SCPD Faculty/TA User Guide Outline


Link to

Faculty/TA User Guide

SCPD Students

Degree types




Delivery types

Managing Student Work

Distribution handouts


Map & Sites List

Picking up


Class list

Website/Course Description

Course Advisors


Communication with Technicians

Camera Orientation

Visual Guidelines

Audio Guidelines

Clothing Guidelines

Audio Visual Services

Practice & Review Sessions


Tape Aheads



Sharing ideas


  1. Copy order form
  2. Video copyright clearance
  3. Guest speaker video release
  4. Route form

Welcome to the StanfordCenter for Professional Development User Guide.

The StanfordCenter for Professional Development provides a link between the academic research at the University and cutting edge leaders in industry. It is this relationship of research, development, and education which makes Stanford a leader in the field.

Teaching and supporting students you can’t see may necessitate some alterations in presentation. SCPD is committed to helping faculty members and teaching assistants deliver courses to distance students with the level of academic excellence for which Stanford is renowned.

This user guide will provide the information and examples you need to prepare for, present, and manage a course that will be effective for both your distance and onsite students. If you have further questions, or encounter difficulties in any of these areas, please contact SCPD immediately. We are here to help.

Click below to find information about:

  • SCPD Students
  • Presentation Guidelines
  • Best Practices
  • Practice and Review Sessions
  • Managing SCPD student assignments and course documents
  • SCPD Contact information
  • Forms
  • Discussion board forums
  • Did you find what you were looking for in the SCPD Handbook?

SPCD Students

SCPD students are industry professionals who pursue a course of study through one of three enrollment options: the Honors Coop program, the Non-Degree Option and Auditors.

Students in the Honors Coop Program (HCP)

  • Accepted through the regular department application process for graduate degree programs
  • Study on part-time basis and at a distance
  • Majority pursue Master’s degrees with a few in Engineer and Doctoral programs
  • Same University privileges as on-campus students
  • Can attend classes on campus if class is not available at a distance

Students in the Non-Degree Option (NDO)

  • Must meet same course requirements as degree students
  • Complete all homework, assignments and projects
  • Professor/department reviews transcript to determine admission into a specific course
  • Must apply for each requested course
  • Courses may count towards one of over 25 academic certificates for professional development
  • Receive Stanford computer accounts, access to Green and Terman libraries


  • View classes and receive course materials
  • No commitment to provide academic interaction with auditors

Depending upon where the distance students work, they are categorized as either local or remote students.

Local Students

  • Work at member companies within 50 miles
  • Participate in classes primarily via television broadcast and Stanford Online
  • Expected to keep pace with the class and turn in assignments, projects and exams on the same schedule as on campus students.
  • May come to campus for exams or have them administered at the member company site

Remote Students

  • Students further than 50 miles away from campus
  • Participate in classes via Stanford Online, videoconferencing and videotape
  • Expected to submit coursework on the same due date as on-campus students, with some consideration for delays in delivery

SCPD Delivery Systems:

At the time of enrollment SCPD students choose from among several delivery options.

Stanford Online

  • Delivers courses on the Web via streaming video for both low and high bandwidth end-users
  • Courses are posted to the Internet within two hours of the live class


  • SCPD broadcasts courses, both live and tape-delayed, through microwave technology
  • Member companies within approximately 50 miles can receive the broadcast
  • Telephone talkback system is available for students in worksite classrooms to ask questions and contribute directly to class

Two-way video

  • SCPD students can choose to participate in classes via two-way video


  • Available only through special arrangement, SCPD sends students videotapes of classes
  • Delays participation in class
  • Four to seven extra days (professor’s discretion) to return completed coursework

Managing Online Students’ assignments and exams

Managing an online student’s coursework is simple once you understand the process. The following section details the process of distributing handouts and exams to distance learners, and receipt of completed homework and exams from those students. SCPD does most of the work for you; it’s just a matter of filling out the right forms and paying attention to the drop-off times and locations.

SCPD sends course materials and videotapes to company sites daily. In turn, we receive completed work from the students daily. SCPD Distribution date-stamps and logs all materials sent to and received from students.

MAIN HEADERS of this section:


Picking up handouts AND exams (link to)

Management of Exams (link to)

SCPDon campus distribution sites (link to)





Bottom of every page?

Problems? Concerns? Please contact SCPD Distribution at (650) 725-3015

Or email us at blah blah.


We need copies of your class materials! Even if you have posted your handouts on the web, please provide SCPD with hard copies or links to the materials, as some students may have trouble downloading the materials. We can print and provide copies for them if they have any problems receiving materials.

Provide SCPD with all master copy handouts:

  • via EMAIL (need email address here)
  • On Campus Courier (link to list of sites)
  • SCPD Distribution Office, Durand 4th Floor, Room 410.

