Dublin Inner City Community

Co-operative Society (DICCCS)

CEO Recruitment Pack

1.  Background

Dublin Inner City Community Co-op Society is made of 15 member organisations (see appendix for list of members) who came together in late 2014 to form the Co-op for the purposes of delivering the SICAP[1] programme in Dublin’s Inner City.

In April 2015, DICCCS was awarded the contract to deliver the SICAP programme in Dublin Inner City, and a contract was signed between the Co-op and the Local Community Development Committee – within Dublin City Council’s auspices.

The board of directors of the Co-op is now looking to recruit a Chief Executive Officer as the first employee to lead the establishment of DICCCS as a ground-breaking new organisation that both facilitates and oversee the delivery of community development actions and services by its member groups in Dublin’s inner city.

Application is solely via the official application form only, and all applications should be made by the closing date of Tuesday 9th June 2015. (see more details below).

2.  Overall Purpose and Level of the Role

The person in this position will report to the board of directors of the Co-op, through the Chairperson of the board.

S/he will be responsible for the leadership and strategic development of DICCCS as a vibrant membership cooperative, and for conducting the day-to-day operational and project management in a professional, effective and efficient manner.

The post holder will be required to have political acumen, sound judgement and a strategic mindset as well as high motivation, positive disposition and a very flexible attitude in response to organisational change and development.

The post holder will be responsible for provision of direct line management to members of staff as appropriate and as recruited. The DICCCS is currently in start-up mode and it is envisaged, that funding-depending one or two part time staff may be recruited.

3.  Working Relationships

The post holder will develop and maintain positive professional relationships particularly with the Chair and other members of the board of directors; member organisations of the Co-op; a range of statutory agencies; and community and voluntary organisations in pursuit of the interests of Coop and its members. She/he will ensure through the most appropriate means that the Coop’s objectives, as developed by the board and the membership, are appropriately understood by all key audiences.

She/he will work in a respectful, co-ordinated and integrated way with colleagues, statutory, community and voluntary bodies; and, the political system. She/he will work in the Coop in such a way as to encourage the best from, and support the efforts of, others.

4.  Main responsibilities and Duties

The primary focus of the work will be to be responsible for devising and implementing all aspects of the operational plans for DICCCS taking into account the unique start-up nature of the organisation; the context and rationale for its existence; its role as a community development organisation; and the need to take responsibility immediately for the roll-out of the SICAP programme from 2015 – 2017.

The post-holder will be responsible for the setting up of all required policies and procedures for ensuring professional operations according to the values and ethos of the Coop and that appropriate measures for evaluation and measurement are included (reference Appendix 2 for principles of a co-operative society). The post holder will be expected to take hands on responsibility for large parts of the operations of the organisation. Key responsibilities include


·  Review the operations budget for the Coop for 2015 and develop budgets for 2016+ and subsequent years. Monitor all budgets and financial procedures, ensuring the organisation is managed in a financially accountable manner both in accordance with the law and best practice.

·  Set up and ensure correct operation of all necessary financial procedures; including management of cash-flows and expenditure against the agreed plans.

·  Review draft ‘memoranda of understanding’ or ‘service level agreements’ that are in place interim sense between the Co-op and its members vis a vis delivery of the SICAP programme; put in place any changes needed for final versions; ensure their implementation of same, and reporting as required.

·  Establish all necessary procedures and reporting with member organisations to monitor the implementation of SICAP, including an early-warning system for information that is provide either late or in incorrect format by member groups.

·  Ensure all necessary reporting of funded activities happens according to funder proscribed protocols

·  Develop a system to identify and deal with reporting failures on a timely basis.

·  Ensure all members have all the necessary SICAP reporting materials and have been made aware of the associated reporting requirements.

·  Review and ensure development of the system for collating the information from members (in line with data protection guidelines and good practice)and ensure correct input into Pobal’s IRIS system.

·  Ensure that the Cooperative meets all the requirements of all public sector contracts and service level agreements which the Co-op has with public sector organisations such as Pobal; Dublin City Council etc.

·  Ensure appropriate expertise and advice on data protection is available for the Co-op and also for its members. Ensure that the Co-op is at all times fully compliant with Data Protection legislation.

·  Ensure that all legal and financial responsibilities are fulfilled.

·  Establish an office for the Co-op with all necessary logistics and administrative functionality that is required by the level of operations of the organisation.

·  Develop and ensure implementation of any policies and procedures needed to oversee smooth operations of the office.

·  Manage all the resources of the organisation in the most effective manner possible.

Staff related:

·  To recruit, appoint, line-manage, evaluate, support or if necessary, replace members of staff as well as any interns or volunteers.

·  Develop skills in line with the requirements of the organisation.

·  Ensure all necessary procedures and behaviour are in place to comply with legislation associated with people-management as well as best practice.

Board support:

·  Report to the board in writing monthly as per format agreed with Chairperson.

·  Support the board in fulfilling its leadership role, facilitating any necessary planning days / strategy days as needed.

·  Co-ordinate a process for strategic development of the Co-op, identifying and proposing new areas of development for consideration by the board and by members as appropriate.

·  To advise and support the Board of Directors with regard to current and emerging issues of interest and concern to the Co-op’s mission.

·  Support the board to fulfil its governance responsibilities, including the progressive adoption of the Governance Code for Community, Voluntary and Charitable Organisations.

·  Undertake any other duties as may reasonably be assigned by the Chairman of the Board of Directors from time to time.

External Relations:

·  Represent the Co-op on committees and working groups as needed; and establish good working relationships with funders and other in/external partners and agencies.

