Honors Algebra 2
Mrs. Bowe
Please visit the following google form to submit completion of this syllabus: https://goo.gl/forms/zcJiTBtE6NMW2Hv03
Textbook and Materials:
· Textbook: Prentice Hall Mathematics, Algebra 2
· Online Textbook Resources: The textbook provides an on-line component
with valuable review exercises, games, Powerpoints, and other resources.
· Graphing Calculator: TI-84, TI-84 Plus, TI-84 Plus Silver Edition
are all acceptable and compatible with our coursework, PSSAs,
SATs, ACTs, and any other standardized exam.
· 3 ring binder with loose-leaf paper and graph paper available.
· Composition Notebook
Tests/Quizzes: Assessments will be comprised of unit tests, quizzes, and problem sets. Tests will be cumulative and you may see questions on topics from previous exams. This is to ensure that you do not forget previous material learned. Note that these assessments will be challenging! The course is designed for students to apply knowledge to new situations, not just regurgitate old information.
Corrections Policy: For every assessment that you finish (quiz or test), you will have the opportunity to earn some points completing corrections. These 10 points are separate from your actual test. Correction guidelines MUST be followed in order to receive credit. Guidelines are available on our class website.
Homework: There will be written practice problems to review class material presented. I will check homework every so often (unannounced). If you do not have the homework completed, you will lose points. No late credit will be offered. Please check the answer keys online on our class calendar. I will address any questions either the next day in class or after school (by appointment only). You are expected to complete all homework! Daily practice is essential in algebra in order to achieve mastery.
Projects: There will be two major projects during the second and fourth marking periods. They will emphasize applications of various Algebra 2 topics.
Grading will be done on a points system. Your grade each marking period will be earned points divided by total points offered.
**Grades should be checked on home access frequently.**
**If you feel that a mistake was made, please see me about any problems immediately.**
Absentee Policy:
If you are absent, you can get the work you missed from your class folder or printed from our online school calendar. You are responsible for getting class notes and homework assignments from a fellow student, reading the textbook, researching the topics yourself, and checking answer keys online. If you need extra help, I am available after school (by appointment only).
If you miss a test during your absence, or are absent the day before a test, be prepared to complete the test on the day you return to school or within one week of your return to school (depending on the circumstances). You are in high school and will be treated and respected as the responsible young adults that you are.
This is the best way to keep in touch with me and your classmates regarding our class assignments, quizzes, and material. If you would like to be a part of this program, please text the following information:
2nd period: text @kde4ak to 81010 7th period: text @hk376 to 81010
Your phone number is never displayed or accessible to anyone through this program.
I am here to help you fulfill your potential in this course. Please be prepared to work every day and put forth your best effort at all times. I am very much looking forward to getting to know each of you and having a successful and fun class!