October 15, 2017

In today’s Gospel we see how many are called to the Banquet (the Feast of the Lamb). In this parable, the King sent his slaves (the prophets of old, and evangelists of today) to go out and call those who had been invited, but they refused to come, making light of the invitation and continued about their business. They made light of the call of God on their lives and the call to Salvation. Some even abused and killed the King’s slaves. We know that the prophets died for their speaking the mind of God to the people who didn’t want to listen to the invitation but instead just wanted to go on living their life outside of the Banquet Hall.

The King (God the Father) said to his slaves that the banquet is ready and those who had been called to it were not worthy, so he commanded them to go out once again to bring everyone they could find to the banquet. However, when the banquet hall was full, the King entered and noticed a man without a wedding garment. When know by the groom, guest are given a garment to wear, but this man was not known by the groom. Not everyone who says, “Lord, Lord,” will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Many are called but not everyone is choosen.

Do we maintain a grateful heart toward God and all He has done for us – even in meagre times – and do we listen carefully to the Call to come to the Wedding Feast of the Lamb – the call to salvation of God and His Christ, Jesus. Let us always remain open to the Divine Invitation and ready at a moment’s notice to say “Yes” to your personal invitation from the King.

Monday Soul of Gemma Aragona

Tuesday Souls of David Edmundson, Virgina Dela Cruz, Lucy Kok Moey Chin and

In Thanksgiving for Trevor Holness

Wednesday Soul of Margaret Wong

Thursday Soul of Mrs. Ho

Friday Soul of John Frederick Jack Wilson

Feast of all Souls

On Thursday, November 2nd the parish will join in the celebration of the feast of All Souls. It is a time to remember and make present our deceased family members and once more entrust them into the loving care of our God.

The names of those who have died since November 1st, 2016 will be mentioned in a special way. Our deceased parishioners who were buried from St. Luke’s will be automatically included.

If a family member or friend was buried from another parish, within the past year, and you would like them remembered in a special way, please call and leave their name with the office at ext. 221. All names should be in by Monday, October 30th.

All Souls envelopes are provided in the pews for intentions at the November 2nd Mass. After all Souls Day the envelopes will be placed near the altar during the month of November.

Confirmation Parent Information Session

Who: Parents/Guardians of students who would like to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation

When: Wednesday, October 18th. 7:00 pm-7:45pm.

Where: St. Luke’s Church Sanctuary

Contact: Greg Garda, Youth Minister. Email: OR 905-881-2786 ex.232.

For families with children in grades 7 or up, whom are interested in taking part in Confirmation preparation in 2017-2018 school year there will be a brief information session on Wednesday October 18th at 7pm. The session will outline the program, the schedule, and will conclude with a Q&A. Students DO NOT need to the attend the info session.

Bundle Up for

St. Vincent de Paul

A Saint Vincent de Paul container will be in the church parking lot the weekend of October 21/22 to collect household linens, clothing, footwear, bedding, draperies/towels, toys and small household goods. Please share what you can with our neighbors in need. Our container will be open all day Saturday until 5:30 pm and Sunday until 2:00 pm. Volunteers will assist with the loading before and after each Mass.

A Radical Transformation:

Jewish-Christian Relations


Monday, October 16 – 7:00-9:00 pm

Regis College, 100 Wellesley St. W. Toronto

Free Admission

How important was the role of Seelisberg in setting the trajectory for this transformation – and how far have we come in those seven decades? What important issues still remain to be tackled?

Out of the Cold

Volunteer sign-up and clothing Drive

After Every Mass: Sat/Sun Oct. 14, 15

Please sign up. This program would not be possible without the commitment of our volunteers. We need volunteers in every area. Please give of your time and sign up.

Many, Many Thanks!!!

To all the generous donors who helped make our Thanksgiving Food Drive such a success.

Thanks also to those who give at our Saint Vincent de Paul poor boxes at the back of the church. Your donations enable us to provide food vouchers to the needy in our community, help our twin in the Dominican Republic, and support the Society’s Special Works in the GTA – shelters for abused women, homes for the developmentally handicapped and those with mental health problems, recovery homes for addicts, supportive housing, (www.svdptoronto.org).

Mosaic InterFaith Peacemeal

Sunday October 22 2:00-5:00 p.m.

Jaffari Islamic Centre, 9000 Bathurst St. Thornhill

This year’s theme is

“An Interactive Experience of the Golden Rule”

Concluding Pot Luck Vegan Supper. Please bring

dishes to share. Due to the dietary laws of various

faiths the dishes are to contain no meat, poultry, eggs,

fish, dairy products or alcohol. Because of allergies,

no nut products please. If you have any questions please call Natalie at ext. 235

The 27th Annual Mass of Memory

The 27th Annual Mass of Memory Sunday October 29th

3.00 pm at St. Paul's Basilica 83 Power St.(Power and Queen St. East). Sacred/Celtic Music Prelude by: The Irish Choral Society of Canada. Principal Celebrant: Fr. Bernard Kelly CSSp Homilist: Fr. Patrick Fitzpatrick CSSp

Reception immediately followingin church hall. For information call or email: Mairead Schoenebeck 416-

264-5363 or Norita Fleming 1-613-422-2291 (Ottawa)


Magic & Wonder Benefit Concert for Hope for Children Fund

Sunday, November 5, 2017 @ 2:00 p.m. St. Paul’s Basilica, 83 Power Street, Toronto

A group of Knights from different councils gathered their efforts to provide scholarships for the over 18-year olds who want to break the vicious cycle of poverty by pursuing post secondary education. We call this endowment fund 'the Hope for Children Fund'

On Sunday afternoon, Nov 5, 2017, we are having a benefit concert at the St Paul Basilica we call 'Magic & Wonder concert'. Magically we can make more scholarships available and wonderful results shall follow. We trust you will either attend this benefit concert if your like classical music or make a donation so we can grow this endowment fund to provide more scholarships for our young people.

You can purchase benefit concert tickets or make a donation conventionally or online. Ticket price: $40.00 to order tickets: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/hfc-tickets-37316221824 call (416) 223-8060 e-mail: .

On behalf of the scholarship recipients, thank you.