·  Identify, generate and pursue opportunities to enable the Co-op to extend its range of programmes and to enhance its contribution to community-development oriented actions and services in the Dublin inner-city area.

·  Identify funding opportunities to ensure the continuing capacity of the Co-op to respond to emerging needs.

·  Actively protect the Co-op’s integrity through honesty, sincerity and service to its members.

5.  Person Specification

Likely Qualifications, Knowledge & Experience

·  Have at least 5 years management experience.

·  Have expert working knowledge in implementation of policies and strategies in a changing organisation, particularly in a community development and start-up context.

·  Have in-depth understanding of monitoring and reporting required by state agencies.

·  Have a proven track record in driving the implementation of a strategic plan (ideally leading a significant new initiative) and monitoring and reporting its success.

·  Have a proven record of managing and developing staff objectives and recruiting and line managing staff and /or volunteers.

·  Have excellent communication skills, presentation skills, public speaking.

Skills & Competencies

·  Ability to quickly understand the ‘business drivers,’ of a start-up cooperative like DICCCS.

·  Dynamic – ability to bring energy and leadership to the organisation but not be afraid to get hands dirty.

·  Extremely strong interpersonal skills.

·  Very strong attention to detail.

·  Excellent communication skills (both written and verbal)

·  Ability to interface effectively with all levels with the community Co-op membership as well as all levels of national and local state agencies.

·  Strong personal impact (e.g. high personal credibility, influencing skills, tough minded, networking, etc.).

·  Very detail oriented, and given to completing detailed tasks easily.

·  Strong analytical skill.

·  Ability to handle multiple projects simultaneously and meet deadlines.

·  Commitment to and understanding of working within a voluntary organisation in an inclusive manner.

6.  Details:

The salary range level as set by the board is €50,000.

The office location will be a Dublin city-centre location.

The standard working hours per week will be 38 hours.

The length of the contract will be to the end of 2017, and is renewable, subject to continued availability of funding.

7.  How to Apply

Applications on official application form and a CV may be attached if desired. The closing date is Tuesday 9th June with first interviews for short-listed candidates on Monday 15th June.

Applications should be addressed to Kieron Brennan, Chairperson, Dublin Inner-City Community Co-operative Society Ltd and sent electronically to:

This role is funded from specific income streams, including SICAP. At present these funding streams are approved on an annual basis. The post and its continuation is wholly contingent on funding to the Coop being available.

Dublin Inner City Community Cooperative Society Ltd is an equal opportunities employer.

APPENDIX 1: Name of DICCCS member organisations ______

An Siol CDP (NWICDP Ltd.) / 19 Manor Street, Dublin 7
Community After Schools Project / 1 Portland Square, Dublin 1
Community Technical Aid / Unit 1 Killarney Court, Buckingham Street, Dublin 1
Inner City Enterprise / Unit G10 Spade Enterprise Centre,
North King Street, Dublin,7
Inner City Organisations Network (ICON) Ltd. / 22 Lower Buckingham Street, Dublin 1
Lourdes Youth & Community Services (LYCS) / Lr Sean MacDermott Street, Dublin 1
Nascadh CDP Ltd. / Sean O'Casey Community Centre
St. Mary's Road, East Wall, Dublin 3
New Communities Partnership (NCP) / 53 Upper Dorset Street, Dublin 1
North Wall CDP / Lr Sheriff Street, North Wall, Dublin 1
North West Inner City Network / 117 – 118 North King Street, Dublin 7
Robert Emmet Community Development Project / Ground Floor Unit, Block G, Ushers Street, Dublin 8
SWICN / The SWICN Computer Clubhouse Rainsford Street, Dublin 8
South Inner City Community Development Association / 90 Meath Street
Dublin 8
Taca Clann Community Project/Daughters of Charity
Community Services Ltd. (DOCCS) / 9 Henrietta Street, Dublin 1
CASPr / North Inner City Drug & AlcoholTask Force,
22 Lower Buckingham St, Dublin 1


The co-operative principles are guidelines by which co-operatives put their values into practice.

1. Voluntary and Open Membership

Co-operatives are voluntary organisations, open to all persons able to use their services and willing to accept the responsibilities of membership, without gender, social, racial, political or religious discrimination.

2. Democratic Member Control

Co-operatives are democratic organisations controlled by their members, who actively participate in setting their policies and making decisions. Men and women serving as elected representatives are accountable to the membership. In primary co-operatives members have equal voting rights (one member, one vote) and co-operatives at other levels are also organised in a democratic manner.

3. Member Economic Participation

Members contribute equitably to, and democratically control, the capital of their co-operative. At least part of that capital is usually the common property of the co-operative. Members usually receive limited compensation, if any, on capital subscribed as a condition of membership. Members allocate surpluses for any or all of the following purposes: developing their co-operative, possibly by setting up reserves, part of which at least would be indivisible; benefiting members in proportion to their transactions with the co-operative; and supporting other activities approved by the membership.

4. Autonomy and Independence

Co-operatives are autonomous, self-help organisations controlled by their members. If they enter into agreements with other organisations, including governments, or raise capital from external sources, they do so on terms that ensure democratic control by their members and maintain their co-operative autonomy.

5. Education, Training and Information

Co-operatives provide education and training for their members, elected representatives, managers, and employees so they can contribute effectively to the development of their co-operatives. They inform the general public - particularly young people and opinion leaders - about the nature and benefits of co-operation.

6. Co-operation among Co-operatives

Co-operatives serve their members most effectively and strengthen the co-operative movement by working together through local, national, regional and international structures.

7. Concern for Community

Co-operatives work for the sustainable development of their communities through policies approved by their members.


[1] Social Inclusion Community Activation Programme – Successor to Local Community Development Programme managed by the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government