Protocol: Advanced Practice Nursing / Effective Date / Month/Year
Service Line: / Add appropriate service line here / Supersedes / Month/Year
Add name of protocol here in bold
Key Words: For search purposes, add appropriate key words
Practice Site Location(s)
VUH / Children’s / DOT / VMG Off-site locations / VMG / VPH / Other
Developed & Approved by
Name: Date
Title: / Name: Date
Name: Date
Title: / Name: Date
Table of Contents
I. Population: 1
II. Indications: 1
III. Definitions: 2
IV. Additional Competencies Required: 2
V. Assessment: 2
VI. Diagnostic Data: 2
VII. Differential Diagnosis: 3
VIII. Goals of Treatment: 3
IX. Intervention/Treatment: 3
X. Complications: 4
XI. Medications by Formulary: 4
XII. References: 4
I. Population:
Define target patient population here
II. Indications:
Insert brief statement regarding indication(s) for use of protocol.
III. Definitions:
A. Insert definitions here if indicated for this protocol
B. If there are no definitions, write “None” in this section.
IV. Additional Competencies Required:
A. Insert competency detail here if indicated for this protocol.
B. If there are no Additional Competencies Required, write “None” in this section.
V. Assessment:
A. Physical Exam: describe typical physical exam findings for disease process
B. History: describe typical history findings for disease process
VI. Diagnostic Data:
Describe typical diagnostic data to be obtained (lab, radiology, other diagnostics)
VII. Differential Diagnosis:
List other possible diagnoses requiring “rule out” and/or further evaluation.
VIII. Goal(s) of Treatment:
Expected outcomes related to treatment of disease process
IX. Intervention/Treatment:
A. List specific interventions and treatments
B. Include criteria for when to consult physician:
X. Complications:
List specific complications for disease process and treatment; include monitoring criteria and specific interventions for complications
XI. Medications by Formulary:
List medications by formulary typically used in conjunction with this procedure (include pre-procedure medications and discharge medications)
XII. References:
List relevant references used in the development of the protocol
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