ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 1 N4062

Date: November 10, 2006

Title: / WG1 Terms of Reference
Source: / WG1 Convener

Terms of Reference

1.  Title
Coding of Still Pictures

2.  Area of Work
Development of international standards for the compression, decompression, processing, and coded representation of digital still pictures, in order to satisfy a wide variety of applications.

3.  Officers

WG1 Convener / Dr. Daniel T Lee (USA)
Secretariat / American National Standards Institute (ANSI)

4.  Sub Group (SG)

JPEG / Dr. Daniel T Lee (USA)
JBIG / Professor Fumitake Ono (Japan)

5.  Web

Webmaster / Mr. Richard Clark (UK)

6.  Programme of Work

Project JTC (10918-1) JPEG Part 1:Coding of Continuous Tone Still Pictures

Project JTC 1.29.12 (14495) JPEG - LS : Lossless Compression of Continuous-tone Still Pictures

Project JTC 1.29.03 (11544) JBIG: Progressive Bi-level Image Compression

Project JTC 1.29.10 (14492) JBIG2: Lossy/Lossless Coding of Bi-level Images

Project JTC 1.29.14 (15444) JPEG 2000 Image Coding System

Project JTC 1.29.20 (24800) JPSearch

15444 (JPEG 2000)

Part / Title / CFP / WD / CD / FCD / FDIS / IS
1 / JPEG 2000 Image Coding System: Core Coding System / 97/03 / 99/03 / 99/12 / 00/03 / 00/10 / 00/12
2 / JPEG 2000 Image Coding System: Extensions / 97/03 / 00/03 / 00/08 / 00/12 / 01/07 / 01/11
3 / Motion JPEG 2000 / 99/12 / 00/07 / 00/12 / 01/03 / 01/07 / 01/11
4 / Conformance Testing / 99/12 / 00/07 / 00/12 / 01/07 / 02/02 / 02/05
5 / Reference Software / 99/12 / 00/03 / 00/07 / 00/12 / 01/08 / 01/11
6 / JPM: Compound Image File Format / 97/03 / 00/12 / 01/03 / 01/11 / 02/11 / 03/04
7 / --withdrawn--
8 / JPSEC: Secure JPEG 2000 / 02/03 / 02/10 / 04/04 / 04/11 / 05/11 / 06/07
9 / JPIP: Interactivity tools, APIs and protocols / 02/03 / 02/07 / 03/03 / 03/07 / 04/04 / 04/10
10 / JP3D: Extensions for three dimensional data / 02/03 / 02/10 / 06/07 / 06/11 / 07/03 / 07/07
11 / JPWL: Wireless / 02/07 / 03/07 / 04/07 / 05/03 / 05/11 / 06/07
12 / ISO Media File Format / 02/10 / 02/10 / 02/10 / 02/10 / 03/03 / 03/07
13 / An entry level JPEG 2000 encoder / 04/07 / 04/07 / 05/03 / 06/09 / 07/03 / 07/05
Part-AMD / Title / WD / PDAM / FPDAM / FDAM / AMD
(2000) / JPEG 2000 Image Coding System: Part1 AMD1 / 00/07 / 00/08 / 01/03 / 01/07 / 01/11
(2000) / JPEG 2000 Image Coding System: Part1 AMD2 / 00/12 / 01/03 / 01/07 / 02/05 / 02/07
1-AMD1 (2004) / JPEG 2000 Image Coding System: Part1 AMD1: Profile for digital cinema applications / 04/11 / 04/11 / 05/03 / 05/07 / 05/11
1-AMD2 (2004) / JPEG 2000 Image Coding System: Part1 AMD2: Extended profiles for digital cinema applications / 07/03 / 07/07 / 07/11 / 08/03 / 08/07
(2002) / JPEG 2000 Image Coding System: Part2 AMD1: Enhancement to quantization method / 01/06 / 01/07 / 01/11 / 02/03 / 02/05
(2002) / JPEG 2000 Image Coding System: Part2 AMD2 : Extended capabilities marker segment / 03/07 / 03/12 / 04/07 / 04/11 / 05/02
3-AMD1 / JPEG 2000 Image Coding System: Part3 AMD1: (Moved To Part12) / 01/10 / 01/11 / 02/03 / 02/10 / 02/12
3-AMD2 / JPEG 2000 Image Coding System: Part3 AMD2: Motion JPEG 2000 derived from ISO base media file format / 01/10 / 01/11 / 02/03 / 02/10 / 02/12
3-AMD3 / JPEG 2000 Image Coding System: Part3 AMD3: Definition of compliance points and testing for Motion JPEG 2000 / 02/03 / 02/07 / 02/11 / 03/12 / 04/07
5-AMD1 / JPEG 2000 Image Coding System: Part5 AMD 1:Reference software for the JP2 file format / 01/07 / 01/07 / 01/11 / 03/03 / 03/05
6-AMD1 / JPEG 2000 Image Coding System: Part6
AMD 1: Hidden text metadata / 04/07 / 05/03 / 06/03 / 06/07 / 06/11
8-AMD1 / JPEG 2000 Image Coding System: Part8 AMD1: File Format Security / 05/07 / 06/11 / 07/03 / 07/07 / 07/11
8-AMD2 / JPEG 2000 Image Coding System: Part8 AMD2: JPSEC conformance tests and bitstreams / 05/11 / 06/11 / 07/03 / 07/07 / 07/11
9-AMD1 / JPEG 2000 Image Coding System: Part9
AMD1: API's, metadata, and editing / 04/11 / 05/03 / 05/07 / 06/01 / 06/05
9-AMD2 / JPEG 2000 Image Coding System: Part9
AMD2: JPIP server and client profiles / 05/07 / 06/07 / 06/11 / 07/03 / 07/07
9-AMD3 / JPEG 2000 Image Coding System: Part9
AMD3: JPIP Extensions / 06/03 / 06/07 / 06/11 / 07/03 / 07/07
12-AMD1 / JPEG 2000 Image Coding System: Part12 AMD1 / 05/11 / 05/11 / 06/03 / 06/07 / 06/11
12-AMD2 / JPEG 2000 Image Coding System: Part12 AMD2 / 05/11 / 06/03 / 06/06 / 06/11 / 07/03

