Work report for the month of October 2006

Work Details:

On 1/10/06, Sunday

On 2/10/06, Gandhi Jayanthi- Ayudha Pooja Celebration

On 3/10/06, Site visit- I and Sathya visited Annai Trust Orphanage home, Karapakkam (second visit) and interacted with the children.

On 4/10/06, Web pages updated for Annai Trust

On 5/10/06, Suicide farmers site visit report

On 6/10/06, Separate plan made for each coordinator for the 386 villages site visit

On 7/10/06, Orissa Site visit preparation was made. For two projects in orissa for Asha Stanford Chapter

On 8/10/06, Teleconference- we had our weekly teleconference to discuss our work and the progress of work.

On 9/10/06, Orissa Site visit started

On 10/10/06,Reached Mahila vikas Project night 10.30

On 11/10/06, Spend Whole day in Mahila vikas projects. Seeing more than 10 villages

On 12/10/06, Moved to Bhuneshwar for the next site visit IRDMS.

On 13/10/06, Whole day in the project area.

On 14/10/06,Full days in the project area seeing around 8 villages in Bhuneshwar.

On 15/10/06, Reached Chennai after the Orissa site visit

On 16/10/06, Photos uploaded to the web page after the site visit to orissa.

On 17/10/06, Had a teleconference with Arjun from Asha Stanford.

On 18/10/06,Irdms Report prepared

On 19/10/06,Had a Phone call with Mohit from Asha Stansford and also preparing the site visit report. Went to Project pride school.

On 20/10/06, Site visit report for both IRDMS and Mahila Vikas was made

On21/10/06, Diwalifestival enjoying the new release movies

On 22/10/06, Sunday

On 23/10/06,Scanned photos uploaded in the webpage.

On 24/10/06, Went to bank for taking cash for the various projects and also vouchers prepared

On 25/10/06, Vouchers prepared for various projects. And went for the visit for various projects and had a Teleconference with Arjun from Asha Stansford for the project Mahila Vikas.

On 26/10/06, went to project pride and had a meeting with Principal Magerete

On 27/10/06, Went to bank to see the income and expenses for various projects.

On 28/10/06, WebPages updated in asha home for various projects

On 29/10/06, Documentation for expenses made in various projects

On 30/10/06, verifying the accounts and the vouchers for various projects

On 31/10/06,Went to Project Pride and also Had a meeting with the principal Magerete to Know the status and the students activities.

“All the Great things are simple, and many can be expressed ‘in a Single Word: Freedom; Justice; honor; Duty;

Mercy; Hope”…….

N.Raj JebaDurai

Asha Honor