Friday,September 14, 2012
ROLL CALL – JoAnn Keenan, Jodi Cole, Tammy Cannon,Susan DeLoatche, Debra Onu, Cheryl Riley, Kathy Moore, Stacey Hamilton,Abby Pyle, PJ Rice, Tami Greiss, Ricci Engelhardt, Jared Lambert, Erica Bachmann, Esanet Benedict
PRINCIPAL’S REPORT – Mrs. Keenan – Thank you for the luncheon and all the volunteer help that went into the luncheon for the teachers/staff at the beginning of the school year. We’re off to a great year with a beach theme this year. Please take the calendar and star pin as a thank you. As a reminder, please give any materials to be run off and put into the Wednesday folders to the staff at least two weeks ahead of time.
FACULTY REPORT – Mrs. Cole and Mrs. Cannon –Thank you for all the teacher donations at the beginning of the school. We’ve had a smooth start at the beginning of the school year. We’ve implemented this year a volume control of 0-3, where three is outside noise level and zero is silence.
President – Susan DeLoatche – Welcome! Thanks to Jennifer Antar and Penny Powell for all the beach themed decorations around the school. Curriculum night will be September 24th. Family Fun Night has been moved to the spring, and it will be free. Bear Kat Bash is September 22nd. There is still time to register. Please get E-Blast information to PJ by Sunday to go out that week. PTO Tax Free Forms – We have a Sam’s Club membership if you need to use to purchase items in bulk. Debra or I can go with you. Parking – Please don’t park in the MNW parking lot for afterschool pickup. Please use the carpool lanes. An evening PTO meeting will take place prior to the Spring Open House. Our bylaws state that we have funds to go to the teachers through EPRC. This has been inefficient in the past and works better for the funds to be donated directly to the school. A discussion was made for the need to amend the bylaws to suspend the EPRC funds for the year. Kathy Moore moved to suspend the EPRC funds for the 2012-2013 school year. Cheryl Riley seconded. There was no further discussion. The motion carries.
1st Vice President – Debra Onu - Moms and Muffins will be October 12th, and Dads and Donuts will be April 11th at the same time as the spring Book Fair. Look for information in the E-Blasts.
2nd Vice President – Cheryl Riley – Hopefully everyone received the fundraising packet in the Wednesday folder. We are underway with our Cookie Dough Fundraiser. It really helps with our budget for the year. Orders are due next Thursday. The Spirit Nights are listed on the back of the fundraising packet. May 15th we’ll have a spirit night at Fudruckers. Spring Creek BBQ is October 2nd. We will have Kroger gift cards for the gift card program available at Curriculum Night. If you use the Kroger gift card through this program, then Theiss gets 5% back on all purchases including gas that is paid with the gift card. One PTO member brought attention about a fundraiser for selling bulbs and plants in the spring. It was mentioned that a similar program had been used in the past and didn’t go over very well. Also, a reminder was given that we can only have 3 major fundraisers a year. These don’t include spirit nights.
Treasurer –Kathy Moore - Thanks to Penny Powell for leaving everything so organized for me! We have a black file box in the storage closet near all the other PTO hanging files with disbursement requests forms and a location to place disbursement requests receive disbursement checks. Please have an officer/committee chair sign-off on the forms so that he/she will know how much is taken out of their budget. A copy of the budget for 2012-2013 was handed out. The beginning balance as of May 12, 2012 was $39,104.51 with an ending balance on our fiscal year at June 30, 2012 of $8,721.86. We were able to donate $28,500 directly to Theiss Elementary at the end of the school year. Our fiscal year beginning balance on July 1, 2012 was $8,721.86 and our ending balance as of September 14, 2012 is $3,451.50. We donated $100 to each teacher at the beginning of the school year to use in their classroom.
Volunteer Coordinator – Stacey Hamilton–We have volunteers for the butterfly garden. We have two co-coordinators and several volunteers. The volunteer luncheon was at Kleb with a theme of Making Connections – Asperger Syndrome. Hassler is taking on this program this year as well as Kleb and will continue to Klein Oak. Klein High is going through too many changes right now to be effective with those students with Asperger Syndrome in this program. Dr. Cain announced that the Klein ISD school board is one of the top 5 finalists for Top School Boards in Texas. Klein now has 47,000 students. The Next luncheon will be October 10th at Kaiser. Next week’s Key Communicator meeting will be September 19th at 1:00 PM in the central office. If you need a new volunteer badge, you can have your picture taken on September 28th. The make-up date is November 2nd.
Press Secretary – PJ Rice – Please give me your email address to be included in the E-blasts. When submitting information to be included please include information on how to contact you. Give 2-3 weeks for big events. You can either type the information or I can type it for you. There is no need for fancy formatting because it will not be used that way. There are limited ways to format the information.
Room Parent Coordinator – Abby Pyle– We are about 50% full for room parents. Mod positions are filled for K, 1st, and 5th. Field Day t-shirts will be done at the Valentine Party instead of a craft. Hoe Down is February 22nd and Field Day is April 5th. Ricci Engelhardt is our Field Day Coordinator.
Hospitality – Penny Powellvia Susan Deloatche – The teacher/staff luncheon at the beginning of the school year went great. The teacher appreciation luncheon for October will be hosted by 5th grade.
Cultural Arts – Tami Greiss – I met with Mrs. Robinson. We are doing the Aquarium and Bugs on Wheels. I met with Mrs. Shin. We are in need of volunteers for the Mini-Museum.
NEW PTO BUSINESS – None at this time.
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 2:55 by PJ Rice,seconded by Jodi Cole. Susan Deloatche declared the meeting adjourned.