District Information
We ask that each local district contact distribute the First Contact Survey linkto special educators who are the primary teacher for students who will participate in the alternate assessment during the 2012-13 school year.
What is the First Contact Survey?
- An online survey tool designed to inform the assessment system about students who participate in the alternate assessment.
- It will help test developers and the dynamic assessment prepare and present the appropriate items to each individual student.
- It collects information on the student characteristics, educational and communication needs of students participating in the alternate assessment.
Please let teachers know that the survey:
- Should take less than 15 minutes to complete for each student.
- Is online and easy to access.
- Can be completed at each individual’s convenience – it is available 24/7.
- Asks questions about the student that educators either know from their experience with the student or have the information easily accessible within their classroom.
- Educators will have an opportunity to review, verify and include additional information prior to administration of the alternate assessment.
- One survey must be completed for each student participating in the alternate assessment.
Where do teachers get the link?
- The link is sent from the state dept. to the local district personnel – who in turn send the information to the special educators working with students participating in the alternate assessment.
What if a teacher is unable to complete the survey?
- If a teacher is unable to complete the survey, they should notify their local district supervisor immediately so that another individual can be assigned to complete the survey.
- Every student needs a completed First Contact Survey on file prior to administration of the alternate assessment.
How long do we have to complete the survey?
- All surveys must be completed prior to April 1, 2013.
- WVDE will assess completion rates on April 1, 2013 and contact districts, as needed, if surveys have not been completed.
- The WVDE follow-up period is April 1, 2013 through May 1, 2013.
Thank you in advance for your participation in this very important component of our next generation assessment system. If you have any questions, please contact Melissa Gholson at 304.558.2546 or .
Teacher Information:
Dear Special Educator:
You are being asked to complete a First Contact Survey on each of your studentswho will participate in the alternate assessment.
What is the First Contact Survey?
- The First Contact Survey is an online survey tool designed to inform the assessment system about students who participate in the alternate assessment.
- The First Contact Survey will help test developers and the dynamic assessment prepare and present the appropriate items to each individual student.
- The First Contact Survey collects information on the student characteristics, educational and communication needs of students participating in the alternate assessment.
What do I need to know about First Contact?
- Should take less than 15 minutes to complete for each student.
- Is online and easy to access.
- Can be completed at your convenience – it is available 24/7.
- Asks questions about the student that you either know from your experience with the student or have the information easily accessible within your classroom.
- Educators will have an opportunity to review, verify and include additional information prior to administration of the alternate assessment.
- One survey must be completed for each student participating in the alternate assessment.
What if I am unable to complete the survey?
- If a teacher is unable to complete the survey, they should notify their local district supervisor immediately so that another individual can be assigned to complete the survey.
- Every student needs a completed First Contact Survey on file prior to administration of the alternate assessment.
Where do I get the link?
- Click the following link to be taken directly to the survey:
Thank you in advance for your participation in this valuable component of the forthcoming alternate assessment. If you have any questions, please contact <insert district contact information>.
For more information about the Dynamic Learning Maps project, please visit the website at: