Chapter L.
In this monograph two groups of premises are confronted. On one hand, theoretical premises are presented in chapters G to J, which highlight the central importance of Oscillatory Chambers for all Magnocraft-like space vehicles. An example of these can be the presentation from subsection G2.2 which reveals that Oscillatory Chambers are placed on both edges of the living compartment, thus practically they must be seen from almost every cabin of the Magnocraft. On the other hand this treatise also contains some empirical premises which show that our planet is continually visited by some extraterrestrial civilizations that already have operational Magnocraft. An example of these is the formal proof addressed in chapter K which reveals that UFOs are already operational Magnocraft. Combining both these groups of premises allows for the proposal of the thesis of this chapter which directly reinforces the main thesis of the monograph. The thesis of this chapter states that: "The Oscillatory Chamber is already utilized in UFOs as their power source (propulsor) and energy storage". The deductions that follow in the further parts of this chapter are to prove the truth of this thesis.
The proof that UFOs utilize the Oscillatory Chamber as their propulsor is easy to provide. It only requires the collecting of evidence that the Oscillatory Chamber is included in the structure of these vehicles, and then arranging this evidence according to the methodology of "matching attributes" already described in subsection K1. Subsections that follow contain such evidence in plenty.
The more difficult task is to prove that UFOs do not use any fuel for their operation, and that their entire energy supply is stored in the form of a magnetic field (i.e. circulating flux) within the arrangements of Oscillatory Chambers called here twinchamber capsules. To complete this proof it is necessary to provide evidence that the Oscillatory Chambers of discoidal UFOs are in fact arranged into twinchamber capsules whose circulating flux allows the storage of huge amounts of energy. (Thus also to indirectly prove that the circulating flux trapped in UFOs within their twin-chamber capsules performs the function which is an equivalent to the fuel from "fuel tanks" of our present vehicles.) Fortunately, the author has managed to find extensive evidence which documents this as well, including statements of UFOnauts themselves, who confirmed verbally on a number of occasions that the devices which are identified here as twin-chamber capsules, in UFOs perform the function of propulsion and energy storage.
To prove the truth of the thesis of this chapter, the author completed largescale investigations aimed at identifying the evidence required. As a result, numerous facts have been established, all of which indicate the longstanding and continuous use of Oscillatory Chambers on Earth by some advanced civilizations. These facts can be classified into the following categories:
1. Contemporary observations and photographs of the Oscillatory Chambers used in the propulsors of UFOs.
2. Material evidence left on Earth that originates from the Oscillatory Chambers of UFOs.
3. Mythological references to devices which can be interpreted as Oscillatory Chambers.
4. Historic descriptions of devices which seem to represent the ancient version of the Oscillatory Chamber.
The first subsections of this chapter present the evidence from each subsequent category in support of the thesis. The conclusion is presented in the last subsection.
L1. Contemporary observations and photographs of Oscillatory Chambers used in UFO propulsors
According to the previously mentioned proof from chapter K, which states that UFOs are already operational Magnocraft, the most noticeable components of every UFO spacecraft should be the arrangements of Oscillatory Chambers constituting the propulsors and the energy storage for this vehicle. These arrangements should be seen by every human visitor entering a UFO deck, as well as seen by on-the-ground observers of a flying UFO. Moreover, the magnetic field produced by UFO Oscillatory Chambers should affect the environment in a manner that is unique for these devices. The four separate categories of evidence originating from the above sources, which all confirm the presence of Oscillatory Chambers in UFOs, are presented in the subsequent subsections. Notice that in this chapter only the evidence which concerns the arrangement of the Oscillatory Chambers utilized in discoidal UFOs and called the twinchamber capsule is presented (see the description of the twinchamber capsule contained in subsections F6.1. and G1). The use of the arrangements of Oscillatory Chambers called spider configurations by UFOs is discussed in chapter M.
L1.1. Columns of magnetic field yield from UFO propulsors are square in the crosssection
The columns of magnetic field yielded from the propulsors of a UFO must reflect the shape of the device that produced them. If these columns are yielded by Oscillatory Chambers, they must be square in the crosssection. Thus they would differ from the circular columns of the field yielded by any other device that may possibly have produced them (e.g. electromagnets). As it is a relatively easy task to recognize the shape of the columns of magnetic field yield by UFOs, this provides the first opportunity to detect whether these extraterrestrial spacecraft in fact use the Oscillatory Chamber.
