7 Site and antennas
The online forms interface provides facility to build submission files for the creation of new site and antenna records in the ACMA’s database. Facility is also provided to edit or delete site and antenna records. However, the processing outcome will be dependent on whether the site or antenna is in use as part of an existing spectrum access record.
Given that the accuracy of site and antenna records form an integral part of the frequency coordination process, it is expected that accredited persons will exercise due care where managing records using the on-line system.
The detailed rules related to management of site records are contained in ACMA publication Radiocommunications Site Data Requirements (refer section 15).
7.1 Generate and submit a site & antenna online
To build a site or antenna submission file using the web forms interface select the option “Generate and submit a Site & Antenna Online“ from the menu. If not logged on you will be prompted to log on. Detailed “Screen Entry Attributes and Validation Rules” are contained in section 12)
After selecting “Generate and submit a Site & Antenna Online “the create submission screen will be displayed where submission details are entered.
Entry fields
Submission name: This field is used to specify a meaningful name for the submission.
Manual assessment: Check box used where site or antenna details do not conform to ACMA requirements and manual consideration by the ACMA is required.
Where the Manual Assessment check box is selected, option is provided to attach supporting documentation by selecting the ‘ADD’ button. Multiple attachments are allowed up to a maximum size of 500K bytes. Facility is also provided to add COMMENTS.
When the Create Submission button is selected a submission will be created and submission details displayed (see below). Incorrect data will result in correction prompts.
7.2 Submission options
Once a submission is successfully created the following submission options are available:
Add job: Add a job to submission.
Details: Display details of the current submission.
Edit: Edits a submission. When selected the create Submission page is redisplayed and the submission may be amended.
Delete: Delete the submission. Confirmation of deletion is required.
View: Display the submission in Xml format. Xml is the format in which submissions are sent to the ACMA.
Tip: The displayed submission can be saved for future editing by saving the Xml as a file from the browser file save option.
Submit: Submit submission to the ACMA. See section 4.5 for more information.
Check: Check the submission against basic format and business rules before submitting to the ACMA.
7.3 Adding jobs to a site or antenna submission
When the Add Job button is selected the following page is displayed.
Entry fields
Job name: This field is used to specify a meaningful name for the Job and should be unique within the submission (max 20 characters).
Example of a successfully created job:7.3.1 Job options
When a job is created the job options appear in addition to submission options:
Edit: Edit a job
Delete: Delete a job from the submission. Confirmation of deletion is required.
Site: By selecting the required option a request may be built to Create, Edit or Delete a site record.
Antenna: By selecting the required option a request may be built to Create, Edit or Delete an antenna record.
7.3.2 Site creation
Site creation jobs result in the automatic generation of new site records in the RADCOM database. Processing results including the new site identifier are provided via e-mail within minutes of submission lodgement.
Information provided in any on-line site creation request must follow ACMA publication Radiocommunications Site Data Requirements (section 15).
New sites will generally only be created where the:
proposed site is located not within 10m of an existing ACMA site record; and
the coordinate source for a site to be located in a high or medium fee density areas is based on a surveyor’s certificate or GPS reading. For sites located in the high density licensing area the accuracy must be at least 10 m and in a medium density licensing area 100m
If it is believed that the existing site details are in-correct or there is a reason to deviate from the site management requirements, a request for Manual Assessment together with supporting information may be made and the ACMA will consider the request.
NB: Creation of mobile sites used in spectrum licensing is not supported on-line.
After selecting Create the following entry page is displayed.
When information entry is completed, selection of ‘Submit’ will create a job and return to the submission entry screen. Additional site or antenna jobs can then be added.
Entry fields
Building/Tower name: Site name details that in combination.
Street number/Name: describes the location.
Town/Geographic location:
Datum: Pick list used to specify the reference datum of the coordinate system.
Coordinate System (ZEN, DD, DMS): The coordinate system used for data entry may be select by using the radio button ZEN (Australian Metric Grid), DD (decimal Latitude/Longitude), or DMS (degrees minutes & seconds Latitude/Longitude).
Precision: Pick list used to specify the precision of the coordinates entered.
Coordinate source: Pick list of the source of the coordinates (ie GPS, Map 1 100,000 etc).
Elevation: Height of site in metres above sea level.
Configuration: Pick list of standard site configurations.
Manager details: Fields used to provide details of the site manager.
Contact details: Fields used to provide details of the contact for gaining access to the site.
Example of a successfully created site request:7.3.3 Site deletion
Site deletion jobs result in the automatic removal of site records from the RADCOM database. Processing results are provided via e-mail within minutes of submission lodgement.
A site can only be deleted where:
it is not a mobile site and has no devices attached to the record; and
it was created or updated by the user within the previous 30 days.
Submissions not conforming to these rules may be flagged for Manual Assessment and the ACMA will consider the request.
After selecting Delete the following page is displayed where the unique identifier of the site to be deleted is entered. The application will then retrieve and display details of the entered site.
Selection of ‘Submit’ will create a job and return to the submission entry screen. Additional site or antenna jobs can then be added.