SCPD will also make copies of handouts and exams for all students, both on campus and distance. Handout distribution notables:

  • Copy Order Form: All handouts must have an SCPD Copy Order Form attached (link here to copy order form)
  • Fair Warning:Handouts should be given to SCPD at least 2 days in advance so the distance learners are sure to receive the materials before the class.


need to create this!!

The following is an SCPD distribution timetable:

******create a distribution timetable here instead of writing it all out************

  • Handouts to be copied must be in the designated area every day before 1:00pm.
  • If you miss the 1:00pm pick up, you have until 2:45pm to bring the handouts directly to theSCPD Distribution office: Durand, 4th floor, Room 410.
  • If you miss both of these deadlines, you can take the materials to the Pulse Copy Shop at Tresidder for copying withearly morning delivery to SCPD Distribution, 4th floor of Durand.
  • Handouts copied by SCPD for on-campus students will be delivered to the designated areas around 8:30am for pick up every morning.

Picking up handouts AND exams:

Students return homework and exams to SCPD, or, if instructed to do so, directly to the professor or TA. If received by SCPD, Distribution will date-stamp and log the receipt of the homework or exam and distribute received material to the professor through the department via Campus Courier at 1:00pm daily.

If you advise students on SCPD logistics, please make sure that students know the following:

  • Fax homework, exams, and other coursework to SCPD Distribution at:
  • (650) 736-1266 or(650) 725-4138.
  • Completed homework or exams sent to SCPD via fax or mail must have the following information:
  • ROUTE FORM: available here:
  • Student’s name on every page
  • Course number on every page
  • Total number of pages being faxed

If you don’t receive an assignment or exam from a distance student, do not assume they have dropped the course without first consulting with SCPD. It may be that their homework has been lost in the shuffle. An email to the student or a call to SCPD will help get to the root of the problem.

Management of Exams

SCPD students are now required to identify an exam monitor and file an Exam Monitor Form with SCPD at the beginning of the quarter. An exam monitor may be the educational coordinator at the site, the student’s manager, or Human Resources personnel. The monitor is contacted by SCPD Distribution to make arrangements around delivery, monitoring, and return of exams.

  • All distance students must fill out an Exam Monitor Form (link to the exam monitor form), even if the professor requests that local students come to campus for exams.


Pickup and Delivery of Course Materials: Daily at 1:00pm

Materials received after 1:00pm will be delivered the next day.

Building / Floor / Room / Additional Information
Durand / 3rd / AA Office Area / From elevator, go left, straight to end of hallway
Durand / 3rd / SCPD / Lobby & Registration
Durand / Basement / Hallway / At end of hallway, look for cabinet in corner, retrieve and put mail in appropriate folders
Terman / 2nd / Copy room / Next to Room 259
Terman / 4th / Room 465 / Access code is 315
Bldg 500 / Lobby / Outside reception / As you walk in
Bldg 530 / Lobby / Outside reception / As you walk in
CIS / Lobby / Behind front desk / As you walk in
Packard / 1st / Reception / See Vicky Carillo
Packard / 2nd / Room 213
Packard / 3rd / Room 366
Gates / 1st / Room 169
Gates / 3rd / Room 377

SCPD Class List

Blurb here about the class list

SCPD student class lists include only SCPD students

  • At the beginning of the quarter, SCPD Registration sends two copies of the preliminary class list to the professor’s administrative support person
  • After the SCPD financial deadline date, a final class list is sent

Information on the SCPD class list

  • Name and contact information (email, phone)
  • Company where employed
  • Location as local (within 50 miles of campus) or remote
  • Type of student/enrollment option (HCP, NDO, Auditor)
  • Course delivery method for the student: Broadcast, Videotape, Online, Videoconference

SCPD Website Course Descriptions

  • Please review the SCPD course descriptions for your course and send any updates and corrections to
  • SCPD students rely on the course descriptions found on the SCPD website to select courses because they do not have the same avenues as on campus students to learn about courses (i.e. department flyers, discussion with professors and fellow students)
  • SCPD students are less likely to know about special course requirements (i.e. team requirements, special department sign up procedures, required on campus labs)

Setting up a Course Webpage

For help in setting up a course website, please contact Jeremy Sabol at the Center for Teaching and Learning: 5-4164,

SCPD Course Advisors

  • Graduate students in the Computer Science and Electrical Engineering departments provide course advising services to SCPD distance learners in those departments
  • Links to course advisor websites can be found on the SCPD Home Page


This section contains guidelines for how to insure that your class is most effectively captured on camera. We’re not out to win an Oscar, but we can help you make sure that your distance students get an experience as close to the real thing as possible. You can find detailed information by clicking the links below.

