Annual Procedures to Create NovaLis Tax Bills

Last Revised – July 8, 2005

Call NovaLis and tell them to run their pre-billing jobs. Give them a couple of day’s notice.

Purge all billing files on HP. (BI@ files) Make sure new tax rates are entered.

1)  Run DBCHECK and check Appraisal files. (Can run during day)

Review output and make necessary corrections.

Note: All files below except for City of Harrisburg and Concord can be set up to run in order shown here. These city files must be run separate because of tax rates that need to be put into CN01 and CN02.

2)  Run detail scroll of tax bills from $.01 to $5.00 (No discoveries). Run Totals Only Scroll twice. No discoveries. Once with no Tax Amts and Print Zero Bills Due to Exemptions = “Y” and once with Tax Amt. 5.01 Thru all 9.99’s. ( 10 copies of each) Check any errors that may show up in this report. Compare and match up with bill numbering job at number 4) below. (Run only at night) Run time 42 min. (Each)

3)  Call up configuration file and print screen. Change Real-Abst Interface field to “N”. Change Current Year Billed field to “Y”. This locks down abstract file for billing. Also write down Autolast Bill#. Change it to 10000. (Note - in 2004 for testing, we did not lock down abstract file. Perry removed bill numbers created in 4 below before users got back on.)

4)  Go to TAXMENU REPORTS. Select option 4) Tax Bills. This process should be done only one time, as it will number all the bills. This must be run at night! Run time 45 min.

Tax Year – 2005

Tax Amt. – 5.01 THRU 999999999.99

Flatfile Name – BILL2005

Billdate – 07/20/05

Duedate – 09/01/05

IntDate – 01/06/06

Exclude special mortgage codes =

Only Process records with mortgage codes =

Print zero bills due to exemptions = Y

Print Discovery = N

Reprint Only = N

Sort Option 1 = NM

Sort Option 2 = PR

Sort Option 3 = AB

This file will not be used for anything.

Now run the County Scroll (All Records) to create the FLATSCRL file that is fed into the online

Scroll in ACCESS. “N” to Totals Only! “Y” to exemptions and “Y” to create scrollff file. To get FLATSCRL file from HP to C Drive : FTP, OPEN,MGR.TAXDEPT,password, Get C:\Tax\FlatscYY.txt (50 min.)

Annual Procedures to Create NovaLis Tax Bills

5)  When job above has numbered bills, go back to configuration record and set Autolast Bill# back to original number. Now is the time to begin creating all the files to send to Total Billings to print. In 2003, we created 4 files for them: A file without mortgage codes, a file with non-electronic processed mortgage codes, a file for taxpayer of all mortgage codes (Duplicates), and a file for city of Harrisburg.

6)  Go to TAXMENU REPORTS. Select option 4) Tax Bills. These jobs must be run at night! 37 min.

File of bills without mortgage codes

Tax Year – 2005

Tax Amt. – 5.01 THRU 999999999.99

Flatfile Name – BILLNM05

Billdate – 07/20/05

Duedate – 09/01/05

IntDate – 01/06/06

Exclude special mortgage codes =

Process records with mortgage codes = N

Print zero bills due to exemptions = N

Print Discovery = N

Reprint Only = Y

Sort Option 1 = ZC

Sort Option 2 = NM

Sort Option 3 = PR

File of bills with non-electronic mortgage codes. Run time 13 min.

Tax Year – 2005

Tax Amt. – 5.01 THRU 999999999.99

Flatfile Name – BILLM05

Billdate – 07/20/05

Duedate – 09/01/05

IntDate – 01/06/06

Exclude special mortgage codes = Y

Process records with mortgage codes = Y

Print zero bills due to exemptions = N

Print Discovery = N

Reprint Only = Y

Sort Option 1 = ML

Sort Option 2 = NM

Sort Option 3 = PR

Annual Procedures to Create NovaLis Tax Bills

Duplicate file of bills for taxpayer with mortgage codes. Run time 22 min.

Tax Year – 2005

Tax Amt. – 5.01 THRU 999999999.99

Flatfile Name – BILDUP05

Billdate – 07/20/05

Duedate – 09/01/05

IntDate – 01/06/06

Exclude special mortgage codes =

Process records with mortgage codes = Y

Print zero bills due to exemptions = N

Print Discovery = N

Reprint Only = Y

Sort Option 1 = ZC

Sort Option 2 = NM

Sort Option 3 = PR

File of bills for City of Harrisburg

Change Tax Rate in tax code maintenance. For CN01 for new year put Harrisburg’s new tax rate.

Run Scroll Totals Only - “N” to Exemptions (5.01 & up) 21 min. (5 Copies) Compare and match to bills created in job below. Run time 17 min.

Tax Year – 2005

Tax Amt. – 5.01 THRU 999999999.99

TaxCode = CN01

Flatfile Name – BILHAR05

Billdate – 07/20/05

Duedate – 09/01/05

IntDate – 01/06/06

Exclude special mortgage codes =

Process records with mortgage codes =

Print zero bills due to exemptions = N

Print Discovery = N

Reprint Only = Y

Sort Option 1 = ZC

Sort Option 2 = NM

Sort Option 3 = PR

After job finishes, change CN01 tax rate back to zeroes.

These four files should all be zipped and e-mailed to Total Billings.

BilHar04 should also be emailed to City Of Harrisburg.

Annual Procedures to Create NovaLis Tax Bills

For City of Concord File:

Change Tax Rate in tax code maintenance. For CN02 for new year put Concord’s new tax rate. Run time - 30 min. Run below job again with scrollff file = “P”. 30 min.Also run Summary Conocrd Scroll for Finance. 30 min. (5 Copies)


Tax Year = 2005

Tax Code = CN02

Print Discovery = N

Report Title = 2005 Concord City Scroll

Create Scrollff = Y

Print zero bills due to exemptions = Y

All other N or blank

Sort option = NM



Change CN02 tax rate back to zeroes.

Download SCROLLIF scroll to a text file and send to Concord instead of printing the scroll.

Procedure to get Concord SCROLLFF file in format that they can process:

From colon prompt on HP –

: BUILD CON740;REC=-740,,F,ASCII;DISC=50000,32,1


Download CON740 file from HP to C drive. Zip and E-mail to Concord.


Run Scroll for Harrisburg. (Make sure CN01 has rate in it.) 17 min.

Run Scroll for Mt Pleasant. Run Time – 16 min.

Run Scroll for Locust. 14 min.

Run Scroll for Midland. 15 min.

Run Scroll for Kannapolis. 24 min. Put “P” in create scrollff file. Send scrollif file instead of paper scroll to Kannapolis. (Must be downloaded into zipped text file called Kanscroll2005.z_p.)

Run rptHarrCityXref for Harrisburg.