Middlefield Park and Recreation

January 5, 2016

Regular Meeting


  1. Call to Order

Carrie Anderson called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.

  1. Members Present

Carrie Anderson, Brian McDermott, Frank Wolak, Hannah Malcolm, Cindy Di Lauro-Sanchez, and Chris Hurlbert.

  1. Public Comment

No Comment

  1. Approval of Agenda

A motion was made by Frank Wolak to approve the agenda as presented. This motion was seconded by Brian McDermott and approved by all voting members.

  1. Approval of Minutes from previous meeting

Tabled to next meeting

  1. Commission Member Appointments

a) One vacancy for a full-time member and one vacancy for a part-time member

Carrie Anderson noted that Chris Hurlbert would like to fill the full-time vacancy.

b) Commission Vote for New Appointment (Christopher Hurlbert)

A motion was made by Brian McDermott to appoint Chris Hurlbert to a full-time member. This motion was seconded by Frank Wolak and approved by all voting members.

  1. Financial Report

Hannah Malcolm presented the members with a copy of the Financial Report. The Peckham Park line item is currently at $15,000. The Activity Fund is at $19,762 and Lake Beseck and Capitol are the same. Carrie Anderson suggested holding a Special Meeting to discuss the budget. Members discussed gathering all the quotes for the roof at Peckham Park and the maintenance that needs to be done at the beach. Members agreed to hold a Special Meeting on January 26th, 2017 at 6:30 p.m to discuss the budget.

  1. Old Business
  • Programs and Trips

Hannah Malcolm stated that there are 11 clubs with approximately 885 people enrolled. Hannah discussed the new clubs available this year, such as; Yoga for Teachers, After School Science Book Club, Elementary Music Clubs, etc.

  • Online Registration

Members discussed the Park and Recreation Website and Online Registration. Carrie Anderson stated that she spoke to Sherry Hill in Durham about the program they use for online registration. Carrie suggested that Middlefield use the same program as Durham for ease and consistency for town residents. Hannah Malcolm noted that the program cost is approximately $2, 940 a year. Chris Hurlbert explained that the town did not want anything to do with credit card use when he tried to do this. Chris suggested setting up a PayPal account. Carrie Anderson stated that she would prefer getting the program used by Durham and explained that it even organizes everything and saves a lot of time. All members agreed.

  • Flyers

Hannah Malcolm stated that they are no longer able to send flyers home. Everything is being sent via email and Facebook. Frank Wolak suggested posting signs at Peckham Park and posting events as advertisements on Facebook. Chris Hurlbert suggested an electronic message board at the corner of Jackson Hill Road and Main Street. Chris explained that all Town Departments could benefit from using the board. Members continued to discuss areas that the sign could be placed. Brian McDermott suggested looking into a mobile solar powered sign. Hannah Malcolm noted that she will look into all available options and costs. For now, members suggested using basic lawn signs and a sandwich board. Hannah Malcolm stated that she will contact Joy Boone for advertisement in the Town Times.

  • Trip to Mt. Snow

Hannah Malcolm explained that there is a trip to Mt. Snow on February 4th.

  • February Winter Festival

Chris Hurlbert explained that DEEP came down in the past and held a successful seminar. The few years without ice, they held a Winter Festival without ice fishing. Chris suggested having a Winter Festival at the beach like they did for the Sesquicentennial. Members discussed how these events are completely dependent on the weather. All members agreed to hold the Winter Festival on February 11th at the skating rink with a bonfire, hot chocolate, skating, a food truck, etc.

  • Wish List

Members suggested posting a sign at Peckham Park that specifies the hours that the park is open and closed. Chris Hurlbert recommended placing cameras back up at the park and the beach area.

Hannah Malcolm stated that Ed Bailey requested dedicating a tree to Don Ginter for his services to the Park and Recreation Commission. Chris Hurlbert explained that the commission had voted on naming the parking lot at Peckham Park “Don Ginter Way”. All members agreed that they preferred this idea better than a tree.

Hannah Malcolm stated that the walking track at the park needs to be repaired. Chris Hurlbert explained that the town crew usually gets a load of stone dust and repairs this each year.

Chris Hurlbert suggested fertilizing the fields at the park with an organic fertilizer in the Spring.

Hannah Malcolm explained that she would like to add more ropes at the beach to make the swim area wider. Chris noted that there is a file with the limitations and guidelines from DEEP for the beach.

Members discussed the removal of the trees in the parking lot at Peckham Park, cleaning the pavilion in the Spring and getting quotes for organic fertilizer.

  • Summer Camp

Hannah Malcolm explained that she had a meeting earlier in the week regarding concerns with the Summer Camp. Hannah stated that she would like to direct the camp and hire a co-director. Carrie suggested asking some teachers to participate with the supervision at the camp. Members continued to discuss possible start and end dates and agreed to send out a notice that camp will be on this year with more information to follow.

  • Park Lawn Care Bids

Chris Hurlbert explained that the lawn care bids will need to be gathered to start this Spring.

  • Events and Program Ideas

Hannah Malcolm stated that the Taste of Middlefield will be coming up soon and she will discuss everything at next months' meeting after she has spoken to Taryn Ruffino about the details.

  • Summer Concerts

Carrie Anderson explained that Joe Liseo will be at the February meeting with an entire proposal for the summer concert series.

  1. Looking Ahead
  • Members agreed to assess the Dog Park, Dinosaur Park and other “parks” to determine a fluctuating budget for the year.
  • Members agreed to hold a Special Meeting on February 26th @ 6:30 p.m to discuss the budget.
  1. Adjournment

A motion was made by Frank Wolak to adjourn. This motion was seconded by Hannah Malcolm and approved by all voting members.

Middlefield Park and Recreation, December 5th, 2016Prepared by Leanne M. Henry