Governor’s Crime Commission
Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Service Plan
Agency Name:______County/Counties Served:______
A. Funding Sources (FY July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014)
Council for Women
- Marriage License $______
- Displaced Homemaker $______
- Divorce Filing Fees $______
- DV/SA $______
Department of Health and Human Services
- Family Violence Prevention $______
- Rape Prevention Education $______
Governor’s Crime Commission
- Victims of Crime Act $______
- Violence Against Women Act $______
United Way $______
Thrift Store $______
Foundations $______
Emergency Shelter Grants $______
City/County Funds $______
Federal Funds $______
Fees from Services $______
Donations $______
Other (Describe)______$______
Total Funding $______
Percent of funding from unrestricted funds: ______%
Budget Category I Most Recent Complete Fiscal Year I Current Fiscal Year I Next Fiscal Year
(estimated) (projected)
Year ______
Total Income $______$______$______
Total Expenses $______$______$______
Surplus/Deficit $______$______$______
B. Services Provided (Indicate with an“X”the best description for your agency profile)
______Stand Alone DV service provider ______Stand Alone SA service provider
______Combined DV/SA service provider ______Other (describe) ______
______Multi-Agency (e.g., DV SA services, batterers’ treatment services, etc.)
C. Fundraising History
Please provide the amount you raised via fundraising activities for the following years:
- 2010 $______
- 2011 $______
- 2012 $______
Please provide the PROJECTED amount you expect to raise via fundraising activities for the following years:
- 2013 $______
- 2014 $______
Describe your largest fundraising event, amount raised each year, and number of years for the event:
D. Personnel
Total number of employees: Full-Time: Part-Time:______Volunteers:______
List each titled position for staff (please include all positions in your agency):
Does the executive director conduct annual performance appraisals for staff? ______
Does the agency board conduct annual performance appraisals for the executive director?______
How often does your board meet? ______
E. Victims Served Last Year (Please provide the following numbers of UNDUPLICATED victims served:
Victim Category DV SA Other (describe) Totals
Adult Victims Served______
Child Victims Served______
Services Offered (Indicate with an “X”) Yes No
Advocacy (referrals, jails, courts, corrections)______
Crisis Hot Line______
Children’s Services______
Case Management______
Legal Assistance______
Transportation Services______
Employment Referrals______
Job Skills Training______
Food Pantry______
Transitional Housing______
Hospital Accompaniment______
Group Support______
Victims’ Compensation
Service Details (Indicate the number served) 2 Years Prior Last Year
Shelter Capacity______
Average Length of Shelter Stay______
Number of Women Served (residential)______
Number of Children Served (residential)______
Number of women Served (non-residential)______
Number of children Served (non-residential)______
Number of Men Served______
Number of Shelter Sites ______
Explain make-up of shelter sites if more than one (1) exists: ______
Ethnicity Percentage
Caucasian ______%
Hispanic/Latino ______%
Asian ______%
African American ______%
Native American ______%
Other ______% Specify ______
Age Percentage
Youth (up to 18) ______%
Adult (19 – 50) ______%
Elderly (over 50) ______%
Gender Percentage
Male ______%
Female ______%
Other ______%
F. Organizational Diversity and Gender
Please denote diversity and gender composition for the following positions:
Board / Staff / VolunteersFemale I Male / Female I Male / Female I Male
Asian Pacific
African American
Native American
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North Carolina Governor’s Crime Commission
DV/SA Service Plan