Introduction to Hassel free Registration of FIRs

Kapurthala Police has started the scheme of Hassel free registration of FIRs. Some times public has the grievance that the FIR of their theft, burglary, snatching, hurt etc cases are not registered by the Police Stations.

To facilitate the public in getting the FIR registered, Kapurthala Police has opened special counters at three places: one is at CPRC Centre Kapurthala, second at CPRC Centre Phagwara in office of DSP Phagwara & third counter at the office of SSP Kapurthala.

Giving details of the scheme Sh. Rakesh Agrawal IPS SSP Kapurthala told that all these FIR registration counters have been provided with special FIR registration forms. Any body who wants to Lodge an FIR about any thing can just walk in to these counters, fill the FIR registration from and his FIR will be registered without any Hassel questioning .Copy of FIR will be made available to him within 24 hours from the same Counter. FIRs in the said proforma can also be registered through email by sending the proforma duly filled to Proof of identity of the complainant will be taken at the time of registration of FIR to avoid lodging of FIR by impersonation.

SSP further said that to prevent this scheme to be misutilised by some persons to harass others by falsely registering FIRs against some other persons, some instructions have been issued to SHOs of police stations. SHOs have been told not to blindly arrest the person against whom FIR has been arrested but to first collect evidences against that person and brought the evidences on case file. Written permission of SSP will be necessary in case arrest of accused is necessary in the case. Further in case the FIR is found to be false then proceeding of 182 IPC will be initiated against the complainant. Further the courts have also been requested to readily accept the cancellation reports of FIR submitted by the Police.