7.3.4 Site edit
Site edit jobs result in the automatic update of site records in the RADCOM database. Processing results are provided via e-mail within minutes of submission lodgement.
A site can only be updated where:
it is not a mobile site
it does not have devices attached unless all the devices are spectrum licence devices and the user is authorised to supply technical details for the associated licences
it was created or updated by the user within the previous 7 days
if the proposed coordinates are greater than 10 metres from an existing site.
The on-line system does not support update of the fields associated with Site Manager or Contact details.
Submissions not conforming to these rules may be flagged for Manual Assessment and the ACMA will consider the request.
After selecting Edit the following page is displayed where the unique identifier of the site to be deleted is entered. The application will then retrieve and display details of the entered site.
Selection of ‘Submit’ will create a job and return to the submission entry screen. Additional site or antenna jobs can then be added.
7.3.5 Antenna creation
Antenna creation jobs result in the automatic generation of new antenna records in the RADCOM database. Processing results including the new antenna identifier are provided via e-mail within minutes of submission lodgement.
New antenna records will generally only be created where the manufacture and/or model do not exist.
If it is believed that the existing antenna details are in-correct or there is a reason to deviate from the antenna management requirements, a request for Manual Assessment together with supporting information may be made and the ACMA will consider the request.
After selecting Create the following entry page is displayed.
When information entry is completed, selection of ‘Submit’ will create a job and return to the submission entry screen. Additional site or antenna jobs can then be added.
Entry fields
Manufacturer: Pick list of manufactures with antennas already entered into the ACMA’s RADCOM system.
NB: Where the required manufacturer is not listed, a new entry maybe created by selecting the radio button and entering the name in the box below the pick list.
Model: Used to specify the antenna model number.
Type/Type code: Pick list of ACMA antenna type codes
Beamwidth: Used to specify the beamwidth of the antenna.
Size: Used to specify the antenna size
Gain: Used to specify the gain of the antenna in dB
Front to back: Used to specify the front to back ratio of the antenna in dB
Band release: Pick list of ACMA band identifiers.
Example of a successfully created antenna request:7.3.6 Antenna deletion
Antenna deletion jobs result in the automatic removal of antenna records from the RADCOM database. Processing results are provided via e-mail within minutes of submission lodgement.
An antenna can only be deleted where:
it is not attached to a device record; and
was created or updated by the user within the previous 30 days.
Submissions not conforming to these rules may be flagged for Manual Assessment and the ACMA will consider the request.
After selecting Delete the following page is displayed where the unique identifier of the antenna to be deleted is entered. Selecting search will then retrieve and display details of the entered antenna.
Selection of ‘Submit’ will create a job and return to the submission entry screen. Additional site or antenna jobs can then be added.
8 Delete a spectrum access
8.1.1 Spectrum access deletion
Spectrum access deletion jobs result in the automatic removal of one or more records from the RADCOM database. A spectrum access to be deleted may be identified by using its unique ACMA identifier or, if a range of spectrum access are to be deleted, by the FAC submission identifier that created the records. Processing results are provided via e-mail within minutes of submission lodgement.
A spectrum access can only be deleted where:
it is attached to the ‘holding’ licence record and
was created by the user.
Submissions not conforming to these rules may be flagged for Manual Assessment and the ACMA will consider the request.
After selecting Delete the following page is displayed where the unique identifier of either the spectrum access to be deleted is entered or the ID of the FAC submission that created the records. Selecting search will then retrieve and display brief details based on the entered criteria.
Selection of ‘Submit’ will create a job and return to the submission entry screen. Additional jobs can then be added.
9 Lodging a submission
When the Submit button is selected the submission is displayed in Xml format and a “Sign and Submit” dialogue box appears (see below). If a copy of the submission is required it should be saved before submitting (Submission contents are cleared by the process of submitting.) A Java plug-in security warning may also appear. It is also assumed that the digital key is stored in the default key store location as detailed in “Selecting the default path for the personal key store”, Section 14.3“How to export the private key certificate from internet explorer to a personal key store”.
Note also that the first time a submission is made there will be a short delay while the sign and submit java applets are loaded onto the computer being used (approximately 760 kb in total). The applets only need to be loaded once on each computer being used and the delay will not occur for the next submission.
With the sign and submit password successfully entered a page similar to the one below is presented. Note that included in the page is a submission Id number. For FAC’s it is the submission Id number (along with the job name) that should be included with the associated licence application.
10 Upload a saved FAC submission
The Upload a saved FAC or Upload a Site/Antenna Submission options allow previously saved submissions to be loaded (see below). A warning is provide if there is an existing submission. While a submission can be saved at any point in the FAC creation process, only a complete FAC submission can be uploaded into the system.
11 Reference information
For band and channel plans, and frequency assignment documents see the radiofrequency planning pages on the ACMA’s website.
For apparatus licence categories, emission designators see the apparatus licensing pages on the ACMA’s website.
Apparatus licence special conditions are extractable from the ACMA Record of Radiocommunications Licences Database on CD-ROM, or can be obtained from ACMA Offices.
Information on antenna and site identification numbers can be obtained from the ACMA’S Record of Radiocommunications Licences Database on CD-ROM.