Resolutions of the Council meeting held on Tuesday 24 November 2015
Agenda item 6.1
Records of Assemblies of Councillors
That Council notes the written records of the assemblies of Councillors as detailed in Attachment 2 of the report from management.
Agenda item 6.2
2015-16 Council Works Program First Quarter report
1. That Council:
1.1. Notes the 2015–16 Council Works Program first quarter report.
1.2. Approves the program adjustments to the 2015–16 Council Works Program that are included in Attachment 4 of the report from management.
1.3. Approves an additional commitment of $1 million funding towards multi-purpose and activity rooms for the Ron Barassi Senior Park multi-use court recreation facility for the 2015–16 financial year from cash reserves.
Agenda item 6.3
Procurement Policy Review
1. That Council:
1.1. Notes its obligations under section 186A of the Local Government Act 1989 to review its current Procurement Policy, at least once every financial year.
1.2. Endorses the amended Procurement Policy.
Agenda item 6.4
Punt Road Public Acquisition Overlay Options Report – City of Melbourne Draft Submission
That Council endorses the City of Melbourne’s draft submission to the Punt Road Public Acquisition Overlay Advisory Committee and formally requests VicRoads to involve City of Melbourne officers in the detailed assessments of the current and alternate concepts relating to the future of the Punt Road Public Acquisition Overlay, noting however that the Council has a firm view in relation to options 2 to 7, being the opposition to the loss of any existing public park land.
Agenda item 6.5
MAPS Group Ltd: Proposed change to Memorandum of Articles of Association
That Council approves the changes to the Memorandum of Articles of Association and authorises management to vote in favour of the special resolution at the Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on 25 November 2015.
Agenda item 7.1
Notice of Motion, Cr Mayne: Conduct of the 2016 Council Election
1. That Council:
1.1. Requests officers to expand the proposed report for the February 2016 council meeting to factually outline the administration’s program of actions of the conduct of the 2016 council election, including information on:
1.1.1 Verification and maintenance of the electoral roll.
1.1.2 Voting method (postal and attendance).
1.1.3 Key dates.
1.1.4 Key metrics from the 2012 election (turn out, size of roll, information vote etc).
1.1.5 Advertising and information campaigns, including Melbourne News.
1.1.6 Letting of contracts with the VEC and other parties.
1.1.7 Candidate information sessions.
1.1.8 Application of the caretaker provisions.
1.1.9 Any other information which the administration believes to be relevant and of interest to those who intend to participate in the election, whether as a candidate or voter.
Confidential Agenda item 7.2
Portfolio Responsibilities
1. That Council:
1.1. Recommit to the formal and informal agreements and requirements of Councillor conduct and adhere to the principle of respect for other Councillor’s portfolio responsibilities including notification of any public commentary prior to comment being made.
Both formal and informal Councillor processes recognise and reaffirm the importance of confidentiality provisions.
1.2. Recognising that further changes to portfolio responsibilities may still occur, make the following changes to portfolio responsibilities effective from 24 November 2015:
1.2.1 Cr Leppert replaces Cr Mayne as Deputy Chair of the Planning Committee
1.2.2 Cr Ong replaces Cr Leppert as the Deputy Chair of the Finance and Governance Committee
1.2.3 Cr Pinder-Mortimer replaces Cr Leppert on the Audit Committee
1.2.4 Cr Mayne replaces Cr Foster as Deputy Chair on the Transport Committee
1.3. Makes this resolution public after being passed by Council.