24800 (JPSearch)

Part / Title / CFP / WD / PDTR / DTR / TR
1 / System framework and components / 05/03 / 05/07 / 06/07 / 06/11 / 07/03

7.  AHG Chairs/Co-Chairs

Ad-hoc Group / Chair/Co-Chair
Requirements and Profiles / Dr. Touradj Ebrahimi (chair) (Switzerland)
Verification Model / Dr. Michael Marcellin (chair) (USA)
Mr. Mathias Larsson Carlander (editor) (Sweden)
Public Relations / Mr. Louis Sharpe (chair) (USA)
Mr. Richard Clark (co-chair) (UK)
File Format Sub-Group / Mr. Scott Houchin (chair) (USA)
Part 1 Editing Committee / Mr. Martin Boliek (chair, editor) (USA)
Dr. Eric Majani (co-editor) (France)
Dr. Charilaos Christopoulos (co-editor) (Sweden)
Part 1 (2000) AMD 1 / Mr. Takahiro Fukuhara (chair) (Japan)
Mr. Yasuyuki Nomizu (co-editor) (Japan)
Part 1 (2000) AMD 2 / Mr Takahiro Fukuhara (chair) (Japan)
Part 1 (2004) AMD1 / Dr. Siegfried Foessel (chair, co-editor) (Germany)
Dr. Michael Marcellin (editor) USA
Part 1 (2004) AMD2 / Dr. Fabrizio Frescura(Italy)
Dr. Joerg Mohr (Germany)
Mr. Walter Husak (USA)
Part 1 (2004) COR1 / Ms. Margaret Lepley (editor) (USA)
Part 2 Editing Committee / Mr. Martin Boliek (chair, editor) (USA)
Dr. Eric Majani (co-editor) (France)
Mr. Scott Houchin (co-editor) (USA)
Dr. James Kasner (co-editor) (USA)
Mr. Mathias Larsson Carlander (co-editor) (Sweden)
Part 2 (2002) AMD 1 / Dr. Michael Marcellin (editor) (USA)
Dr. Janet Rountree (co-editor, chair) (USA)
Part 2 (2002) AMD 2 / Dr. Tim Wilkinson (editor) (USA)
Part 3: Motion JPEG 2000 / Dr. Siegfried Foessel (chair) (Germany)
Part 3 Editing Committee / Mr. David Singer (editor) (USA)
Mr. Joerg Mohr (editor) (Germany)
Mr. Takahiro Fukuhara (co-editor) (Japan)
Part 3 AMD 1 / Mr. David Singer (editor) (USA)
Part 3 AMD 2 / Mr. David Singer (editor) (USA)
Part 3 AMD 3 / Mr. Joerg Mohr (editor) (Germany)
Mr. Takahiro Fukuhara (editor) (Japan)
Part 4: Conformance Testing / Mr. Bernie Brower (editor) (USA)
Dr. Michael Gormish (co-editor) (USA)
Part 5: Reference Software / Mr. Richard Clark (editor) (UK)
Mr. Michael Adams (co-editor) (Canada)
Mr. Joel Askelof (co-editor) (Sweden)
Part 5 AMD 1: File Format Reference Software / Mr. Scott Houchin (editor, chair) (USA)
