Public School
Parents & Citizens Association / MINUTES
11 December 2014

Meeting opened at 7.30pm

1. Introductory Matters
Welcome & Recording of Attendance / Kerri McCaw, Gavin McCaw, Craig Partridge, Caitlin Moroney, Tracey Morris, Allison Richards, Carly Clarke, Tanya McNaughton, Rebekah Flynn, Rebecca Muddle
Apologies / Mark Lilley
Minutes of Last Meeting / Minutes of the previous meeting be taken as read and moved as correct.
Moved T Morris. Seconded K McCaw. CARRIED.
2. Reports
C Partridge / ·  Merry Christmas to all. I would like to thank everyone for their support in 2014. To Kerri and the P&C executive, thank you for your efforts this year, your support is greatly appreciated. Goodbye and good luck to those families who are moving on from the school next year.
·  I am compiling data from the community information sessions. A follow up will be held in early 2015.
·  Classes for 2015 - We expect to have 8 classes in 2015 instead of 9. The 8 class model will be two K/1 groups, a straight year 1, two 2/3 groups, a straight year 4 and two 5/6 classes. The composite classes will be mixed ability groups with reasonably equal numbers in each class. The school may lose the demountable classroom, depending on final numbers. Mr Barnes officially retires shortly and his position will be filled permanently next year.
A Richards / November statement:
·  Opening balance at 1 November 2014 was $21,332.19
·  Income was $5,708.54 ($2,091.00 uniform sales, $3,612.50 fundraising income mostly from mangoes, $5.04 interest).
·  Expenses were $2,668.50 ($4.50 administration expenses, $2,664.00 fundraising expenses)
·  Cash at bank $24,372.23
·  Unpresented cheques $950.00.
·  Running account balance $25,322.23.
One cheque has been unpresented for some time and is to be stopped and replaced. There is no fee for stopping the cheque, only if it is presented after being stopped.
The invoice for Sextons Coaches is to be paid. A letter was sent after the November meeting and the company replied advising the concerns have been addressed.
Canteen Committee
T Morris / ·  $5,500.00 has been presented to the P&C.
·  A 2015 canteen committee has been formed:
o  President Mandy Collins
o  Secretary Sam Mella
o  Treasurer Kim Hannaway (with assistance from Joel Hannaway)
o  Buyer Sandra Batchelor
o  Rosters Peta Salter.
·  Training & handovers to the new committee have commenced.
·  Friday 12 December will be the last operating day for 2014. A limited lunch menu will be available and some snacks will be sold at reduced prices. Note sent home today.
·  The canteen will be closed in the last week for cleaning. There will be no lunches or counter sales in that week.
It was suggested there could be better continuity of canteen management by staggering the renewal of roles rather than having all roles vacated at the same time. Committee members are unable to hold the same position for more than two years but can stand for a different role if they wish.
C Clarke / ·  The uniform order has been delivered and is being unpacked.
·  Shelves have been placed in the cupboards, enabling all stock to be kept on the school site.
·  Katherine Woodbine is taking over uniforms from next year, with Carly providing assistance as required.
·  The old style of hats had to be ordered this time; stock on hand is down to 10 of each size.
·  The current suppliers don’t have a wide brim cricket style hat. The demand for this style of hat is low and it may be more cost effective for families to source a suitable navy hat and wear it without the school logo.
·  All the uniform patterns have been loaned out. A request for return of the patterns will be included in the school newsletter.
·  An invoice of about $2,000 will become due over the holidays.
·  Another invoice will be payable in February.
C Moroney / Correspondence in
·  P&C Federation mail.
3. General Business and Other Business Arising
C Moroney / Mango fundraiser
·  This was very successful and the mangoes were very nice.
Fete 2015
·  Letters for donations of prizes etc. need to be sent early in the year.
·  Planning sub-committee to be formed early in the new year.
·  Suggestion to charge a stall fee and allow party plan businesses to have a stall.
·  Plant stall previously run by Mr Unicomb was very successful. Mr Unicomb to be approached regarding plant donations.
·  Some learnings from the last fete to be applied.
K McCaw / ·  Work will occur during the holidays and the court is expected to be finished for term 1, apart from the fencing.
·  A set of reversible posts has been purchased and will be delivered to Liane Buckley’s business address for secure storage until ready to install. The school will also receive some free items as part of an online ordering special.
·  There has been a lot of interest in the posts and old fencing.
·  Kerri is still looking into whether the old fencing can be re-used.
Multi-lane timer
K McCaw / ·  Earlier in the year Mrs Dybell approached P&C about buying a multi-lane timer for use at carnivals and sporting events.
·  This will reduce number of volunteers needed for timing events.
·  Some prices have been obtained. The one the athletics club use is $650; this was borrowed for the carnival and was easy to use.
Motion to purchase multi-lane timer at $650.
Moved K McCaw. Seconded R Flynn. CARRIED.
Soccer goals / This will be looked at next year.
Mural / ·  The mural planned for the shed near the sensory garden is still going ahead.
·  There is concern about the proposed detached mural support being too weighty,
·  It was suggested students may like to assist with painting.
·  Kelly to be approached about outlining the design.
Thank you / Thank you to Rebecca Muddle for her support and participation in the P&C over many years. Thanks too to Tracey Morris, the outgoing secretary.
Thank you too to the many other parents whose children complete Year 6 this year and who have been involved in so many different ways throughout the school community.
Thank you also to all ongoing members and we look forward to another harmonious, successful year in 2015.
And lastly, thank you to the McCaw family for hosting a terrific Christmas party.
Authority to Sign Cheques / n/a
Agenda items / Any items for inclusion in the agenda should be emailed to Kerri McCaw on
Next Meeting / After the Meet the Teacher evening in February 2015. Date to be determined. The AGM will be held just prior to the meeting. Both meetings will be held in the school library.

Meeting closed at 8.20pm.