  • Communication with the technical crew
  • Before class
  • During class
  • Contact information
  • Classroom cameras
  • Rear
  • Overhead
  • Visual guidelines
  • General
  • PowerPoint
  • Notepads
  • Chalkboards
  • Handouts
  • Font size demonstration
  • Audio guidelines
  • Clothing Guidelines
  • Audio/Visual Services
  • Additional Technology
  • Copyright Releases
  • Videotapes/DVDs
  • Guest Speakers

Communication with the technical crew

Good communication with the crew usually results in a smoother presentation for the students.

  • Before class
  • Allow for about ten minutes prior to your lecture to discuss the format of your presentation with the technical crew. You might want to discuss:
  • Visuals you intend to use
  • Microphone placement
  • Special instructions
  • During class
  • If you experience a problem or need to give an instruction, simply speak into the microphone and address the technician. They are there to help from start to finish.
  • Contact information
  • SCPD broadcasting or classrooms:

Brian Cabbab, (650) 725-3005, [email protected]

  • Stanford Online:

Anton Chiang, (650) 723-4239,

Classroom cameras

Your SCPD classroom is equipped with cameras to deliver your lecture on television and online. Here’s what you can do to help the crew present your lecture at its best.

Rear Cameras

Rear cameras record the instructor, chalkboard, screen, and students

  • When finished writing on the board, step aside to let the camera photograph it.
  • When using multiple boards, point to the one about which you are speaking.

Overhead Camera

The overhead camera records images which are displayed on students’ television and computer screens, as well as projected on the screen in the classroom. It replaces traditional overhead projectors, which interfere with a quality video presentation.

Tips for good overhead camera images:

  • Place all information on horizontally oriented (‘landscape’) 8"1/2 x 11" pieces of paper
  • Leave a one-inch border all the way around the page
  • Use large print (24-point font or larger).
  • Use the special pens and notepads provided for notes that you write during class.

Visual guidelines


Personal computers with Internet access are available in each of our studio/classrooms for presentations and demonstrations.

Please email an electronic copy of all visuals – PowerPoint presentation, graphics, handouts – to SCPD for inclusion on Stanford Online. Send them to .


We recommend use of PowerPoint (preferred) or .pdf or .ps whenever possible. When creating your slides, please keep the following tips in mind:

  • Font Size: Use 28 point type for body text.
  • Font Type: Use bold print with upper and lower case letters.
  • Colors: Keep it simple: Light colored text on dark background work best.


SCPD provides a notepad for making notes on television, captured by the overhead camera.

When using a notepad and the overhead camera for presentation:

  • Use the yellow notepads and the felt pens that are provided
  • Except when writing, keep your hands/pen off the notepad
  • Print rather than using cursive
  • Write large and legibly


To communicate clearly using the classroom chalkboard:

  • Use the large, yellow chalk that is provided
  • Write on one board at a time
  • Print rather than using cursive
  • Write large and legibly
  • When you have finished writing, move away from the board


Remember that handouts (like overheads) will be photographed by the overhead camera and displayed on screen. Be sure to:

  • Orient handouts in landscape (as opposed to portrait) format
  • Make any marks on your handouts with the felt pens provided rather than ball-point pens.
  • Keep the handouts clear of pens and hands so that the camera view is not blocked.

Font sizes

Typically font sizes 24-36 look best in the online environment.

Audio guidelines

Distance students are listening to the class through television and computer speakers. They can only hear what is captured by the microphone. To help them get the same experience as your in class students you can:

  • Speak clearly
  • Repeat student questions before answering them
  • Give students a microphone when they are speaking

Clothing Guidelines

High contrast clothing creates a moire pattern that can be distracting. Jewelry on the writing hand creates spikes in the video signal.

To dress for best picture quality, please wear:

  • Solid colored (not white) clothing
  • If wearing patterns, choose those with low contrast colors (i.e. similar shades of the same color)

Audio/Visual Services

Additional Technology

The following technology is available in SCPD classrooms with 24 hours advance notice:

  • 35mm slide projection
  • overhead projection
  • videotape playbacks (VHS/SP mode)
  • Macintosh computer

VGA connections are also available in each of the studios/classrooms to connect PC or Mac Laptops.

Please call Brian Cabbab at (650)725-3005 with your specific requests. If you do not contact us at least 24 hours in advance, we cannot guarantee that these services will be available.

Copyright Releases


Videotapes shown in televised classes must have signed releases (see attached form) or written authorization from the copyright holder.

You do not need to deliver your videotape to SCPD prior to your presentation, simply give 24 hours advance notice and bring it with you on the day of your lecture. VHS tapes must be in Standard Play (SP) and cued to the proper point. Bring the signed release or authorization with you and deliver it to the technical crew before the lecture. *UNAUTHORIZED FILMS OR VIDEOTAPES WILL NOT BE AIRED BY SCPD*