", 1990 Advanced Civil Trial Law Seminar, Corpus Christi Bar Association

Presented:April 27, 1990, Corpus Christi

."Post Judgment Remedies", 1990 Advanced Creditors' Rights Course, State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program

Presented:April 6, 1990, Dallas

."Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, and Execution", 1990 Collection Strategies, SouthTexasCollege of Law

Presented:February 22, 1990, Houston

."Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, and Execution", 1990 How to get Blood Out of a Turnip, Travis County Bar Association and Austin Young Lawyers Association

Presented:February 16, 1990, Austin

."Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment, and Execution", 1989 Collecting Debts and Judgments, University of Houston

Presented:September 14, 1989, Dallas

September 28, 1989, Houston

."Post Judgment Remedies", 1989 4th Annual Advanced Creditors' Rights Course, State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program

Presented:April 6, 1989, Houston

."Post Judgment Remedies", 1989 Assistant Attorneys General, Child Support Enforcement Division

Presented:March 2, 1989, Austin

."Post Judgment Remedies", 1989 How to Get Blood Out of a Turnip, Austin Young Lawyers Association

Presented:January 27, 1989, Austin

."Collecting Debts & Judgments", 1988-1991 Practice Skills Course, State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program

Presented:March 9, 1988, Houston

October 11, 1988, Fort Worth

March 20, 1989, Austin

September 7, 1989, San Antonio

March 15, 1990, Dallas

April 4, 1991, Dallas

November 21, 1991, Houston

."Collecting Judgments: Blood out of a Turnip", 1988 American Institute of Banking

Presented:June 15, 1988, Austin

."Post Judgment Discovery and Remedies", 1988 American Institute of Banking

Presented:April 20, 1988, Austin

."Post Judgment Remedies, Judgment Liens, Garnishment and Execution", 1988 Collecting Debts and Judgments, University of Houston

Presented:August 11, 1988, Houston

."Post Judgment Remedies", 1987 Debt Collection, State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program

Presented:October 28, 1987, Fort Worth

November 5, 1987, Corpus Christi

November 12, 1987, Houston

November 20, 1987, Austin

."Professional Responsibility-Ethics, Malpractice, Avoiding Traps That Can Catch the Lawyer", 1987 Advanced Creditors' Rights Course, State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program

Presented:April 9, 1987, Austin