Department: Business Education
Course: Sports and Entertainment Marketing
Teacher:Ms. Fetta
Phone: 516-488-9622
Thiscourse will introduce students to the world of sports and entertainment marketing. Products, name logo recognition, patents, copyrights, branding, trademarks, and its economic impact will be covered. Other topics will include mascots, slogans, location, demographics, endorsements, product licensing, and the effect of sports media.
Students will learn how to advertise and market within the music, television, movie, fashion, and theatre industries. In addition, they will also explore careers in sports and entertainment marketing.
q Marketing and Sports & Entertainment
Marketing, economics of marketing, types of entertainment businesses
q Sports Entertainment: Connections and Contrasts
History of sports and entertainment marketing, similarities in marketing, differences in marketing
q Sports & Entertainment Marketing
Sports marketing profile, categories of sports, marketing the team
q Sports & Entertainment Products
The consumer and sports products, economic impact of sports marketing, types of entertainment products, media product marketing
q Sports & Entertainment Marketing Mix
Product design, pricing, place, and promotion strategies
q Sports & Entertainment Market Research and Outlets
The research process, the outlets- place decision, targeting entertainment markets, research methods
q Branding and Licensing
Branding, licensing, images, licensing, royalties
q Sports & Entertainment Promotion
Planning the promotion, advertising and sales promotion, public relations and personal selling, promotional mix
q Sports & Entertainment Marketing Plans and Careers
The marketing plan, sports and entertainment marketing careers
q Arrive on time and be in your seats when the bell rings.
q You MUST have a notebook and folder or a binder and bring it EVERY DAY!!! This can be shared with other classes as long as it stays organized!
q Come to class prepared and ready to work each day- with a binder/notebook, folder, and pen/pencil. If unprepared, your class participation grade will be reduced as a result.
q Make up all missed work within one day of the absence (including tests). You are responsible for getting missed class notes from your buddy/team.
q Disrespect to the teacher or other students will NOT be tolerated!!
q Three (3) latenesses to class are equal to one cut and the proper cutting procedure will be followed.
q A “0” will be averaged into your grade if you cut on the day an assignment is due.
q Assignments that are turned in late will receive deductions. If an agreed upon extension is not met, you will receive a “0,” NO EXCEPTIONS!
q Unless instructed, cellular phones are not permitted. If seen during class time, one warning will be issued. Subsequent cell phone sightings will result in the phone being confiscated and returned only after a parent/guardian has been contacted.
q Tests/Projects 50%
q Quizzes 20%
q Homework/Classwork 20%
q Participation 10%
Business Honor Society Qualifications
q Must be enrolled in a full year Business Education course.
q Must have a minimum of 90% average for all marking periods.
q Must keep a 90% average to maintain membership.
q Must participate in Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA).