Paediatric Advisory Group (PAG) 2014 Summary
The PAG had a very busy year in 2014, we were sad to say goodbye to our longstanding Secretary Tami Browne and our Chairperson Dan Fitzgibbon who stepped down but remains on the PAG Committee. Below is a brief summary of some PAG activities in 2014:
- A MEMBER SURVEY facilitated by Sarah Governey (new chairperson) was completed in April 2014 to highlight CPD priorities for members. This information is helping to guide study days and events run by the PAG. The majority (92%) of respondents said they would attend courses held in Dublin and most preferred face to face courses. Courses in high demand related to areas including Sensory Processing, ASD interventions, DCD interventions and Brain Injury interventions. Expert speakers requested included Betty Hutchon, Margot Barry and Sydney Chu to name a few.
- PAG Forum on CHANGE HUB: The PAG have been busily uploading documents and updating the calendar to our online PAG Forum hosted on exclusively for PAG members.
- The Committee continue to inform and update PAG members about CORU and plans for upcoming registration
- Hosted a very successful PAG STUDY DAY on the 14th of November 2014 entitled “Toolkit Tune-up; practical strategies to enhance paediatric OT intervention”. This study day was held in Temple Street Hospital and focused on a broad range of topics about OT practice in Ireland to support PAG members with the transition towards Progressing Disability services. As well as the PAG AGM, voting for a new chairperson and a live demo of the PAG Forum, presentations included:
- The Challenges in Communication between community based and acute services: A physical disability case study (Sarah Governey, OT, Temple Street)
- The Role of the OT in school adaptations for environmental access (Andrea Tobin, OT, CRC)
- Integrating OT into the community: Motor Skills United School Project (Meath HSE OT’s)
- The Hungry Hippos Programme: Development of a Multidisciplinary Approach to Treating children with Sensory Food Aversions (Colette Slevin (OT) and Sharon Keogh (SLT)
Very positive feedback was received about the study day with comments including "Really good presentations and speakers - thank you" and "Loved them all. Wonderful variety".
- The PAG were frequently responding to MEMBER ENQURIES looking for guidance and concerns raised in practice. Concerns raised included the policy on the use of Withdrawal Rooms in schools and facilities, concerns regarding commercial products including Creeper Crawlers and advice about the use of positioning aids for sleep with babies under 12 months and the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Many concerns raised by members result in working sub-groups to investigate and advise about international guidelines and local practice within the guidance of AOTI policies and procedures.
- LIAISON AND COMMUNICATIONwith other groups including the Feeding Forum, the National Professional Bodies Alliance of Ireland Children's Health forum and the Society for the Management of Education in Ireland (SMEI) ison-going thanks to the dedication of the committee.
- 72 Membership Applications (€720 Membership fees) were received in 2014, funds continue to be used to facilitate courses and events relevant to PAG members.
We look forward to an exciting 2015!