For security purposes it is requested that all visitors, including volunteers:

  • report to the main office upon entering and leaving the building
  • sign in the volunteer register
  • wear a “Volunteer” identification badge (issued at the office), to be worn at all times while you are in the building
  • return your badge to the office at the completion of your assignment

This policy allows the schools to know who is in the building, why, and identify you as a VIPS volunteer.



  • Please be prompt and regular in your attendance. Notify in advance the teacher/staff member you are

assigned to for any planned absences.

  • Please work cooperatively, in a professional manner, and within the guidelines defined by the staff member you have been assigned to.


  • To be satisfied with your placement. If a different assignment would better serve your capabilities, talents, and time please contact the Volunteer Coordinator for a change.
  • To have any questions or problems answered by the VIPS office as soon as possible.
  • To be trained for a specific job when training is necessary.
  • To have guidance and direction in your assignment.
  • To be appreciated and recognized for your service.


  • Record your service times on a monthly log in school office each time you volunteer.
  • Maintain confidentiality of all information and activities related to students and school matters.

“Relationship between Volunteers and the City of Westfield, Westfield Public Schools and Volunteers in Public Schools of Westfield, Inc.:No provisions of this handbook shall be construed to create an employment relationship between any volunteers and the City of Westfield, Westfield Public Schools and/or Volunteers in Public Schools of Westfield, Inc.”


Westfield Public Schools has adopted a system-wide policy for the management of emergency situations in all buildings. Please be aware of the following guidelines.

Building Evacuation:

In the event of a fire, bomb threat, chemical spill, gas leak or other situation requiring the evacuation of the building, an announcement will be made over the intercom instructing immediate evacuation of the building. Volunteers should follow the instructions of the classroom teacher or staff person present. If a staff member is not at your location, shut off all lights, close but do not lock the room door, and proceed to a fire exit. Upon arrival at the holding area, notify a staff person of your students’ name and classroom, and follow their directions.

High Security Sitations (Code White):

When there has been an unsafe intrusion or another situation that requires the school to be in a high security situation a “Code White” will be announced over the intercom. Volunteers should follow the instructions of the staff person present. If a staff member is not present, close and lock all doors, shut lights off, and if possible cover the window of the classroom door. Move yourself and your student(s) out of sight within the classroom. Ignore all school bells and keep students in the room and as quiet as possible, until further instructions are given.

Medical Emergency (Code Blue):

In the event of a potential medical emergency, bring the situation to the attention of the nearest staff member. If no staff member is present, notify the main office of your name, location, the student or staff member’s name and an explanation of the medical problem. If possible, send another student to the office requesting the nurse report to your location. Keep the student as stable as possible until the nurse or another staff member arrives.