The easiest way of recognizing the shape of the field's columns yielded by propulsors of a UFO is to observe the so-called "black bars" formed from this field. (The formation of these black bars is described in subsection G3.4). These black bars must exactly reflect the shape of the field's columns and therefore when these columns are produced by square Oscillatory Chambers they must also be square in the crosssection. The best configuration of UFOs to observe these bars are so-called "semi-attached configurations" and "detached configurations" - see configurations #3 and #4 in Figure G6. So far a number of photographs were already published which show these configurations of UFOs, two of which are shown in Figure L1. One of the most clear of these is a series of colour photographs of a UFO configuration flying at a low height, taken on 16 June 1963 by Paul Villa of Alberquerque, New Mexico, USA. Probably the best reproduction of these photographs was published in one of the early edition of the OMNI magazine (most probably a 1979 edition). Some of them were also reproduced in colour in [1L1.1] "The Unexplained" magazine, Vol 1, No 1, 1980, page 10; in the book [2L1.1] by Allan Hendry (Foreword by J. Allen Hynek): "The UFO Handbook" (Sphere Books Limited, London, England, 1980) page 210; and in the book [3L1.1] by David C. Knight: "UFOs: A Pictorial History from Antiquity to the Present" (McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1221 Avenue of Americas, New York, NY 10020, USA, New York - St. Louis - San Francisco, 1980, ISBN 0-07-035103-1) pages 110-111. The UFO captured on Villa's photographs represents a detached configuration formed from two vehicles type K7. The outlines of the lower vehicle, flying in a reversed position, are wrapped into a magnetic lens therefore this lower vehicle can be seen only partially. On high quality copies of these photographs eleven "black bars" which run between the facing outlets from side propulsors of the upper and lower vehicle are clearly visible. Unfortunately, the shape of these bars is difficult to determine from Villa's photographs. But it is quite well described by some eye witnesses as it is explained below. Another good example of a photograph (originally also in colour) of two UFOs type K7, but this time flying in a telekinetic convention, is published in the magazine [4L1.1] "The Unexplained. Mysteries of Mind, Space & Time", Volume 1, Issue 1, 1980, page 4. Both vehicles are also joined with each other in a detached configuration. It is shown in Figure O1.
In the majority of visual UFO observations the shape of the black bars seen at the outlets from propulsors was not determined. However, there is still a number of such cases when the witnesses took special notice of this shape, and remember it exactly. In all these cases the black bars appear to be square. Let us now review examples of such observations the documentation of which has come into the files of the author of this treatise.
On 12 July 1981 Mrs and Mr Thew (50 King Street, Temuka near Timaru, New Zealand) witnessed two UFOs hovering over their home, which were coupled together in the socalled detached configuration. The observed configuration was identical to the one shown on the photograph from Figure L1. In the Temuka vehicle however, because of a different angle of observation, the shape of the second, inverted spacecraft was not warped by the action of a magnetic lens, and therefore this lower spacecraft was as clearly visible as the upper one. Mrs and Mr Thew saw the black bars and very definitely noted that they were square in the crosssection.
In the book [5L1.1] Joshua Strickland: "There are aliens on earth! Encounters". Grosset & Dunlop, New York, 1979, ISBN 0448150786, page 11 an illustration of the semiattached configuration of two UFOs which kidnapped a Brazilian soldier named José Antonio da Silva is published see Figure L2. The black bars observed on this vehicle were clearly indicated to be square in the crosssection.
One of the most objective types of evidence confirming the square cross-section of columns of magnetic field yield by UFOs are the scorched marks left on the ground by these vehicles during their landings. Such marks, in this monographs called "UFO landing sites", usually take the shape of a ring with a single scorched patch in the centre. (A more detailed description of these marks is provided in subsection K2.3.) When a UFO lands in an inverted position, the outlet from its main propulsor almost touches the ground. In such a case, if the vehicle's field remains non-whirling, a central mark scorched on the ground by this propulsor must correspond to the shape of a column of magnetic field yield from this propulsor. The author has investigated a number of marks resulting from such UFO landings, and in fact has discovered sites which contain a clearly burnt square mark in their centre. An example of such a site is shown in Figure L3 (compare the central mark from this Figure with the outlines of the twinchamber capsule shown in Figure F5 "b" and in photograph from Figure L5). The existence of these permanently burnt square marks in UFO landing sites provides vital material evidence in support of the thesis of this chapter.
L1.2. Outlets of UFO propulsors are square and reveal gold or yellow bands of electric sparks rotating inside
The shape of the columns of the magnetic field yielded by UFOs can also be recognized from the observations of layers of ionized air that glows at the outlets of vehicles' propulsors, or from the outlines of the propulsors' contours. The evidence from the subsection that follows documents this aspect.
The most objective source of information regarding the shape of layers of air ionized at outlets from UFO propulsors are photographs of these extraterrestrial vehicles taken in circumstances especially good for capturing the glow of this air, i.e. during photographing from underneath, when the light is dimmed (e.g. in evening), when the air is humid (e.g. tropical) and thus supporting the ionization, and in the case when the vehicle's field is stationary (i.e. non-whirling). A number of such photographs was already published. The best of these is a photograph of a UFO type K3 which on 3 January 1979 hovered motionlessly over Butterworth in Malaysia. This photograph was published in the newspaper [1L1.2]National Echo, of Penang, Malaysia, 4 January 1979 edition. It was subsequently reproduced in the [2L1.2]Mufon UFO Journal, February 1980 edition, page 8. The original reproduction of this photograph was impossible to obtain, therefore in this monograph the author shows only the newspaper reproduction of it - see Figure K4. Unfortunately, from this reproduction it is impossible to determine what shape exactly the outlets from UFO propulsors have (presumably this is because the field of the vehicle was spinning during taking this photograph).