Mr. Greg Colyer (co-editor) (UK)
Part 6: Compound Image File Format / Dr. Robert Buckley (editor, chair) (USA)
Mr. Louis Sharpe (co-editor) (USA)
Mr. Simon McPartlin (co-editor) (Germany)
Part 6 AMD 1: Compound Image File Format / Mr. Junichi Hara (editor) (Japan)
Dr. Klaus Jung (co-editor) (Germany)
Mr. Louis Sharpe (co-editor) (USA)
Part 8: JPSEC / Mr. Vania Conan (co-editor, chair) (France)
Dr. Touradj Ebrahimi (editor) (Switzerland )
Mr. Claude Rollin (co-editor, co-chair) (France)
Dr. Susie Wee (Co-editor) (USA)
Part8 AMD1: File format security / Mr. Vania Conan (chair) (France)
Mr. John Apostolopoulos (co-chair) (USA)
Dr. Susie Wee (editor) (USA)
Mr. Zhishou Zhang (co-editor) (Singapore)
Part 8 AMD2: JPSEC Conformance tests and bitstreams / Mr. John Apostolopoulos (USA)
Part 9: JPIP / Dr. Robert Prandolini (editor, chair) (Australia)
Mr. Greg Colyer (co-editor) (UK)
Mr. Scott Houchin (co-editor) (USA)
Part9 AMD1: API's, metadata, and editing / Dr. Alexis Tzannes (editor, chair) (USA)
Part9 AMD2: JPIP Server and client profiles / Dr. Alexis Tzannes (editor, chair) (USA)
Dr. Robert Prandolini (co-editor, chair) (Australia)
Part 9 AMD 3: JPIP Extensions / Dr. Alexis Tzannes (editor, chair) (USA)
Dr. Peter Schelkens (co-editor) (Belgium)
Part 10: JP3D / Dr. Peter Schelkens (editor, chair) (Belgium)
Dr. Alexis Tzannes (co-editor, co-chair) (USA)
Mr. Chris Brislawn (co-editor) (USA)
Part11: JPWL / Mr. Didier Nicholson (editor, chair) (France)
Dr. Fabrizio Frescura (co-editor, co-chair) (Italy)
Dr. Frederic Dufaux (co-editor, co-chair) (Switzerland)
Dr. Enrico Magli (co-editor) (Italy)
Part12: ISO Media File Format / Mr. David Singer (editor) (USA)
Mr. Eric Edwards (co-editor) (USA)
Part13: Entry-level Part 1 Encoder / Mr. Yasuyuki Nomizu (Chair & editor) (Japan)
Mr. Kats Ishii (co-editor) (Japan)
JPSearch Part1 / Dr. Mun Kew Leong (chair & editor) (Singapore)
Mr. Wo Chang (co-editor) (USA)
Mr. Scott Houchin (co-editor) (USA)
Digital Cinema AHG / Dr. Siegfried Foessel (chair) (Germany)
Registration Authority / Dr. Touradj Ebrahimi (chair) (Switzerland)
Dr. Fumitaka Ono (co-chair) (Japan)
Historical Archive AHG / Mr. Richard Clark (chair) (UK)