Much better opportunity for determining this shape came from a photograph taken by a New Zealand fisherman named Norman Neilson (Motunau Beach, North Canterbury, New Zealand). On October 1979 he took a slide photograph of his newly-purchased fishing boat. But by chance in addition to the boat he also captured a K5 type UFO in which the areas of ionized air at the outlets from the side propulsors of this spacecraft are clearly visible. His photograph, presented in Figure J18 of monograph [1], is similar to the one shown in Figure K4, but the base of a UFO is captured under a slightly sharper angle. A former Air Force photography expert, the late Fred Dickenson of Timaru, New Zealand, conducted some research on the Motunau UFO picture. His enlargements revealed that the columns of a magnetic field yield from the outlets of the side propulsors of the spacecraft display the features characteristic for the square shape in the crosssection. The above mentioned photograph and its enlargement have been published in the [3L1.2] "Xenolog UFO Magazine" (New Zealand), no 122, January/March 1980, pp. 1012.
In the book [4L1.2] David Wallechinsky and Irving Wallace, "The People's Almanac #2", A Bantam Book, Inc., New York 1978, ISBN 0553011375, page 599, there is the description of a landed UFO observed by Mr Gabriel Gachignard, a customs official from Marignane Airport (France). He noticed the square shape of forms which he took to be windows, but which in fact were layers of air ionized by the pulsating magnetic field at the outlets of the vehicle's side propulsors. Here is the relevant quotation from [4L1.2], which describes Gachignard's UFO observation:
"It had the shape of a football, he recalls, with very pointed ends. He estimated the object's dimensions to be 3 ft. high and 15 ft. long {i.e. around 0.9 and 4.5 metres}. The underside was in a shadow, but along the top was a row of four SQUARE windows, from which emanated a pulsating light, ghostly and soft, which changed colours from bluish to greenish in a sort of throbbing pattern."
Note that in this quotation, as well as in all others cited in this monograph, in the wavy brackets {like so} the author's explanatory commentaries not present in the original text are included.
To make the above quotation more understandable, perhaps it is worth presenting the formal interpretation of this sighting, prepared on the basis of the Theory of the Magnocraft. This interpretation states that because of the prevailing darkness Mr Gachignard saw only the upper surface of two side flanges in a spherical complex formed from two transparent UFOs type K3. (The manner of forming such a complex is presented in Figures G7 and K2, whereas the exact shape of single vehicles that were combined into this complex is illustrated in Figure G4). This complex was slightly slanted towards the observer, in order to adjust the positioning of its propulsors to the local inclination angle of the Earth's magnetic field. Due to this slanting the outlines of its flange took the oval appearance, similar to a rugby ball. The transparent body of the vehicle, namely its two domes containing crew cabins, was hidden from the sight in darkness. The orientation of the vehicle allowed the witness to see the outlets from four side propulsors (outlets from the remaining four side propulsors were hidden behind the unseen crew cabin of the upper vehicle).
On 20th January 1982, Mr Wayne Lockwood of Wanganui, New Zealand, was momentarily dazzled by a beam of white light emitted from the centre of a UFO hovering over him. It is known from the Theory of the Magnocraft that such a light is produced when the Oscillatory Chamber is turned into a kind of fluorescent bulb (see subsection G1.3). Therefore the outlet of the device which produces this beam of light should be definitely square-shaped. Mr Lockwood looked up to the source of light and noted clearly that it was square in contour. His case was investigated by Mrs Carol Thompson (104 Hillcrest Road, Hamilton, New Zealand) who prepared a report on his sighting.
On 23 July 1981 at 10:30 PM Mr James L. McCabe (49 Highland Avenue, Dover, New Jersey, USA) observed for about 20 seconds a metallic object approaching his home at the height of approximately 500 metres. On the upper surface of this UFO he noticed some RECTANGULAR-shaped forms which he described as windows or port-holes made of magnifying lenses. They were set back from the surface in two steps similar to graduations. The left form had an irregular band of YELLOW light running down and around the edges of its central part. The description of Mr McCabe's sighting is published in [5L1.2] the April-May 1983 issue of the "CUFOS Associate Newsletter", pages 4 to 5. If to analyse what actually was observed, the McCabe's description of the above forms corresponds perfectly to the facing surfaces of the twinchamber capsules from the side propulsors of the observed UFO, operating in the mode of inner flux prevalence see Figure F5 (a). The impression of magnifying and dislocation was probably caused by the light being bent by the circulating flux yield from the outer chamber.
L1.3. Twinchamber capsules formed from two Oscillatory Chambers are frequently observed in UFOs and even photographed